Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1588: : Give up the old face and ask for each other (1 more)

"Hey, mom knows Dele! That is, your aunt is talking about Liang Huan's going to school. If she wants to talk about other things, she ran back to the village a hundred times and flooded your grandpa and grandma's graves with tears. I won't care. Her."

Xia Xiaolan believed what Liu Fen said categorically.

Liang Huan's girl is quite arrogant, and she owes her mouth, which is really unpleasant.

Said it was a cousin, Xia Xiaolan did not have a deep relationship with her. Just because Fan Zhenchuan wanted to marry her, Xia Xiaolan **** Liang Huan to frighten him. At that time, Liang Bingan and Liu Fang thought that Xia Xiaolan really wiped Liang Huan's neck, and the couple peeed in fright. Flowing, Liang Huan also peeed on his pants.

I have been in contact with that twice.

In terms of familiarity, it is better than her and Xia Ziyu.

Of course, the familiarity of Xia Xiaolan and Xia Ziyu is basically all hatred.

On the contrary, Liang Huan’s younger brother, Liang Yu, is totally different from Liang Huan. He has a sweet mouth and is polite. Xia Xiaolan also found it strange that the same parents actually taught two completely different children.

Xia Xiaolan's thinking is similar to Liu Fen's. They have broken off contact with Liu Fang. Liang Huan has the ability and future, and they will never suppress it.

But Liang Huan has to count on Xia Xiaolan... Sorry, Xia Xiaolan is not so generous. Not only is she not forgetful, she has a very good memory!

It was at night that Xia Xiaolan got through Chen Wangda's phone.

Chen Wangda was very happy because he bought back the threshing machine from the provincial capital.

Hearing that Xia Xiaolan had made overseas calls, Chen Wangda was nervous again.

The first worry is what happened to Chen Qing in the United States. He went home from the provincial capital. After hearing the words of his eldest daughter-in-law, Chen Wangda casually ate something to deal with the meal and kept on guarding the phone.

As soon as the phone rang, Chen Wangda immediately picked it up:

"Is it Xiaolan?"

Xia Xiaolan waited for the call to be transferred for a long time, and she didn't know how to speak when she heard Chen Wangda's voice.

"Grandpa Chen, it's me! I haven't contacted you for a long time, how are you doing?"

"Okay, I'm in good health, and everything in the village is well. Do you have anything to tell me? There is no one by my side, Chen Qing's **** away, so if you have anything to say... Is it Chen Qing? Isn't he safe in America?"

The mother is worried about the child traveling thousands of miles.

Sister Chen is more worried about Chen Qing.

And Chen Wangda's pro-grandfather.

If it weren't for Chen Wangda's knowledge and inculcation of the idea of ​​serious schooling in Chen Qing since he was a child, Chen Qing could not be the first college student in Qijing Village. Xia Xiaolan didn't think much, she was the last to return to Qijing Village, and Chen Qing was really trained in the village.

Chen Wangda has high hopes for Chen Qing, and Chen Qing has lived up to his expectations before.

Going to university in Beijing, studying in the United States, one by one, all proved their excellence.

If there was an accident abroad, Chen Wangda really couldn't bear the blow, he would be afraid of hearing bad news from Xia Xiaolan.

How can Xia Xiaolan make the elderly be so worried, she can't lose her appetite now:

"Chen Qing is a good person. It's not what you think. He is neither sick nor injured. He just doesn't adapt to life in the United States. He has learned to lie...Grandpa Chen, Chen Qing lied to you."

Xia Xiaolan said that it was also difficult to speak.

Chen Wangda is not an ordinary person, he is smarter than an ordinary rural farmer.

How can Chen Qing lie to him?

Going to study in the United States is definitely not a lie to him.

It is not fake to go to university in the capital.

If the time is recent, Chen Qing called home to talk about tuition.

"You mean the money..."

"Yes, the money is not about paying tuition. Chen Qing is studying abroad at public expense. The state has paid for his tuition and living expenses. He does not need to pay tuition. Chen Qing used the money to trade in stocks. I met him on Wall Street. I realized that he had lost all the money he asked for!"

Xia Xiaolan was still angry when she thought of it.

It's so cheap to just pour Chen Qing a cup of coffee!

But now she is not very irritating to Chen Wangda, Xia Xiaolan is a little worried when she hears no voice on the other end of the phone:

"Grandpa Chen——"

"I'm okay, okay, Xiaolan, you let me slow down."

Chen Wangda is not all right.

He took people to run in the provincial capital for two days, and bargained with people in order to save a little money.

It is a pity that the agricultural machinery factory in Anqing County does not produce threshing machines, or Chen Wangda would definitely be able to find someone to buy a few at internal prices.

Chen Wangda even buys machines for the village because he knows how hard the farmers make money.

Other farmers are struggling to make money, but the Chen family's money is not hard?

The Chen family is also a family of farmers. They eat in the land. In the past two years, Liu Yong has brought great changes to the village. In addition, Xia Xiaolan previously let the Chen family do the oil residue business. Thousands of dollars.

There are other people who go to Pengcheng to work and earn money.

It’s not unreasonable for the Chen family to pay the money, but they can’t help Chen Wangda. In addition, Chen Qing’s study in the United States is the glory of everyone in the Chen family. Paying tuition is a matter of business. Collect money from the bottom of your family!

Chen Wangda's sons and daughters almost got rid of the mouse hole at home, and only collected 60,000 yuan.

The remaining 20,000 yuan gap was borrowed by Chen Wangda from his old comrades... For so many years, he had never asked an old comrade to borrow money. During the turbulent years, the rural life was better than the city, and he also supported the city. Old comrade in arms.

When they heard that it was his grandson studying in the United States, he lent him the money without saying anything. He didn't even let Chen Wangda hit the IOU, and was impatient at the mention of the IOU.


Is that tuition?

The body is tired for a few days, and it is not as tired as the heart at this moment.

Had it not been supported by a puff of air, Chen Wangda might have leaned back!

No, no, he couldn't fall, so much money, but he decided to give Chen Qing all the money, and his fall was completely evading responsibility.

"Grandpa Chen, Grandpa Chen!"

On the other side of the phone, Xia Xiaolan shouted loudly, calling back Chen Wangda's soul.

He could hear Xia Xiaolan's worry.

This is a conscientious girl.

Many unfavorable situations could not stop her from striving for a better life.

Chen Qing's child... the family didn't put him under much pressure, why didn't he learn good things, and learn bad things?

If you pay tuition, 80,000 yuan, even if you gritted your teeth.

However, Chen Qing used tuition fees as an excuse to deceive his family. The money was gone. Chen Wangda had no face to face the whole family and was extremely disappointed in Chen Qing.

Is he not able to teach children?

Otherwise, Chen Qing's child would have become like this.

Chen Wangda is like floating on the clouds, in the vast sea of ​​clouds, and can't see where the road ahead is. He really wanted to go to the United States, told Chen Qing to kneel on the street, and loudly answer why he wanted to do this, but he couldn't go to the United States.

Economic restrictions, various other restrictions.

Chen Wangda closed his eyes, he could only embarrass the conscientious girl, he was really sorry Xiaolan:

"Xiaolan, I know this has nothing to do with you. Can you tell me that it is for the good of the old Chen family. I will leave the old face and not ask you once... You save Chen Qing if he can still save it!"

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