Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1592: : You are afraid of being a Sagittarius! (Plus)

Principal Sun didn't care about Liang Huan's mother and daughter.

For Liang Huan to perform well and get more than 460 points in the exam, Principal Sun will actually be happy for her.

As a result, as soon as the college entrance examination results were announced, Liang Huan and Liu Fang were dumbfounded.

Liang Huan did not perform above the level. She played quite steadily, with 397 points, which is a full 70 points less than the estimated score... I didn’t study for undergraduates in non-Beijing, but now it’s better. She didn’t even have to study for junior colleges in Henan Province. .

The teacher at County No. 1 Middle School also encouraged Liang Huan:

"You will repeat your grades for another year, work hard, and have the opportunity to go to undergraduate next year."

The teacher is kind, Liu Fang is like a cat trampled on its tail:

"Liang Huan didn't repeat the course here. The poor teaching at school delayed my daughter!"

The kind teacher wanted to vomit blood.

Didn't teach well?

In the past, Anqing County No. 1 Middle School could take several undergraduate exams a year.

There are 47 people online this year!

At this level, it can compete with high schools in the city.

Liu Fang pulled Liang Huan back. The Liang family had boasted that Liang Huan was going to the capital to study college. Once the grades came out, the Liang family had no face, and Liang Huan himself was on a hunger strike.

She insisted that she had scored more than 460 points in the test, and she was arguing about checking the papers.

How can Liang Bingan satisfy her before leaving the job?

Liang Huan had been at home for a few days, and people lost a few catties. Liu Fang was distressed and discussed with Liang Bingan.

"What can I do? What's the use of having a temper with me if you let the capable people do not ask for it?"

Capable person?

Liang Bingan poked Liu Fang's heart.

Among the people she knew, the most capable was the second sister Liu Fen, whom she had despised before.

Liu Fen married a big leader, and now it is a pheasant who has turned into a phoenix.

Liu Fang was still hesitating, and Liang Huan came out with a blank face: "Mom, you look for your second aunt and my uncle. No matter who you are looking for, they will definitely be able to get to the capital to go to university! I won't be able to go. I starved to death when I was eating. I also jumped upstairs if I didn’t starve to death. I’m not alive anyway!"

Liu Fang scared most of his life.

Liu Fang knows that her daughter is mostly frightening her, but Liang Huan is headstrong, in case she is really angry... Every year, students go crazy and commit suicide for the college entrance examination. Liu Fang has also heard of it.

Only then did Liu Fang ran to Qijing Village and wanted to contact Xia Xiaolan's mother and daughter.

Regardless of whether it is Liu Fen or Xia Xiaolan, as long as you catch one person, you can do it well.

With hope, Liang Huan did not go on a hunger strike and was willing to eat obediently, but he refused to go out and stayed at home all day.

The family waited and waited.

In late August, all the admitted students received the admission notice, regardless of whether they were undergraduates or junior colleges, they were all happily preparing to report to the school.

Only Liang Huan hasn't settled yet.

Liu Fang anxiously looked for something, and ran to the Shangdu to find Li Fengmei's sister-in-law.

People knew what Liu Fang was and didn't pay attention to her at all.

If you want to ask Li Fengmei and Liu Yong's contact information, it is impossible to tell Liu Fang.

Liang Huan was crying at home again.

Liu Fang was exhausted, and the pressure at home was very low.

After dinner that day, the Liang family went out for a walk. Only Liu Fang and Liang Huan, who did not want to go out, were there. Liu Fen’s phone reached Liang’s house... As soon as the phone rang, Liu Fang was taken aback:

"Huanhuan, answer the phone quickly, what if it's your second aunt?"

Liang Huan sat on the stool without moving, her eyes full of hatred, "You and my dad offended the second aunt so badly, she refused to help me! You want to lie to me again! It's all you, and I hate you to death. Up!"

Liu Fang was almost **** off and could only answer the phone by himself.

She didn't expect it to be Liu Fen.

Liu Fen’s voice was particularly calm, completely devoid of the previous cringes:

"Are you looking for me?"

"Second sister?! Yes, yes, I'm looking for you, second sister, it's really hard to contact you!"

Liu Fang pointed to the telephone receiver, and Liang Huan was anxious:

"Let me talk to my second aunt, Mom, let me talk!"

Liang Huan snatched the receiver of the phone directly, and made a nasty voice to her mother. It was as sweet as Liu Fen's voice: "Auntie, why did you call? I have been waiting for many days!"

On the other end of the phone, Liu Fen was surprised.

Liu Yong is unfamiliar with Liang Huan, and Liu Fen is also unfamiliar with him.

Liu Fen’s impression of Liang Huan is that of a arrogant and squeamish little princess, the daughter of the Liang family, she is squeamish, and she has no poor relatives in her eyes.

The only time when Liang Huan was embarrassed was when Xiaolan frightened this girl.

But embarrassment and flattery are two different things, and Liu Fen didn't have this kind of treatment before.

Excited by Liang Huan’s reality, Liu Fen was not too cold and said: "It’s Huanhuan, I don’t know if you have something to do with me, this is just I heard... You should call your mother, and I She said."

Liang Huan didn't let go, "Second Auntie, something is the same as I said. I haven't spoken to you for a long time, and I haven't seen you for a long time. When will you go back to Yunan, I really miss you."

Liu Fen has a headache.

Not as good as the little princess before.

"Then I will tell you. I already know that you are looking for a message from Dasao Chen that your college entrance examination results are not satisfactory this year. I can understand your eagerness to go to college. I have asked someone about this for you. There are colleges in Southern Province that have not yet recruited full people and will give priority to make up enrollment in the province. You see..."

Liang Huan pouted, "Second Auntie, I just don't want to go to university in southern Henan Province. There are no good schools here. I must go to Beijing. Sister Xiaolan went to university in Beijing too!"

Liang Huan is probably a Sagittarius.

All universities in southern Henan province got arrows in the knees, and Liang Huan shot them into hedgehogs with a single word.

Liang Huan shot Liu Fen again with another sentence.

Yes, Xiaolan is studying in Beijing, and Xiaolan has gone to the United States!

But Xiaolan scored more than 600 points on the test, and Liang Huan didn’t even score 400 points... Liu Fen was panicked, Xiaolan was her pride, and Liang Huan wiped out Xiaolan’s efforts immediately, as if Xiaolan could go to the capital to study. Who is the university who opens the back door?

What's the back door!

Liu Fen didn't want to go in circles with Liang Huan, so he told her directly:

"Huanhuan, you have to think of going to university in Beijing. This year is not enough. You can repeat your studies for another year and work hard. My second aunt wishes you to be admitted to your favorite school next year."

Liang Huan's face changed, but her voice became even more pitiful:

"Second aunt, are you still angry with my mother? That's what she and my dad did. You can't count it on me. Is it wrong for me to go to university? I don't want to go to Huaqing. University, that is owned by cousin Xiaolan. If I don’t fight with her, I will go to an ordinary university!"

There is no ordinary university.

After the resumption of the college entrance examination, the candidates all took the test on their own ability.

Liu Fen was speechless.

Why do some people just say so unreasonably?

"Huanhuan, your second aunt can't do this, I'm sorry, I will let you down."

Without speculation, Liang Huan couldn't hear what Liu Fen said, so she could only hang up the phone. Grandma Yu is making dumplings next to her, seeing things in her eyes from beginning to end:

"I know, your call was in vain, now her family hates you even more."

There is an excuse for not contacting me. Isn't it even more annoying if I don't help?

They don't care if Liu Fen is in trouble, they just think Liu Fen can help but not.

Liu Fen has a headache:

"Hate and hate, I am worthy of my conscience, and I am worthy of Xiaolan's grandfather and grandma, let them go!"

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