Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1595: : It seems that there is no amnesia (3 more)

"Brother Three?"

Pan Baohua reluctantly said, "Now let's go? Forget it, let them fight."

Xia Xiaolan didn't know why Farn would beat Harold.

Isn't Harold a vegetarian, can he stand still and be beaten? The two men fought on the stairs with one punch and one kick. The danger was so dangerous that the guests at the prom exclaimed.

There are many people running here, Harold's bodyguard and Farn's attendant.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Pan Baohua walked upstairs guarding Xia Xiaolan.

A middle-aged woman looked at the fight on the stairs with an angry face:


Women's makeup is very light, and they are not high-profile, but they have better temperament than the noble women who are piled up with Chinese clothing jewelry.

She was born in 1940. She is 46 years old this year. She looks at least seven or eight years younger than her real age. She is not beautiful enough to make people stunning, but she is amiable.

Such a woman is unclear, non-aggressive in appearance, pleasing to the eye, and very attractive.

She is no one else, she is Xu Zhongyi's ex-wife, Yu's grandma's ex-daughter-in-law, and the current city councilor's wife Cui Yiru!

"Mrs. Zhang, how are you."

Xia Xiaolan rushed to Cui Yiru.

She looked at Xia Xiaolan and frowned, "I don't know you, who are you?"

She had two bodyguards around her and wanted to step forward. Pan Baohua pressed the shoulders of the two of them: "I urge everyone to calm down. If you don’t use force, you don’t need it. I have always been very peace-loving. I just want to talk to your wife, don’t you? Is her pomp bigger than the President's wife?"

Cui Yiru was uncomfortable being run by Pan Baohua.

She certainly can't compare to the President's wife.

Even the President's wife must show her closeness to the people, otherwise how to get votes.

"It doesn't matter, let her come over, I want to hear what she says."

Cui Yiru has been staying in the small hall upstairs, and has not yet come down to the dance party. The son was fighting with Harold on the stairs. It was rare that she adjusted her mind quickly and sat back in the small hall again.

"Just tell me, who are you, what can I do with me."

Xia Xiaolan smiled, "I'm sorry to disturb you. I don't know if you have heard my name or introduce yourself. My name is Xia Xiaolan. I come from China and I am from southern Henan Province. This place in southern Henan, my wife still remembers Right?"

Cui Yiru's eyebrows trembled lightly.

"I know you, Tina mentioned you. She originally wanted to come to the prom today, but she never said that you are from South Henan."

Xia Xiaolan didn’t want to know why Tina didn’t come to the party. She just wanted to know what Cui Yi thought: "I don’t know if Madam remembered Yunan. It has been 20 years since you left Yunan to the United States. In these 20 years, many things have happened. Everything has changed."

Xia Xiaolan handed Cui Yiru the remake of the family portrait.

"I originally wanted to take it slowly and temptation, but when I thought of an old man who had been waiting for 20 years, I also felt that every minute of temptation was wasting her life... No matter what happened in the past, I think Mrs. I owe her a word."

What Xia Xiaolan gave to Cui Yiru was the family portrait provided by Grandma Yu.

Compared with Cui Yiru's current family portrait photos of his new family, the previous camera technology was not good.

But Xia Xiaolan felt that as long as Cui Yiru had no memory loss, he should recognize this photo.

Xia Xiaolan thought about many possibilities, but didn't expect Cui Yiru to get excited to this point. She looked at the photo and she shed tears: "This...this is...Where did you get the photo, and why is there this photo!"

Cui Yiru actually grabbed Xia Xiaolan's hand.

Her fingers are slender, and her skin is more delicate than the young girl Xia Xiaolan.

Holding hands with such a woman is a joy.

It is quite strong, which does not match Cui Yiru's temperament.

Xia Xiaolan struggled to escape, "It's not surprising that I have this photo. What is even more strange to me is the reaction of the lady. I thought you would deny it!"

Cui Yiru was emotional:

"Why should I deny it? This is... who are you and what is your purpose?"

Cui Yiru doesn't know at all?

Xia Xiaolan tried to find a flaw in her expression.

But Cui Yiru's eyes were red with tears hanging in the corners of her eyes, and she really couldn't see any acting.

Could it be that Cui Yiru has been kept in the dark for many years?

Xia Xiaolan was not so silly and sweet.

She doesn't believe Cui Yiru too much.


Someone quickly went upstairs and came to the small hall, but it was Faen with a colorful face.

The corners of Farn's eyes were swollen. Harold should have beaten him. He didn't know who had the upper hand in the fight between the two.

Mrs. Wilson followed Farn upstairs.

Cui Yiru put away the photos and wiped the corners of his eyes.

"My friend, I'm so sorry!"

Mrs. Wilson knew why Farn would fight with Harold. Tonight's prom was ruined. Many guests were whispering. As soon as Mrs. Wilson calmed the guests' emotions, she came up to apologize to Cui Yiru.

I didn't expect Xia Xiaolan to be here.

Mrs. Wilson suppressed the strange emotion, "Harold's side—"

"Cynthia, my friend, it's not your fault. You can't make the decision for others. I saw it with my own eyes. It was Farn who did it first. I should apologize. Farn ruined your carefully prepared dance."

With Mrs. Wilson, there is no way to continue the discussion on this matter.

Xia Xiaolan also knew that it was inappropriate. She had already determined that Cui Yiru had no amnesia of dog blood, so she was not in a hurry.

"I won't disturb the two ladies."

Cui Yiru opened her mouth to stop Xia Xiaolan, but she took Pan Baohua downstairs.

Farn moved. "What did you say to my mother that made her cry?"

Xia Xiaolan opened a pair of innocent eyes:

"Have you not thought about it? Your mother would cry, perhaps because she saw that her son was an adult, but he was impulsively naive under the appearance of a gentleman, and was crying angrily."


Pan Baohua endured the hard work, if he didn't hold back hard, he would laugh.

After Xia Xiaolan finished speaking, she didn't care how ugly Faen's expression was, and went downstairs by herself.

The corners of Farn's eyes were swollen, Harold didn't get any better, the corners of his mouth were torn, and the well-groomed hairstyle was messy.

Harold leaned forward.

Xia Xiaolan resisted, "Please, I don't want to be the focus of attention of all the guests. They may guess that your beating is related to me, Harold, it's fine if you misunderstand the people of GMP, and I learned from it. Good. But it’s definitely not going to work this time. I don’t want to be the target of discussions among the rich in the Upper East Side."

Harold touched the corner of his skinny mouth, was amused with anger, and gave Xia Xiaolan a thumbs up.

"You are amazing!"

Harold opened his eyes for such a woman who turned her face like a book.

Who was he dancing with just now?

Is it Xia Xiaolan?

Thinking about it now, it is so unreal, as if everything is his fantasy.

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