Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1606: : I just told the truth (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan's invitation completely exceeded Ye Xiaoqiong's expectations.

"I thought your studies in America..."

"I have some personal matters that I have to go back to my country to deal with, so I have to take a few days off from the U.S. side."

Ye Xiaoqiong was completely disrupted by Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan invited her to Pengcheng with her. Will she go? Ye Xiaoqiong is still hesitating in her mind, but she is more honest: "Go, I was going to be an outpost for the second junior, but now it is only a few days in advance. I still have business affairs, and may have to go back to Thailand first. We are here. Can Pengcheng converge?"

Xia Xiaolan doesn't care, Ye Xiaoqiong is going to Pengcheng, it doesn't matter whether he is with him, but the decision is what matters.

Send Yuan Han to Pengcheng again, and Pengcheng will be too lively.

Xia Xiaolan admired the way that Ye Xiaoqiong came up with. What was it for Zhou Yi to taste the pain again? The most painful one would be Yuan Han in the future. The wealthy daughter of Hong Kong who tried so hard to climb was played by a prostitute...No way, no way, Xia Xiaolan felt like vomiting herself.

Pan Baohua didn't want to listen to these words either.

Who told him to use his ears? He could hear clearly.

As soon as Ye Xiaoqiong left, Pan Baohua slapped her tongue: "Women's thoughts are really complicated. Simple things need to be complicated. Are you tired?"

Isn't it hard to solve the bad guys? Nothing is a problem for Pan Baohua.

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while, "It's not that a woman has complicated ideas, it's that she doesn't complicate simple things, and her grievances can't be vented. I think there are very few people who can let go of their hatred. Few people in the world have become Buddhas."

What can Pan Baohua say?

It's not just women who have complicated minds. Jiang Wu didn't hate him at first, and chased him like a mad dog!

In the whole life of a person, the words "grass, grievances, and hatred" cannot be escaped.

Xia Xiaolan will go to New York again to renovate the theater.

This time, she happened to ran into Mrs. Wilson.

It is not quite right to say that noble ladies like Mrs. Wilson will not appear on the construction site if nothing happens. The theater that has not been renovated is full of chaos and dust, and Mrs. Wilson will not go.

She was deliberately waiting for Xia Xiaolan.

A major event happened in her friend Cui Yiru's home, but it was related to Xia Xiaolan. Mrs. Wilson must pay attention to it.

"Xia, can we talk about it alone?"

Xia Xiaolan wanted to say no, Mrs. Wilson held her hand as soon as they met, clearly not letting her refuse.

The GMP people were watching. Everyone thought she had a good relationship with Mrs. Wilson. After all, she was named as a client who wanted her to undertake the renovation of the theater.

"Madam, please speak."

Mrs. Wilson pointed outside and walked out with Xia Xiaolan.

"Did Tina look for you recently?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "I haven't seen Tina for a long time, she didn't show up on the night of the prom!"

Don't even mention the prom.

Everything started on the night of the prom, and things were off track. Whether it was Cui Yiru's questioning of Harold, or the fight between Farn and Harold, they were not in line with their personalities, and they were also contrary to the purpose of Mrs. Wilson's prom.

What a nightmare dance party.

"Oh, God, that dance is really the most failed dance I have ever held. It was a mistake. I was talking about another thing, what you said to Cui."

Xia Xiaolan blinked:

"You mean, I shouldn't tell her that the grandmother of Farn and Tina has not given up looking for them, and the old man is waiting for them to reunite in China? Madam, do you think so? I will bring them news, yes An error?"

Mrs. Wilson choked.

Of course Xia Xiaolan was not doing something wrong. The Wilsons knew the whole story in the past two days, and learned that Zhang Jiadong was planning to accompany Cui Yiru back to China. They thought Zhang Jiadong was a little impulsive.

Mrs. Wilson's impression of China is not very good. It was terrible that she and Elder Ivan attended their son's wedding in China.

A country that is savagely backward and still controlled by power!

Mrs. Wilson took a breath, trying to maintain her grace:

"I mean, you can be more euphemistic and let them have a period of adaptation, instead of suddenly coming to the door like this, this has brought great changes to Cui's family. Let’s just talk about Tina, she can’t accept this at all. In fact, now avoiding her family and seeing no one... In this case, do you think she is suitable for returning to China to admit her relatives?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded gently: "It is indeed not suitable. But madam, I am just a person in charge of tracing and delivering letters. You know that I am studying architecture. I am not very good at psychological counseling. How can Tina adjust her emotions? I can't help it either."

Compared with the friendship with Zhang Jiadong, Xia Xiaolan weighs too lightly. Mrs. Wilson also took off the disguise of enthusiasm and kindness, and actually questioned Xia Xiaolan and blamed her for not letting Zhang family have internal conflicts. Xia Xiaolan would not be used to Wilson. Madam, just kick the ball back without being soft or hard.

It was originally, can Tina accept it, what does it have to do with Xia Xiaolan?

It was not Xia Xiaolan who concealed Tina's life experience from start to finish. Is it because the little princess is in a bad mood and needs Xia Xiaolan to be responsible!

Mrs. Wilson accidentally:

"Xia, how can you talk like this, I thought we were friends! I thought you and Tina were friends too!"

"No, madam, you made a mistake. We are not friends. You are a GMP client. You hired me through the GMP firm. This is our true relationship. The employment relationship has never been equal."

Mrs. Wilson was dumbfounded:

"If it wasn't for the friendship of friends, why should I insist on letting you be responsible for the theater renovation? You are just an intern of GMP!"

Xia Xiaolan was not panicked, "I have done all the work that I should do, and you agree with my design plan... I take this commission very seriously. I dare to say that I am worthy of your commission and GMP affairs. Therefore, the consistent service standard is maintained. If you are dissatisfied with the commission for the renovation of the theater, you can complain to the GMP office. After all, you are the customer who pays."

Xia Xiaolan has never fooled any client, no matter who the other party is, because of what purpose she found her design plan, as long as the commission contract is finalized, she will devote herself to the customer's commission.

The same is true for theater renovations.

Taking money to do things and doing her responsibilities, Mrs. Wilson also agreed with her plan, and now she turned out this matter as a debt to threaten Xia Xiaolan... Then Mrs. Wilson really underestimated Xia Xiaolan's temper.

"You, you are really rude!"

Mrs. Wilson was angry and directly accused Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands. "Sorry, I just told the truth. Maybe you have lived in the upper class for a long time and you are not used to hearing ordinary people tell the truth."

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