Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1618: : Who hides the deepest (1 more)

If you don't look at them together, Fa'en looks more like Cui Yiru.

Only Faen and Xu Zhongyi face each other, especially after Xu Zhongyi's appearance has changed, only a pair of eyes have not moved his hands and feet. The characteristics of the father and son are almost exactly the same... they look alike!

Xu Zhongyi insisted on calling himself "Master Qiu".

No revenge, shameless use his real name, and dare not use his real name.

However, at this moment, he could not be Master Qiu at all. Seeing his own son in front of him, he couldn't help but not be moved.


Xia Xiaolan could see that Xu Zhongyi was very excited, his hands and feet were shaking lightly, and this call was even more emotional.

Faen looked at Zhang Jiadong, Zhang Jiadong smiled: "He should be your biological father, Xu Zhongyi, say hello, otherwise others will misunderstand that I did not give you a good upbringing when I raised you for so many years."

Fa'n's lips twitched, and he probably didn't know what to call Xu Zhongyi, and in the end he just said:

"He doesn't look like in the picture."

Of course it doesn't look like it!

Xu Zhongyi completely changed his face.

Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but interject, "19 years ago, in order to escape the gang's pursuit, he suffered severe burns and later received surgical repair treatment, right, Uncle Xu."

Xu Zhongyi has sorted out his emotions, and his enemies have not been resolved yet, so he shouldn't reveal his weakness.

"I was indeed burned by the fire. The injury was so serious that I was able to raise it for half a year. I was burned and my face was burnt, but I was killed because of it. If I didn't hide and recuperate, I wouldn't be able to escape your chase. Zhang Jiadong, I’m right? You must have been in a rush at the time. People were looking for me everywhere, but I just stayed in San Francisco and raised in a basement for half a year, but I didn’t go anywhere."

In the cramped basement, without natural light or any entertainment facilities, normal people would be driven mad for a few days, but Xu Zhongyi stayed for half a year!

During those six months, he repeatedly wondered how all this happened.

Thinking of revenge.

Thinking about every detail of what happened.

My heart is suffering all the time.

Fortunately, those days have passed, and he can finally sit down and settle the ledger with Zhang Jiadong——

"You hide so well."

Xu Zhongyi is not afraid to expose his former embarrassment in front of a room of people.

"I recovered my wounds in the basement. During the few years I escaped, I could only become a homeless man. I was always careful not to expose my identity. The mouse was buried in my identity and I had to bear it, because I haven't found it yet. The whereabouts of Yiru and Changle. When I finally found some clues, Yiru had been married to you for three years... Zhang Jiadong, Zhang Jiadong, you are too greedy, you are not satisfied with half of the antiques, pretending to be a good man and marry Yiru I want to know the whereabouts of the other half of Antique from her mouth!"

Are these words deliberately told to Fa'n?

Xia Xiaolan thought that Xu Zhongyi would directly let people kill Zhang Jiadong.

It’s right to think about it again, killing Zhang Jiadong, probably Cui Yiru, Tina, and Faen would not understand, Xu Zhongyi had to expose Zhang Jiadong’s true face.

But when Xu Zhongyi said so much, Zhang Jiadong was not nervous at all.

He even pointed to his own brain and smiled bitterly at Fa'en, meaning that something went wrong with your biological father's brain:

"Xu Zhongyi, I don’t know who is chasing you, what kind of antique, I have been married to Yiru for many years, and I have never asked such a thing. I know that you found that Zhang Jiaqiang is my brother in the same clan, so I thought Zhang Jiaqiang and I were the same. Oh... the old Chinese people in San Francisco may still have the impression that I was once the target of Zhang Jiaqiang’s extortion. If I hadn’t paid attention to Zhang Jiaqiang’s drunkenness and hid in the dock in advance, I would not have saved Yiru’s mother and son. After the mother and son were hidden, Yiru begged me to save you again. I went to your rental house and found a blazing fire. The fire was extinguished for a long time, and a corpse was found inside. At first I thought it was you who died. It was not until I saw Zhang Jiaqiang appear for a while that I suspected that Zhang Jiaqiang was the one who died, and you escaped from the gang."

Zhang Jiadong’s self-identification caused the blue veins on Du Zhaohui’s forehead to burst out:

"Fuck on the street! You are such a good man! A law-abiding citizen, what do you find someone to hit me for?"

Yes, there is no reason for this.

Right now, even Fan looked at Zhang Jiadong.

Zhang Jiadong is still calm, "I don't deny this, but I don't want to hurt any of you, I just want to force Xu Zhongyi to show up. He has hidden his head and exposed his tail for many years, spying on my life from time to time, and cannot accept the fact that he wants to remarry me. …To be honest, I’ve had enough of the psychological pressure he brought to Yiru. I’m alive when I’m alive, and I’ll die when I die. Don’t feel like I’m the only victim all day long.”

Xu Zhongyi is really miserable.

His opponent is someone like Zhang Jiadong.

Good psychological quality.


Hands and feet are still clean.

Xia Xiaolan wanted to know whether Xu Zhongyi had any real evidence.

Xu Zhongyi didn't let Xia Xiaolan down. He was not just reselling antiques over the years. Xu Zhongyi signaled his subordinates to throw a box on the table and opened it. It was full of various accounts.

"The U.S. IRS will be very interested in these materials, and the FBI will not reject them. I don’t need to know what you have done. I only know that you are the actual controller of the Chinese gang in San Francisco. They all obey your orders."

Zhang Jiadong didn't even look at it, but smiled:

"I'm in Hong Kong now. You can give as much evidence as you want. If I am really guilty, you should report me to the U.S. Federal Government. Either the FBI or the IRS, some of them will catch me."

Zhang Jiadong is confident.

Du Yingrong was bored and knocked on the table:

"Two people, I don't have time to listen to you guys, everyone just go ahead, how do you want to solve this matter?"

Xu Zhongyi slowly stood up, "Dong Dong is right. I am looking for these evidences, just to tell Yiru mother and son. I did not retaliate against the wrong person. No matter how you quibble, since we are on the cruise at the same time today, we can Only one person disembarked alive."

Xu Zhongyi said that Zhou Cheng and Pan Baohua had blocked Xia Xiaolan behind them.

Du Xingrong also frowned.

All three parties brought people and horses, and those people slowly gathered around.

The conflict was on the verge, and suddenly two people appeared at the entrance of the lounge, it was Cui Yiru and Tina!

Zhang Jiadong's face finally changed.

"Farn, I thought you would take good care of your mother and sister. They are not suitable for the scene tonight."

Farn picked up a piece of information on the table:

"No, I think they should listen carefully, who is right and who is wrong, there should be a result tonight. If he slandered you, even if he is my biological father, I will not be on his side, if he Did not slander you—"

He didn't finish his words, but the meaning was self-evident.

This reversal is beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Pan Baohua looked at Faen a few more times. Before, he thought he was a white-eyed wolf cub. Don't you say all the old sayings, Xiaobai's face is wicked, and he didn't expect Faen to hide so deeply!

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