Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1627: : Victory is only superficial (1 more)

Everything is different now.

Except for the death of Cui Yiru, which exceeded Xu Zhongyi's expectation, this victory was an all-round victory he had dormant for many years. However, such a victory was traumatic and superficial. Deep inside, there are still countless questions waiting for Xu Zhongyi to go. Resolve.

Xu Changle is easy to say.

Xu Changle never believed in Zhang Jiadong. Perhaps he was confused by Zhang Jiadong for a short time. But who told him to have a good memory and remember his childhood. When he was sensible, he would think carefully again. When Zhang Jiadong went to check Tina's DNA, it was Xu Changle who didn’t at all. When trusting each other.

Xu Changle guessed the truth, but did not dare to tell anyone.

With so many people watching him, he can confirm the existence of surveillance.

And who did he tell?

It can't be Tina who is just over ten years old!

It's even less likely to be Cui Yiru.

At that time, Xu Changle didn’t even know if Cui Yiru had gotten involved in it, so he suspected that his mother was unfilial, but he couldn’t help but doubt that Cui Yiru and Zhang Jiadong had long been afflicted with the fact that they were on the cruise ship. Zhang Jiadong's recounting, Cui Yiru's performance, can be regarded as a knot in Xu Changle's heart, at least Cui Yiru never thought of killing Xu Zhongyi.

However, Cui Yiru is dead.

So resolutely raised a gun to commit suicide.

Xu Changle's feelings for Cui Yiru are complicated. On the one hand, he knows that Cui Yiru loves him, and on the other hand, he will blame Cui Yiru for taking a wrong step, which has caused the whole family to fall apart over the years.

People die like a lamp, and when Cui Yiru dies, the original grievances are naturally gone, and when I think about it, it is Cui Yiru's good.

This is Xu Changle's most normal emotion, and it is difficult to accept intellectual control.

Xu Changle also blames himself.

If he was not in a hurry to resolve this matter and sneaked his mother Cui Yiru and his sister Tina on the boat, these grievances would be resolved privately by them, rather than publicly exposed, Cui Yi would not die—why did he want to defeat Zhang Jiadong in such a hurry? ?

He used Tina's life experience to defeat Zhang Jiadong's psychological defense.

Also defeated his mother Cui Yiru's desire to survive.

What he said that night was undoubtedly a public sentence of his mother Cui Yiru.

Xu Changle found his biological father who had been separated for 19 years, but lost his biological mother forever. This makes it difficult for Xu Changle, who is 25 years old this year, to accept it, so that when he and Xu Zhongyi were the only ones, Xu Changle could not hold back. I cried bitterly with emotions:

"I really don't want to... I don't know, maybe it was deliberate subconsciously. I think she has caused you to suffer for so many years and should be punished... But the punishment has exceeded my expectations!"

Xu Zhongyi patted his son on the back.

"Changle, it's not your fault. I didn't hate your mother. She didn't want to hurt me. How long a person's life is, she will inevitably go the wrong way. She just got lost after she first arrived in the United States."

Xu Zhongyi remembered that a few days before the robbery, Cui Yiru mentioned to him that he didn't like San Francisco very much and could he move to another place.

Now think about it. At that time, Cui Yiru might want to end the relationship with Zhang Jiadong. Zhang Jiadong disagreed, and Cui Yiru wanted to move out of San Francisco. It is a pity that Xu Zhongyi was already familiar with San Francisco at the time, and he was most confident of obtaining legal status there. Cui Yiru suddenly said that he would move out of San Francisco, and Xu Zhongyi did not pay attention.

If he left at that time, there may be no future events.

If Cui Yiru hadn't been lost for a while...

There are so many "ifs" in life. Since you can't reverse gear, you can only look forward.

His son Xu Changle would still cry at him, but his daughter Tina would not communicate with him at all. What can Xu Zhongyi do? A person has to resist these things alone. When it comes to homicide investigation, Cui Yiru's funeral is not so easy to solve.

Xu Zhongyi is still anxious to return to Shangdu.

Xu Changle was able to calm down and go to see his grandmother.

What about Tina?

Xu Changle wiped away the tears, "I have a talk with Tina."

Tina refused to talk.

She still doesn't eat or drink, shuts herself in the room, and doesn't get out of the room, she doesn't have to face everything from the outside world. For her, unguarded, her parents died together in front of her, everything was like a dream.

I was forced to sleep under the quilt, and perhaps the nightmare would be over as soon as I woke up.

Xu Changle had been mentally prepared for a long time. Tina regarded Zhang Jiadong as her biological father for many years. Before saying that she was not her biological father but a stepfather, Tina’s feelings for Zhang Jiadong could not be recovered in a short time.

Putting Zhang Jiadong and Xu Zhongyi together, she is completely unfamiliar with Xu Zhongyi.

Even if you know the bad things Zhang Jiadong has done, can it be that more than ten years of getting along and feelings can be wiped out in an instant?

To Tina, Zhang Jiadong is still her father.

It was messy that night, saying that Zhang Jiadong did bad things, and then her mother killed her dad with a gun... This incident was too exciting for the little girl, she closed herself up and refused to accept the truth.

Xu Changle knocked on the door for a long time, and there was no movement in the room, so he could only swipe away the room card by himself.


Xu Changle sat on the edge of the bed and opened the quilt.

Tina's eyes were already swollen into a slit. It turned out to cry too much for too long, and it would really dry her tears.

Just like now, she is still very sad and heartache, but there are no tears in her eyes.

This was something Tina could not imagine before.

Where has she experienced such a thing?

From small to large, Zhang Jiadong would be very nervous even if he broke his skin a little.

Zhang Jiadong sent her to the best school in the local area and donated money to the school, so that she received preferential treatment along the way, so she applied to Columbia University smoothly.

Her clothes are always the most current season.

As long as she eats at home, the table is almost all her favorite dishes.

Any little sadness in life is a big deal when it comes to Tina. She didn't make it by herself, but Zhang Jiadong gave her such confidence.

Overnight, Tina's life fell apart.

She hasn't slowed down from the news that Zhang Jiadong is not her biological father, and even bigger changes have completely knocked her down!

She has no mother.

There is no father.

As for the man who doesn't have too many expressions on his face, she doesn't even know it-it's not her father!

Xu Changle lifted her quilt, Tina tried to open her swollen eyes:

"Why does he show up? If he doesn't show up, Mommy is still alive and Daddy is still alive..."

Xu Changle had a terrible headache.

After thinking about it, he changed his angle and talked to Tina:

"Tina, do you know why I have been reluctant to annoy my mother? Even if you are self-willed, I stop you. Mom has been suffering from insomnia for so many years, she has never doubted what happened in the past. , But things have become like this, she is powerless to change, she can only open her eyes and close her eyes and deceive others to continue living. But these psychological burdens are reflected in her body, no matter how expensive skin care products you eat, please be better. A private doctor can only relieve her symptoms, but cannot cure her fundamentally."

Tina gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Psychological pressure and death are two different things, and she is not so easily persuaded.

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