Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1633: : How to repay Xia Xiaolan (3 more)

What do you use to repay Xia Xiaolan?

Money is the most vulgar reward, and most of the time, it is the most practical. Few people will refuse.

Even if it is a rich person, who still thinks that he has too much money!

But Xia Xiaolan is really hard to say here.

Speaking of money, for the time being, her personal assets are not as good as Xu Zhongyi's, but Grandma Yu first cut off the idea of ​​repaying her with money, so she has to think of other ways.

Use power?

Stop teasing.

Xia Xiaolan's contacts in China are much stronger than those of Xu's father and son.

In the United States, the pulse is not very good, but she will not stay in the United States for too long. Cornell will return to China after she is an exchange student... Going to Cornell as an exchange student, this decision is still to find relatives for her grandma!

Xu Changle thought for a while, but there was nothing suitable for a while:

"I think grandma knows them better. If we are really grateful, should we discuss it with grandma?"

Xu Zhongyi didn't have much confidence.

After he went home, the old lady cried at him at first, but what he did later was wrong.

Xu Zhongyi smiled bitterly, "That's all there is to it. As for the museum that Xiaoxia said, since your grandma has this idea, we have to fulfill the old lady's wish. Have you ever thought about how Zhang Jiadong’s industry in the United States should deal with? ?"

This is the first time the father and son talked about this issue frankly and openly.

No need to think about gang-related businesses.

Xu Changle never wanted to take over Zhang Jiadong's class and continue to do things that hurt the truth.

Once Zhang Jiadong dies, the forces that belonged to him will surely be divided.

But in addition to the ugly business, Zhang Jiadong also has some serious companies. This person can become a city councilman in Los Angeles, mixing black and white, of course, not only for his acting skills. Smart people do everything they do, and the assets under Zhang Jiadong’s name that can withstand inspection are also a large sum——

Xu Changle didn't want it, but he didn't say to donate it all.

At least the money should be left to Tina.

And how did Zhang Jiadong’s business develop? He sold Xu’s antiques for the initial capital. Later, the antiques were all redeemed by Xu Zhongyi. Xu Changle wanted to say no, it was really generous!

"That's what I think. The assets he left behind, I take the cash back to the business to build a museum. This is what he owes us to the Xu family. I want to give Tina the rest of the company and real estate."

For Tina?

Xu Zhongyi frowned.

He didn't want his daughter to use Zhang Jiadong's money anymore, but now the fact is that Tina may prefer to use Zhang Jiadong's money instead of Xu Zhongyi's.

Xu Zhongyi wants Tina to accept him, but I don't know how much energy it takes!

Thinking of Tina who was staying in Hong Kong alone, both father and son were worried.


The Xu family and his son left home for 20 years and returned to the Shangdu. One is a Hong Kong citizen and the other is an American citizen.

Outsiders don’t know many of these details, only when the father and son are both American citizens. After all, Xu Zhongyi was the one who went to the United States with his wife and children. For this reason, Grandma Yu and her husband were often tossed during the turbulent times, letting the couple confess overseas. Relationship.

That was before the reform and opening up!

It is 1986, and people with overseas connections will not be embarrassed, but are very popular.

Not to mention those who are almost mixed in foreign countries. Like the Xu family and his son, they drove a few cars back to China, and there are many followers behind them, and they mixed very well.

The mix is ​​very good, that is the overseas Chinese!

No, the nationality has been changed to the United States. It is not an overseas Chinese, but a foreign Chinese. You can also call it a "foreign businessman"?

Stories about foreign Chinese returning to China to invest are often reported in newspapers.

I don't know how the news spread. First, the district leaders came to visit, and the cadres of the street office squeezed to the side.

Later, even Shao Guangrong's uncle Shao Limin asked Zhou Cheng to speak and ask about the Xu family's father and son.

Shao Limin has been working in the business capital for the past two years.

Shao Limin helped Zhou Cheng deal with Fan Zhenchuan before.

Since Zhou Cheng was called, Xia Xiaolan followed. She and Zhou Cheng wanted to be together all the time.

"Uncle Shao."

Xia Xiaolan has a sweet mouth and a good-looking person. Shao Limin will definitely not hate her.

She used to be Zhou Cheng's girlfriend. It is not certain whether she will be successful or not. She is also a self-employed self-employed person. Shao Limin and Xia Xiaolan don't have a common language.

It's different now.

Dingding is the future daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, and she also became the step-daughter of Tang Hongen.

The self-employed has also become President Xia, and Shao Limin must pay more attention to it.

"Xia Xia, I heard Guangrong said that you are studying in the United States. Are you coming back to visit relatives?"

Shao Limin also smiled and talked with Xia Xiaolan for a while, and he was very grateful to Xia Xiaolan during the conversation, saying that it would be better to be friends with a good role model. Shao Guangrong was smart before, but now he has become more stable. I like to play motorcycles to pursue further studies...I studied in Huaqing's Continuing Education College. How could it be possible that it was not under the influence of Xia Xiaolan?

Shao Guangrong is the golden egg of the Shao family, and Shao Limin loves his nephew very much.

Xia Xiaolan certainly did not dare to take credit.

After the two parties had finished their business exchanges, Shao Limin said: "You have a good relationship with Guangrong. I will not treat you as outsiders. I will just say what I have Don't have the idea of ​​investing in business capital?"

The "investment" that Shao Limin wants to deal with is definitely not one or two million dollars.

Shangdu is not as good as Pengcheng, but as a transportation hub in the Central Plains, the overall economic atmosphere of Shangdu is not too bad. In the 1980s, thanks to the textile industry and railway transportation, Shangdu people were still relatively wealthy. Or if Xia Xiaolan opened a clothing store before, a piece of clothing costing dozens of yuan, how could there be so many customers?

Without these high-wage workers, the clothes cannot be sold no matter how good they look.

Before Zhou Cheng came to discuss with Xia Xiaolan, he would never make a decision for the Xu family and his son. It was their idea whether they would like to return home to invest. Therefore, Zhou Cheng simply stated the Xu family's existing plan:

"I only know that they want to build a private museum now. Other specific investment plans are hard to say. Both father and son are engaged in trade."


Doing trade?

Where and where are all this!

Shao Limin was a little disappointed.

What he wants is foreign exchange, the kind of investment that can create certain jobs in the manufacturing industry, not a museum. Museums can't create many jobs. This is considered a "political achievement" in the cultural field... It's not true at all, Shao Limin still wants to do something practical.

What can Xia Xiaolan say? Her family Zhou Cheng concluded that there is nothing wrong. Xu Zhongyi is an antique broker, and he is indeed "trade". Zhang Jiadong’s company in Los Angeles is also doing import and export trade——

Shao Limin was disappointed, and Xia Xiaolan still remembered the favor she owed her:

"Uncle Shao, I think that if there is a win-win investment opportunity, the Xu family and his son will not refuse. It would be a little difficult to just ask the Xu family and his son to pay a sum of money."

What does it mean to simply pay?

Throw some difficult factories to make people invest.

Xu Zhongyi could kneel in front of her grandma's beaten head, but at other times, it might not be so gentle.

The same is true for Xu Changle.

Being nice to my sister doesn't mean that I was taken advantage of. Xu Changle was raised by Zhang Jiadong.

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