Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1738: : Send a blessing if you don't agree? (4 more)

"Because I heard that the review is very strict before, I don't know if I can choose it. Of course, I have to wait until the news is confirmed before telling you. If this matter makes you uncomfortable, I apologize to you. As for the meeting issue you mentioned, I don’t think it’s troublesome. We can contact by letter. If there is a local phone, it’s best. If there is no phone, I will find a way to solve it. Telephone contact can also be done.”

Shan Yujun gave an unhurried explanation.

Kang Wei's head twitched:

"Obviously I can meet, why do I need to contact you by letter? I can hold you when I write a letter, can kiss you, and hug you? Xiaodan, I can understand that you do not want to meet my family, but when you make any choice, consider Have you passed me!"

Kang Wei cherishes a well-knowing girlfriend.

In turn, he felt that Shan Yujun didn't cherish him much.

This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable. If the other person's life plan does not need to consider him at all, he will be dispensable to Shan Yujun.

Shan Yujun also saw that Kang Wei was angry.

She should change her mindset to calm Kang Wei's emotions at this time, and Shan Yujun really did this:

"I know you admire Xiaolan very much. Aren't Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng insisting on doing this? Xiaolan went abroad to exchange for a year. I don't think she and Zhou Cheng broke up because of this! We are the same as--"

"I admire Sister-in-law Xiaolan very much, she made me understand many things. But Brother Chengzi is a soldier, I am not! Sister-in-law Xiaolan sacrificed a lot, I never thought that you should sacrifice too, so why do we have to live a life? Hard mode?"

Kang Wei is irritable.

Sister-in-law Xiaolan and Brother Chengzi are very firm.

But that was determined by the particularity of Zhou Cheng's profession.

Kang Wei admires that these two people have always been firm in their relationship, and they haven't broken up in all kinds of things, and they have been there until now.

Doesn't it mean that he and Shan Yujun are in a relationship, and that he has to move closer to difficult mode!

He can't be Zhou Cheng.

All aspects are different from Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng dared to go to the front line, but Kang Wei didn't dare—not only his counseling, but also the Kang family's stopping it.

Obviously it can be easy, why not?

Zhou Cheng had no choice. Putting on that uniform meant responsibility, but Kang Wei did.

Shan Yujun didn't speak, looking down at the boots on her feet, after a while, she raised her head:

"Kang Wei, I know that you are very accommodating to me, but boy and girl friends not only need to accommodate, but also understand and respect each other. If you really understand me, you will naturally understand my choice. Now that you have passed the preliminary registration review, I will follow my own heart and do what I want to do... If you cannot accept it, I will bless you."

Blessing? !

This was too tactful, and Kang Wei was stunned for a while before reacting.

He, he was broken up? !

Kang Wei is quite calm now. He has to deal with different people in business, and he can't let others guess his thoughts. Naturally, he has to become more and more calm.

But at this moment, he was really blown up.

"Xiao Shan, you are great!"

With a thumbs up at Shan Yujun, Kang Wei turned and left.

Considerate, he is really considerate.

But Shao Kang also has a temper, not the kind of **** who willingly licks a dog.

He felt that Shan Yujun had robbed his own line. If the communication failed, he was the one who should say "If you must go, we will break up." He didn't expect Shan Yujun to say it first.

The lines were robbed...Kang Wei slowly recovered after a long journey. Shan Yujun is not like a joke, so if he disagrees with Shan Yujun to support the education, the two really have to break up. Up?

Kang Wei squatted on the side of the road and took out the cigarette and lighter from his pocket.

I don't know if it was because of the wind on the side of the road, or because his hands were shaking so badly that he didn't ignite the cigarette after several attempts. Kang Wei lost his patience and threw both the cigarette and the lighter:


He was holding fire in his heart.

Mixed with grievances.

Isn't he serious enough about this relationship?

When interacting with Shan Yujun, I was considerate of each other everywhere, not to mention paying money, I must have invested time and energy. These are nothing, but what about his passion?

He regards Shan Yujun as the other half of his life.

First, get married when Shan Yujun graduates from university. The Long March is halfway through. Seeing that Shan Yujun will be the next semester of his senior year, Kang Wei has already seen the dawn of victory in the revolution.

At this moment, Jun Shan Yu is going to support teaching!

And he just said a few words of objection and was dumped?

Shan Yujun is still his first love.

The more Kang Wei thinks about it, the more upset he gets. Shan Yu-jun is not an impulsive person. Shan Yu-jun is very sensible.

Even if he turns his head and says to agree with Jun Shan Yu to support the education, can he assume that what happened just now hasn't happened?


He didn't want to agree at all.

Kang Wei wants to find Shao Guangrong for a drink.

Shao Guangrong was in the hospital, showing his hospitality beside Xiaoyou. After being found by Kang Wei, Shao Guangrong was unwilling to:

"Brother, didn't you see that I was busy?"

"Xiao Shan told me that I broke up, and I'm upset, don't you drink?"

Shao Guangrong was startled.

Broke up?

Isn't it very common to break up? It's annoying, and there are not many people who succeed in the first attempt!

No, Kang Wei is different from him. Kang Wei has never been with him before. This little one is Kang Wei’s first love. Shao Guangrong recalled his decadence after breaking up with his first love girlfriend, thinking that he must have this drink. Go.

Without paying attention to the courtesy, Shao Guangrong took Kang Wei's shoulders:

"You have the final say, where shall we go to drink?"

Good point, why break up.

Kang Wei doesn't mess with flowers, he has a good family background, and he still has the ability to make money. Shao Guangrong can't figure out how such a condition can be dumped. Why?

Drag Kang Wei to find a place to drink.

There is no need to persuade him to drink, Kang Wei himself drank two big glasses, Shao Guangrong got drunk and had a big mouth stinky problem, in order to self-discipline, he has not drink for a long time. Today, I must be with Kang Wei, what is a young boy, what a brother, this is it!

"Go ahead, what the **** is it for?"

Kang Wei talked about Shan Yujun’s first cut and then played, and Shan Yujun’s words, he did not understand:

"Is it more important than me?"

"...Brother, don't say anything, let's have another drink."

Shao Guangrong annoyed Shan Yujun a little.

There are too many couples with different ideas. What is meant by falling in love is to constantly seek common ground while reserving differences, to constantly adapt in communication, and to constantly compromise with each other. I didn't even think about solving the problem with Kang Wei, not to mention that the two compromised, and they just dumped Kang Wei. In the view of Shao Guangrong, who is experienced in love, this is because Shan Yujun had the idea of ​​breaking up. It's just neat and tidy, but it's just an excuse.

So why is Shan Yujun dissatisfied?

His brother is so good, is a Huaqing female student, can his vision be so high?

Speaking of Huaqing, Shao Guangrong moved in his heart and pushed Kang Wei who was lying on the table:

"What did you just say, why Shan Yu-jun broke up with you? She wants to participate in the teaching support of "Young Eagle Sailing", right?"

——Didn’t Xiaolan’s sister-in-law first proposed this plan?

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