Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1761: : Box lunch Xishi (3 more)

Xia Bangmao.

Oh no, Xia Hongxia has been restless in the past few days.

Fan Yu encouraged Xia Dajun to return to his hometown, just to leave Xia Hongxia's family aside.

Later, Mrs. Xia and Xia Junbao were picked up, but Xia Hongxia's family was not mentioned. Wang Jingui still wanted to wrap her up cheeky, and Xia Hongxia was more willing to stay in Pengcheng.

She wouldn't go back to Yunan even if she was killed. People in her hometown knew that they had come to the special zone to live a good life. Xia Hongxia kicked off the object in the county, so she didn't even have a face to go back.

There is also the experience of a small hair salon. Both parents and mothers dislike her as shameful. Can others not dislike her if they know it?

The new aunt is very difficult to deal with, and living together doesn't take much advantage.

Xia Hongxia was determined not to leave Pengcheng. At first, Xia Hongbing and Wang Jingui scolded her and wanted to beat her.

Later, Fan Yu gave birth to a son, and Xia Hongbing and Wang Jingui did not mention going back to their hometown.

Hey, I don’t know what God thought, he actually called his second brother Xia Dajun a middle-aged son.

Wang Jingui muttered:

"The blind man in the temple told the second brother fortunetelling, saying that he was an old man who had no son in his entire life...too inaccurate!"

Wang Jingui was so angry that he wanted to find the blind fortune-telling man.

In the past, why could rely on Xia Dajun, apart from Xia Dajun being stupid, thinking that the family wants to have peace with Lele, another very important reason is that Xia Dajun does not have a son! In the countryside, it’s not a big deal to have a daughter, as long as you don’t have a son, you’ll die.

Without a son, I can only rely on my nephew.

Wang Jingui knew this well, so she acted unscrupulously. Who told her to have two sons.

But Dajun Xia got a son in the middle age and has his own son. Are his nephews still valuable?

As soon as Xia Hongxia analyzed the current situation, Wang Jingui and Xia Hongbing changed their minds, and the family simply stayed in Pengcheng. Haha, when you return to your hometown, it is easy to be found by the cadres in the township and village. They can call for the public grain and withdraw funds. The distance you stay in Pengcheng will be far away.

This family is still very rascal. With such a habit, it is impossible to change for the better overnight.

It is impossible for village cadres to come to Pengcheng to demand payment. In the end, most of them will find Xia Dajun in southern Henan...that is not what Xia Hongxia's family is worried about.

In short, for all these reasons, Xia Hongxia's family stayed in Pengcheng.

Lazarus needs money for food and drink, and without Xia Dajun's money to support, the family can only make a living on their own. Xia Hongbing still loves to play cards, but he can't play every day. He used to work on Ke Yixiong's construction site and was sold to the black brick factory earlier. In fact, he has a bit of work craftsmanship, just lazy.

I have to rest for half a month in a month.

Even so, he can still earn more money than in the countryside, and the special zone is really a good place!

Xia Hongbing earned only enough money from odd jobs, and Wang Jingui was lazy and greedy, so he didn't go to the construction site when he was killed.

Xia Hongxia has also found a few jobs. Anyway, working for others will always make a lot of money for the boss. Xia Hongxia envied the women who work in foreign factories. The salary of a month is so high and the office environment is good, but she is really not that kind of stuff. , Can neither rely on beauty, nor have a diploma... After trying several times, Xia Hongxia finally found something suitable for her.

She has cooked on Ke Yixiong's construction site!

In fact, for most people who work, the taste is secondary. Nowadays, people don’t even have a lot of food hygiene concepts. They are looking for cheap and large quantities. As long as the taste is reasonable, they can be filled with the least amount of money. The belly will do.

Xia Hongxia set up a tricycle, pulling the stove every day, carrying pots and pans, and setting up stalls everywhere.

Wherever there is a worker, she is there, there are food and vegetables, how much is a serving... In fact, she is selling boxed meals!

The business is good from the start, and many copies can be sold in one day.

Just because Xia Hongxia has never done business, it will not be considered as a cost, and the business is good but there is not much profit.

It can also be regarded as learning while doing, as long as it is not really as stupid as a pig, there will always be a little improvement over time. Xia Hongxia’s box lunch business has gradually improved. The money earned in a month is only a lot more than Xia Hongbing’s odd job. Once the business is good, Xia Hongxia can’t be too busy alone, so she asks her mother Wang Jingui to help. .

Wang Jingui wanted to be lazy at home, as an excuse to take care of Xia Hongxia's two younger brothers.

"Mom, if you don't help me, I won't care about you in the future, you can count on my dad to spend your money!"

Xia Hongxia was not so obedient, and directly threatened Wang Jingui like this.

Wang Jingui fell on the ground and scolded her for being unfilial. Xia Hongxia didn't hear her no matter how she scolded her. She really didn't give Wang Jingui any money.

Speaking of force, Xia Hongxia did the box lunch business, and her figure became more and more rounded. Both mother and daughter were stocky, with equal strength. Xia Hongxia would not be beaten obediently, and Wang Jingui could not catch up with her... No way, Wang Jingui gave in.

Wang Jingui certainly wasn't willing to work, he was lazy if he could.

But she is considered a labor force anyway. With Wang Jingui's participation, Xia Hongxia's box lunch business has developed steadily.

The cost of this thing is not big, but it makes a lot of money. That is, the preparation work is very tiring, and the money is hard-earned.

Don't worry about it, the noisy family actually stayed in Pengcheng.

They also don’t live in the same place, the new neighbors still think Xia Hongxia is quite capable, and the landlord is still thinking about introducing Xia Hongxia to her nephew... Xia Hongxia actually still thinks about living as a master, but she is gradually being taught to be a human being. , A bit more steadfast than before.

I met with my landlord’s nephew a few times.

The opponent is not a dragon or phoenix, but the opponent is a native of Pengcheng. After the establishment of the city, Pengcheng has a large number of jobs, and some of them have to be recruited from the locals.

Just like the landlord’s nephew, lucky enough to recruit workers into the formal unit, the family’s former land was occupied, and the family became urban residents.

But the old ideas of the parents' generation are still there, hoping to find a hard-working daughter-in-law.

Xia Hongxia is neither beautiful nor ugly. She sets up a stall and sells boxed lunches. She looks pretty simple, and she is blessed with a round body and a big buttocks. It’s hard to say that the landlord’s nephew did not look at Xia Hongxia. Anyway, the landlord and the landlord Brother and sister-in-law are on the lookout.

They still didn't dismiss Xia Hongxia as a foreigner who set up a stall, so Xia Hongxia was also vacillating.

Did she change from looking for a man in the county to marry, to looking for a man with special resident registration?

Hesitation to hesitation, at least shows that Xia Hongxia's days are on the right track.

Sometimes people are just like this. It's too much to be too high. If you don't make unnecessary comparisons, you can calm your mind. The more down-to-earth, the better. Father is a gambler, mother is lazy, and two younger brothers, Xia Hongxia can start a small business on her own. With her vision and experience, she is on the right track. Maybe it is a little harder now, and it will definitely get better and better in the future!

Xia Hongxia was uneasy because someone had sneaked in these two days, saying that it was someone sent by her cousin Xia Ziyu.

——Sister Ziyu? That's a fugitive!

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