Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1770: : Slightly different (4 more)

Xia Xiaolan was taken aback.

Tang Hongen is usually gentle and gentle, but that is not angry.

I'm really going to get angry, how many people can hold it?

"Uncle Tang, do you mean to let me ignore it?"

Xia Xiaolan was cautious.

Tang Hongen didn't know what to say for a while.

What kind of people is the Xia family? That Xia Ziyu was a college student anyway, and actually ran to become his wife Du Yurong.

This is greed for vanity, but also a grudge.

Don't you just want to take advantage of Du Xingrong's power if you feel wronged to serve an old man?

It is embarrassing to let him care about such people.

But if he doesn't care about the other party, thinking about it is very responsive.

"I can't talk directly with Du Tingrong. You know that I am in this position. Du Tsingrong is also a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong. The Hongrong Group still has investments in Pengcheng, but with me, no one can touch your mother. Don't let you interfere. , You have mixed up so much again, do I have to teach you how to do the rest?"

Xia Xiaolan understood in seconds.

That is to let her let go of her hands and feet to do it.

No matter which room Xia Ziyu and Du's confided, they checked her mother's behavior, and Comrade Lao Tang was very upset.

Mayor Tang was upset and couldn't get off the court himself.

Who to tear?

The wife of a Hong Kong merchant?

No matter which concubine, is it worth letting Tang Hongen tear it? !

If Hong Kong businessmen come to invest, Tang Hongen needs to be received on some occasions. If Hong Kong businessmen’s young wives come to Pengcheng... Then come, good government officials, can they still hold each other’s stinky feet like paparazzi who are keen to write rich gossips?

No matter how bad the mind is, Hong Kong businessmen cannot bring their wives to the mainland to meet local leaders.

So let Tang Hongen deal with each other is a drop in price.

Xia Xiaolan is different. She is young and does not have an identity within the system, so she can tear it as she wants.

"Uncle Tang, I understand. As long as my mother's safety can be guaranteed, I'm not afraid of them making ghosts."

Xia Xiaolan chuckled, Tang Hongen didn't bother to watch her get a good deal, so she left the study and went to the living room to accompany Liu Fen to read Journey to the West.

Xia Xiaolan and Tang Hongen had a tacit understanding.

But on the other side, the deeper the investigation, the hotter Ye Xiaoqiong felt.

She didn't understand why Xia Ziyu wanted to investigate Liu Fen.

There was Xia family in Pengcheng, and at first he refused to cooperate. After running two more times, he actually agreed?

Who are these people!

She thought that the Xia family would have some backbone, but she didn't know that those people were completely different from Xia Xiaolan.

Ye Xiaoqiong was not happy as expected, but frowned, temporarily suppressing the news of the inquiries.

"Anyway, there is no news from Yunan, so I always have to summarize it before handing it over to the second master."

Ye Xiaoqiong quickly found a reason to convince herself.

She focused her mind on Yuan Han's side, and it happened that He Shiyuan came to meet her again.

Yuan Han and He Shiyuan are fighting fiercely, and the two date frequently, so Yuan Han's courage is getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Xiaoqiong also admired Yuan Han's cheeky.

I didn't make fewer calls from overseas, busy maintaining relationships with Zhou Yi in the United States, turned around and met with He Shiyuan, and had a little power... This man tasted the sweetness of her and Zhou Yi, thinking that his charm is so great?

He Shiyuan giggled herself, "It's so stupid, thinking that I am really the lady of the He family, and she is serious about analyzing for me, how can I get more property, hahaha!"

He Shiyuan didn't say anything, it was all made up by Yuan Han's own brain.

Yuan Han now thinks that she is going to compete with He Zhitong, He Shien and others for the family property. After learning that the He family’s money will be calculated in the unit of "100 million" even if it is divided into several parts, Yuan Han's attitude towards her has obviously changed.

Before, it was dew marriage, but now I still think about making suggestions for He Shiyuan.

But let's not say that Yuan Han doesn't understand business matters, and he still has some experience on how to pretend and how to be likable.

Ye Xiaoqiong sneered:

"This is him, don't be fooled by him the other way around."

In front of different women, Yuan Han has different faces.

Yuan Han loves Quan the most, but how can it be said that he doesn't love money at all?

If you don't love money, how did she lose the ancestral property she returned!

It is estimated that Yuan Han is quite entangled now. On one side is the family of cadres in the mainland, and on the other side is the home of the newly arrived wealthy businessman. Don't he love small money or big money?

"Want to lie to grandma?"

He Shiyuan has disdain.

Women are deceived because they have unrealistic fantasies about men. He Shiyuan has no fantasies about men all over the world.

Of course she also likes good men.

But is she worthy of a good man?

That is to say, I have played with a scumbag like Yuan Han.

"According to what you said, I told Yuan Han to speed up the investment. He wants to put more weight in front of me. Of course, he has to find a way to help me."

He Shiyuan blinked.

Ye Xiaoqiong nodded: "Then you have to'reward' him well."

There is nothing wrong with Yuan Han’s pace here. He already believes in He Shiyuan’s identity and in Hong Kong investment. Yuan Han told others that he is a relative of Mayor Tang. If he is arrested for violation of the law and discipline, will it affect Mayor Tang?

The Second Young Master hopes to be influential, so he supports her to avenge her.

It's best to tear off Xia Xiaolan's whole series and cut off Du Zhaohui's arms... This was what Ye Xiaoqiong slowly sorted out, and it should be Du Zhaoji's idea.

The second master is too bold.

Ye Xiaoqiong did not approve of this.

After sending He Shiyuan away, Ye Xiaoqiong put Du Zhaoji's thinking aside first, and slowly sorted out her own thinking, she and the second master had a disagreement!


Xia Xiaolan couldn't put all of her thoughts on other people's conspiracies and tricks.

The soldiers came to cover the water and the earth. No matter how vicious the enemy was, they had already been exposed in advance, so that Xia Xiaolan had to be on guard, and she was not afraid.

If she is terrified because of this little thing, life can't get through?

Life has to go on!

Although it was not February 1st this year, since Xia Xiaolan was free, she simply charged the building materials store.

There are three stores in Pengcheng and one store in Yangcheng. Xia Xiaolan is very pleased with the profits of these four stores.

The five major shareholders of Anjia Building Materials have all got together for accounting and dividends.

Shao Guangrong didn't plan to come, because Xiao You was in Pengcheng and he ran very fast himself.

After learning about the money that could be allocated this year, Shao Guangrong felt embarrassed:

"Isn't I taking the money for nothing? Or, I will do something... Do we have to open a branch in the next step? Why not open a branch in the capital or a business area, and I will take care of this?"

Shao Guangrong's self-motivated spirit was originally in his job, and he suddenly took the initiative to care about business.

Is this person under financial pressure?

At the end of the division of labor this time, he may get a lot of money, which is definitely enough for Shao Guangrong.

He is now proposing this kind of suggestion. Either he just takes the money instead of conscientiousness, or he suddenly has a greater demand for money... Is it because of Xiaoyou?

Xia Xiaolan glanced at Shao Guangrong, and couldn't tell that he was serious about Xiaoyou, and he was actually planning for the future.

Xia Xiaolan didn't reveal it, and instead asked others:

"What do you think of this proposal, to open the store to the capital or the commercial capital?"

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