Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1776: : Today is not what it used to be (2 more)

"Or, I'll apologize..."

Gao Fei was also wronged.

But there is no way to feel wronged.

When Zhou Cheng and Fang Shizhong were both battalion commanders, why should she apologize to Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng, she was quite proud, and forced Zhou Cheng to go to the military academy to study to avoid the limelight.

But Zhou Cheng became the deputy regiment.

Gao Fei was a little panicked, wondering if what she had done before would make Zhou Cheng retaliate.

How could Zhou Cheng stare at Gao Fei and Fang Shizhong, these two people weren't living next to him, he didn't bother to pay attention, Zhou Cheng had too many things to be busy at the time!

Gao Fei and Fang Shizhong went to find their original matchmaker. The other party also heard a bit of wind, but still not sure, they told them to go back and wait for the news, saying that the situation would change after a few months.

Gao Fei and the alchemist are faithful!

I think it was Uncle Shi who gave them news and hints.

After a few months of patience, Fang Shizhong will probably be promoted to the same level as Zhou Cheng again.

It turns out that the two of them are thinking too much.

Today, a few months later, Zhou Cheng jumped one more level, Fang Shizhong still stayed there...The situation has really changed. The two-level Zhou Cheng has completely become Fang Shizhong’s leader. The dust settled.

Gao Fei said to apologize, but Fang Shizhong did not say anything, obviously tacitly acquiescing.

After this time, the position of the regiment was changed, and the original regiment leader also moved up and was transferred to the regiment next door to become the political commissar.

The current political commissar has not changed. The biggest change is Zhou Cheng, who changed from the deputy regiment to the main regiment, and the political commissar team. The deputy regiment can’t control a battalion commander, what about the regiment commander? Unless Fang Shizhong can't do it here, he can only listen to Zhou Cheng's words obediently.

He acquiesced to Gao Fei's apology. The bitterness in Gao Fei's mouth rose from the base of his tongue and instantly filled his entire mouth.

"I knew..."

I knew what, Gao Fei didn't say.

She really didn't want to bow her head to Xia Xiaolan, Xia Xiaolan didn't know how proud she was.

But Gao Fei is different now and in the past.

In two years, she has become less proud and mature.

She didn't want her man to be affected. Whether a woman gave birth to a child was really a watershed. She didn't think about Alchemy, and she had to think about her own children.

I hope Xia Xiaolan will not embarrass her too much!

Gao Fei took a bite.


"Huh, did you change places?"

When Xia Xiaolan came back, she found that Zhou Cheng was no longer living in the original single dormitory. The logistics office of the regiment changed the place for Zhou Cheng, which was just downstairs from the political commissar's house.

It's not common for a single group leader. No matter how young the group leader Zhou is, he is still a good group.

Commander Zhou had a stable target for a long time, and he is not married now. He is waiting for the target university to graduate. It feels very fast. It is better to implement Commander Zhou's residence now.

"If you change it, it will be much more convenient for you to come back in the future. You can live as long as you want."

The decoration of Zhou Cheng's new residence is very simple, but the cleaning is clean, even the glass is translucent, and it looks quite refreshing.

There is no separate kitchen, but there is a separate bathroom.

Two rooms, a small hall.

The focus is on those two rooms. Zhou Cheng meant that Xia Xiaolan would come to visit the army again. It would be very convenient to stay overnight. There were two rooms, one for each person, and Zhou Cheng didn’t need to squeeze with others...

Xia Xiaolan's face turned red. "Then how do people know that we slept separately."

What about the two rooms, with the door closed, they can still sleep in one room.

Xia Xiaolan almost wanted to cry without tears.

She really believes in Zhou Cheng's character, in Zhou Cheng's determination, and believes that Zhou Cheng will never cross the line, can others believe it?

She wants to sleep in the same room with Zhou Cheng, and outsiders must be confused.

Xia Xiaolan really doesn't care how others talk about her.

What she cared about was that she hadn't eaten meat, and was misunderstood by others as Ye Ye Sheng Ge!

This business was simply losing money, and Xia Xiaolan refused to accept it.

Zhou Cheng deliberately teased her:

"Then what do you say? How about you go to school and apply to see if you can get us married in advance?"

Originally it was to tease Xia Xiaolan, but Zhou Cheng himself thought too much.

To be honest, the 24-year-old Zhou Tuan is good in everything. In addition to making others envy and jealous at a young age, he is also accompanied by the four characters "Fang Gang"! Hold it for a long time, maybe it really hurt him.

He only needs to think about it. Xia Xiaolan will stay overnight in the army and sleep in a room with him, and she will feel itchy under her nose, and there will be some liquid falling from her nasal cavity.

"Zhou Cheng, you have a nosebleed!"

Xia Xiaolan stood up and went to find toilet paper for Zhou Cheng.

When Zhou Cheng touched it, he realized that he had a nosebleed.

"Don't panic, I will pat the neck with cold water."

Xia Xiaolan was reminded by him and hurriedly pulled him to the bathroom. Zhou Cheng buried her head, and Xia Xiaolan shivered when she let go of the cold water: "It's cold, you bear it."

I was in a hurry to stop Zhou Cheng's nosebleeds. The ambiguous atmosphere just disappeared. Xia Xiaolan pointed to Zhou Cheng's nose and smiled. She already wanted to understand why Zhou Cheng had a nosebleed.

"If I spend more nights in the army, what can you do!"

Is there anything to enrich blood, eat pork liver crazily?

"Zhou Cheng, are you there?"

Someone knocked on the door outside.

Listening to the voice, it was the wife of the political commissar. Xia Xiaolan sorted out her expressions and opened the door. Zhou Cheng saw that the nosebleed was no longer flowing, so she threw away the toilet paper.

Sure enough, it was the wife of the political commissar, followed by Gao Fei.

"Zhou Cheng what is going on!"

The political commissar’s wife saw the **** paper, and Zhou Cheng pointed to her nose, “Sister-in-law, I just moved here, and I can’t adapt to the heating in the building. It’s too dry.”

Zhou Cheng's new residence is already a building where military officers of a certain level live, and the building is fully heated.

The political commissar’s wife didn’t think too much: “That’s not the case. The heating has been drying for a long time. Remember to put two basins of water in the house.”

Dryness is dry, but in winter, is it better to live in a heated building than anything else?

Winter clothes are always dry and can be put on the radiator.

Something can still be heated on the radiator, soy milk and rice porridge are put on the radiator in a ceramic tank, and it is warm when you drink it.

This topic quickly turned off, Xia Xiaolan's eyes fell on Gao Fei, Gao Fei seemed to be pricked by a needle.

The wife of the political commissar is also more embarrassed.

On New Year's Day, Zhou Cheng's appointment had not yet come down, and she was kind enough to resolve the contradiction between the two families. How could I know that I had agreed with Xia Xiaolan, and Xia Xiaolan also agreed to her, turning around just not to meet Gao Fei?

The political commissar’s wife can’t tell you don’t leave, wait for Gao Fei in the army.

Not long after New Year's Day, Zhou Cheng's position changed.

The wife of the political commissar was caught off guard, which made her kindly do bad things.

Today Gao Fei took the initiative to ask her, saying that she wanted to apologize to Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan. The political commissar’s wife is now leading the person, but she is very embarrassed—I hope that Xia Xiaolan will not be so temperamental, so that she can save some face for Gao Fei.

She swears that she is definitely not partial to anyone. To say that she is partial, she is also partial to Zhou Cheng, hoping that the overall atmosphere in the group is harmonious!

"Leader Zhou, Comrade Xiaolan, I, I... apologize to you!"

Sooner or later, he would have to suffer such a knife, but Gao Fei still gave up.

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