Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1783: : Second Young Master, you have gone the wrong way! (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan was not born into a powerful family as she thought.

But only after all the materials are put in place, can we know what Xia Xiaolan has gone through.

This is definitely the most powerful person Ye Xiaoqiong has ever seen.

Not Liu Fen, nor Liu Yong.

Ye Xiaoqiong's age has no sense of substitution for Liu Fen and Liu Yong. Only in Xia Xiaolan, Ye Xiaoqiong has a sense of substitution.

A person like Xia Xiaolan is not always good at first.

Ye Xiaoqiong looked at the so-called "black history" and fell into contemplation.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 18, Xia Xiaolan actually committed suicide.

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiaolan was as weak as 18 years old.

But in less than 4 years, Xia Xiaolan has undergone earth-shaking changes. From a rural girl in the countryside of southern Henan, to a provincial champion, to a Huaqing student, to the boss of Pengcheng Real Estate Company, this life going against the current makes Ye Xiaoqiong feel emotional.

She suddenly realized why Xia Xiaolan would say such a thing after saving her on the train.

"Don't bow your head... the road is made by people... to live better!"

Ye Xiaoqiong still remembers those words.

She can even memorize it verbatim.

Xia Xiaolan didn't just say a few words to fool her, it was obvious that Xia Xiaolan also believed these words.

So Xia Xiaolan is getting better and better, from southern Henan to Beijing, then to Pengcheng, and even to the United States.

She is also living according to Xia Xiaolan's expectations, why did she fail halfway through her efforts?

Ye Xiaoqiong looked at the information and her smile slowly turned cold:

"A woman who is willing to be an old man's wife, what qualifications does she have to compare with Xia Xiaolan!"

Er Shao went the wrong way!

After reading all the information, Ye Xiaoqiong came to this conclusion.

The Second Young Master took the wrong path. Even if you can’t cooperate with people like Xia Xiaolan, you shouldn’t get mixed up with Xia Ziyu. Good looks like Xia Ziyu are embarrassing to women. The more women like Xia Ziyu, the whole woman The lower the status of the group, the establishment of Xinhua State gave women opportunities to work and made equality between men and women feasible-Xia Ziyu's behavior is undoubtedly driving history!

If the two masters and Xia Ziyu mix together, they will be pulled low by Xia Ziyu, and will be biased by Xia Ziyu.

Ye Xiaoqiong shuddered.

She didn't know why things became like this, but she still remembered what Du Zhaoji was like in the beginning.

The Second Young Master is not greedy for beauty and has strict requirements on his subordinates. She is a boss that she admires.

At first, she just wanted to hold on to the two youngsters firmly, and wanted to use the two youngsters as the pedal to achieve the goal of "getting ahead".

Later, she also really wanted to follow the Second Young Master, because the Second Young Master could see her hard work. She only had to finish the work without being dressed up to seduce someone. The Second Young Master doesn't care about her looks, she doesn't need her flattery, the Second Young Master values ​​her ability.

The second master at that time made Ye Xiaoqiong admire.

She is younger than her, but very capable. She is indeed a top student who has studied well all the way and studied business at a prestigious school abroad!

Obviously it was good at first, and she was also thinking about getting ahead on her own. When did that start? All of this has changed?

"It was Du Dong who said he wanted the second master to compete with Du Zhaohui. It was the 5% of the shares of the Hongrong Group."

Ye Xiaoqiong gritted his teeth.

It is this 5% of the shares that makes Er Shao and Du Zhaohui compete.

Although Du Xingrong is the chairman of the group and the father of her boss, Ye Xiaoqiong looks down on him.

In her opinion, Du Xingrong is as scumbag as Yuan Han.

Yuan Han could not want the child in her stomach. Although Du Xingrong had a lot of children, he didn't really love any of them. If you really love Du Zhaohui, you won't give him a bunch of half-brothers and sisters who compete for the family property.

Do not love the two young masters either.

Du Xingrong is not cultivating his son. He uses 5% of his shares as bait to boil the eagle!

Ye Xiaoqiong stayed in the office alone for a long time, found a metal trash can, burned all the investigation materials, then called He Shiyuan and handed her a check:

"I'm going back to Hong Kong these days, so you can do what you should do. This is your most recent funding."

He Shiyuan flicked the check with her finger and blew a whistle:

"Boss, I gave a little bit more this time."

Ye Xiaoqiong chuckled softly, "When you still feel too much money? You accept it, as long as you work hard, you can't be treated badly."

After He Shiyuan was sent away, Ye Xiaoqiong packed up and returned to Hong Kong.

She already had a pass, and it was very convenient to travel between Pengcheng and Hong Kong Island. She was still in Pengcheng in the morning and arrived in Central at noon. No one stopped her all the way to the company, knowing that she was Du Zhaoji's special assistant.

The two mainland girls who joined the company in the same batch are so amazing.

A Ye Xiaoqiong, who is also handsome, but quickly fell in love with the second young man, Du Zhaoji, and became a special assistant.

Another vivi is more powerful, dancing at the company's spring tea party to impress Du Dong, unexpectedly let Du Dong make an exception for her, publicly display wine and let her become the fifth aunt of Du's family.

"She is Ye Xiaoqiong? It's just that..."

"Shhh, she'll be dead if she hears it. Are you a little clerk who can afford special help?"

Ye Xiaoqiong heard such comments from newcomers who had just joined the company.

Of course she would not stop to curse.

"Second Young Master, can I come in?"

Du Zhaoji looked up, "Why did you return to Hong Kong without saying hello? It's just right to come back, shut the door to speak."

Close the door, that is, the content of the conversation cannot be heard by outsiders.

Ye Xiaoqiong also has this intention.

"How about, let you check Xia Xiaolan's mother, the result is."

Du Zhaoji clasped his hands and looked at Ye Xiaoqiong.

Ye Xiaoqiong lowered her head, "Second Young Master, I found something, but I have doubts about your cooperation with Xia Ziyu. She is really not a good partner. This woman can betray Du Da, and she can Turn around and betray you."

"Then what you mean, I just watched my elder brother make a trick to make him proud, but I want to be a moral model, waiting for him to win the competition, get 5% of the group shares, and further win the entire Du Home, kick me out of the company?"

Du Zhaoji smiled but did not smile.

"Oh, maybe I'm begging for him, he will reward me with a bone, and let me hide in the corner and bite slowly... Ye Xiaoqiong, are you going to tell me how to do things the other way around? Or do you think you have found a scumbag? A prostitute will seduce her ex-husband, and the other party will be completely ruined. Your vengeance is about to be paid, and you have become desperate again. Have you found your innocent and spine?!"

Ye Xiaoqiong's face turned pale.

Du Zhaoji glanced at her, took out a scroll from the drawer, and threw it on the table:

"Do you think I will only ask you to investigate others, but not you, do you remember this painting?"

It is a painting by Qiu Ying.

Ye Xiaoqiong raised her head, "Didn't you know the second youngest? My origin, without your acquiescence, I can't go to the United States often, and I can't find the prostitute, and I can't afford to pay her."

The salary of the special assistant is very high!

However, it is not easy to play a wealthy daughter with the salary of a special aid, even for those who have never seen the world.

Du Zhaoji just didn't say anything in person, but he should have known the grievances between her, Yuan Han, and Zhou Yi, otherwise he would not trust her so much!

Now, Du Zhaoji finally broke his words, and Ye Xiaoqiong did not panic, nor did he feel embarrassed.

——Why should she be ashamed and embarrassed? The person who did the wrong thing was not her. Yuan Han and the Yuan family are alive and well. Why should she keep her head up?

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