Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1822: : The Du family brothers' characters are reversed? (3 more)

Beauty is a weapon.

Regardless of men and women, it sometimes even becomes the backing of straddling classes.

But it really involves a lot of interests. Whether a person looks good or not is not that important.

Just like this time.

No matter how good Xia Xiaolan looks, people still only enthusiasm for Du Zhaohui, and they all regard her as a female companion brought by Du Zhaohui-although she is more beautiful, she is also an insignificant woman.

"Mr. Xia, are you not angry at all?"

Xiao You was very angry, and those people clearly regarded Mr. Xia as that kind of vase.

They tried their best to flatter Du Zhaohui, but they didn't know that Mr. Xia was responsible for most of the "Hung Rong Plaza"!

"What am I angry about? I can only make a fortune by silence. Others treat me as a vase. That's ignorance of others. Why should I be angry for others' ignorance."

On such occasions, Xia Xiaolan was anxious to be an invisible person.

Let everyone know that she is Du Zhaohui's helper, what good is it for her?

Xiaoyou feels like he has learned a little more.

President Xia is so calm, why is she worried?

Those people look down on President Xia because they don't know what Mr. Xia's skills are... There will be no one or two people like this. If they care about all of them, they won't have to do other business all day long!

Xiaoyou is also learning from Xia Xiaolan's tolerance, trying to calm himself down.

Follow Du Zhaohui all the way upstairs to feel the popularity of Du Zhaohui in the Zhengrong Group now, Xiaoyou and Yourongyan-these people praise Du Zhaohui, she changed her mindset, and she feels that she is all complimenting her family manager Xia.

This year's Spring Banquet was also held in the hotel in Central.

Du Zhaohui returned to the company first and was summoned by Du Xingrong.

Xia Xiaolan is here, and she also went upstairs together. She estimated that she could see Du Zhaoji in a while.

Like Du Zhaohui, take Ahua wherever he goes. If Ye Xiaoqiong is fine, he should be by Du Zhaoji's side.

If Du Zhaoji couldn't see Ye Xiaoqiong by his side, he would basically be able to tell that something was wrong.

Walking outside Du Xingrong's office, Du Zhaohui suddenly stopped and said to Xia Xiaolan:

"Do you want to stroll around the company?"

He was complimented all the way, and he was very proud. When he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered that the old man inside was a hungry ghost. Although the old man had seen Xia Xiaolan last time because of Zhang Jiadong’s affairs, it seemed that there was nothing unusual—that was not for the old man. Opportunity, what should I do if I see two more times and the old man has thoughts he shouldn't have?

It is better to give the dead old man less chance to see Xia Xiaolan.

Du Zhaohui now regretted beating his chest and feet.

At that time, Xia Ziyu was asked to seduce his own father according to Xia Xiaolan's appearance, and he didn't think anything was wrong.

Because of the beauty of Xia Xiaolan, Xia Ziyu has a greater chance of success following Xia Xiaolan's plastic surgery.

Later, the plastic surgeon hired by Japan only gave a three-point image. Du Zhaohui still felt sorry.

But thinking about it now, he himself feels sick.

Fortunately, there is only a three-point image. If it really becomes a seven-to-eight-point similarity, and then put it to the old man's bed, the first person who can't stand it is Du Zhaohui himself.

He had to admit that Xia Xiaolan was right to scold him. This trick is simply too stupid!

"Okay, you go in, Xiaoyou and I are waiting outside."

Xia Xiaolan nodded, and Du Zhaohui instructed Ahua to take care of the two of them and knocked on the door of the office.

When Du Zhaohui entered, Du Zhaoji was not waiting in the office.

Du's women are not allowed to take care of the company's affairs. Neither Du Zhaoji's mother, second wife, nor Xia Ziyu, whom Du Xingrong recently loved, can't be in the office. At this time, only Du Zhaohui and Du Xingrong are in the office.

"Dad, this is the information you asked me to prepare."

Du Zhaohui put all the materials on Du Xingrong's desk.

Du Zhaoji didn't dare to show up, maybe he didn't have the confidence.

Oh, such an opponent, Du Zhaohui has taken it seriously.

"You wait here first. Your brother called and said that he needs to add a copy of the information temporarily, and he won't be there in a while."

The information Du Zhaohui handed over, Du Xingrong knows everything in his heart, and he doesn't need to look at it.

As soon as Du Zhaohui entered the customs, someone called Du Xingrong to inform him of the situation. At this time, Du Xingrong seemed to ask casually:

"I heard that you brought your female companion back to Hong Kong?"

Du Zhaohui was immediately wary, "Not a female companion, but Miss Xia from Pengcheng Qihang Real Estate. She came to Hong Kong City to work and walk with me."

Du Tingrong didn't bother to expose him.

"Oh, it's the Miss Xia that I met on the cruise last time. It seems that you are really interested in her?"

Du Zhaohui didn't know how to answer this topic.

According to the logic of normal people, he should admit it right now, and deliberately talked about the relationship between him and Xia Xiaolan more ambiguously, Du Tingrong would not have those messy thoughts.

But the old man in his family has never been a normal person.

Du Zhaohui's mother had just passed away when he was a child. He relied heavily on Liu Keying, a tutor who accompanied him. He always called Liu Keying his sister, but this did not stop Du Xingrong and Liu Keying from getting into bed.

A slap can't make a slap, and the two hooked up. There must be Liu Keying's subjective will, but it also shows how unethical Du Tingrong is.

As long as Du Zhaohui's mood is under scruples, it will not be mixed with Liu Keying.

Du Zhaohui said it was his female companion. Maybe the old man would find it more exciting?

He is very cautious.

Du Yanrong sneered:

"Zhaohui, the flowers are blooming on the branches, and everyone wants to buckle up. If you are fancy, you should start early. I remember that you have also had many girlfriends. Do you want me to teach you how to chase girls?"

Hell, the dead old man cares about his private life like this.

Du Zhaohui smiled, but his heart was straight.

"You are right, I will work hard!"


Ahua was ordered to take Xia Xiaolan to visit the company, and Xia Xiaolan was not very interested.

"Do you have an office here?

Ahua nodded, "Originally there was no, but the second youngest returned to China and joined the group to work. The youngest asked to arrange an office for him as well. Miss Xia, I will take you there right away."

This is indeed what Du Zhaohui would do.

In fact, if Du Zhaohui wants to get this office, he hasn't used it once. Typically standing in a pit without shit, he must also have what Du Zhaoji has. As to whether to use it immediately, it is another matter.

Since the purpose is to disgust Du Zhaoji, the office to come is naturally on the same floor as Du Zhaoji's office.

A Hua took Xia Xiaolan and Xiaoyou down the elevator. As soon as the elevator door opened, it happened to have a face-to-face meeting with Du Zhaoji.

Xia Xiaolan was a little surprised.

She has seen Du Zhaoji in private auctions and in the United States, and she has the impression that she is a very young and elite fan.

Du Zhaoji and Du Zhaohui seem to have reversed their personalities. Du Zhaohui, who used to be vicious, is getting more and more silly, while Du Zhaoji, who is an elite, looks a little more gloomy at this time.

Du Zhaoji was also looking at her, smiling politely after a moment:

"Miss Xia, I remember we met twice earlier, but we haven't officially introduced it each time, right?"

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