Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1830: : Doesn't it mean you can do business? (3 more)

Du Xingrong praised her as a flower, and Xia Xiaolan was a bit square.

Hey, isn't it today that we are going to announce the results of the Du family's two brothers' competition, and then, it is logical to take the winner to the top?

Du Xingrong, an old fox, grabbed her an outsider and squeezed it. Xia Xiaolan was inexplicable.

In any case, Du Zongrong will never transfer 5% of the shares of the Zongrong Group over the two brothers Du Zhaohui and Du Zhaoji, and give her an outsider, so why bother with her?

Du Zhaohui's eyes were bright.

The dead old man is not profitable, he never talks nonsense, and is willing to build momentum for Xia Xiaolan in front of so many people. Is it true that he and Xia Xiaolan should be paired?

At this moment, Du Zhaohui finally believed that the old man really valued Xia Xiaolan's ability.

The old man wants Xia Xiaolan to help Du's family forever!

How can we achieve this goal?

The best way, of course, is to turn Xia Xiaolan into the Du family, such as being the grandmother of the Du family... This late father's love made Du Zhaohui a little bit embarrassed.

Du Zhaoji's heart sank. He also thought of Du Zhaohui together.

This is to let Xia Xiaolan enter Du's door?

That Du Zhaohui married Xia Xiaolan will undoubtedly become the heir of the Du family, and the 5% of the shares belong to——

Xia Xiaolan didn't think about the relationship between men and women, but naturally felt that Du Xingrong was over-enthusiastic.

She was wary in her heart, but her face was humble and polite, "Dong Dong, you have exaggerated too much. Compared with your bare-handed establishment of the Hongrong Group, what is my little achievement?"

"Thousands of tall buildings all rise from the ground. Miss Xia don't need to be too self-effacing! Before, there was a Feng Shui plate in Pengcheng to promote on Hong Kong Island, called'Jinsha Chi'. I don't know if you have any impressions, that is Miss Xia's first job. Real estate projects."

To mention other things, these people really don't know, no matter how close Pengcheng is, not everyone has an investment.

But when it comes to ‘Golden Sands’ pool, it’s quite impressive.

"Did you ask Wu Daonan to help with advertising that?"

Now, Xia Xiaolan can only bite the bullet and smile and nod, "Yes, thank you Master Wu for your help."

"Oh, that's the Golden Sands Pool. I really remember it."

Ms. Yu, who was talking with Xia Xiaolan just now, is even more enthusiastic about Xia Xiaolan: "It turns out that'Jinshachi' is Ms. Xia's hand. The scale of doing business is very important, but whether a person has the talent to do business is too one-sided depending on the scale. No wonder Du Sheng praised Miss Xia, such an excellent young man, even I like it!"

Can anyone manage real estate?

On Hong Kong Island, there are very good people who dare to touch this field.

Xia Xiaolan seems to be in her early 20s. Du Tsung Rong praised it this way, and she did have an accomplishment. Du Tsung Rong arranged her to sit at this table, and everyone was okay.

It's not a vase with an empty head, but a talented person. No one hates a young man like this.

At least it looks like this.

The atmosphere suddenly became peaceful.

Du Yurong smiled and said a few words, and took the two brothers Du Zhaohui to another table. Ms. Yu changed her seats to Xia Xiaolan, and she was very polite to her in her words. She smiled and asked her why she thought of asking Wu Daonan for an advertisement.

Someone on the table ridiculed that Ms. Yu took advantage of her gender to get close to Xia Xiaolan. She said that Xia Xiaolan could only hold up a glass of wine and offered to offer everyone a drink:

"The protagonist of today's banquet is Du Dong. Those of us were invited to congratulate the Congrong Group for its achievements last year. I will not grab the limelight from Du Dong. I would like to offer a cup of Buddha to everyone. If you have the opportunity When I go to Pengcheng, I will treat you all with the friendship of the landlord!"

"Well, Miss Xia is happy, this glass of wine must be dry!"

"Haha, Du Sheng is full of praise for Miss Xia. Not only is Miss Xia capable, but also because of her refreshing temper, right?"

"Come here..."

The atmosphere is very lively, although there are ridicules, there is absolutely no disrespect.

They can ridicule Du Tingrong's newly married little wife at will, and talk about ambiguous peachy jokes, these are all indifferent, Du Tsingrong himself will not be angry.

But for Xia Xiaolan who set up her own real estate company at such a young age, we should not just look at the beautiful appearance of her, but should have more equal respect!

Seeing that Xia Xiaolan is so popular, Xia Ziyu at the next table feels bored, and feels uncomfortable in her stomach.

Of course she knew that Xia Xiaolan had set up a real estate company.

Liu Yong opened a decoration company.

The two uncles and uncles made some money in Pengcheng.

But those, because Liu Fen remarried to the mayor of Pengcheng...With this relationship, even a pig can do business in Pengcheng.

If Xia Ziyu didn't close her mouth tightly, she really couldn't help but spit it out on the spot!

Xia Xiaolan's scenery irritated her more than Liu Keying's ridicule.

Liu Keying looked at the movement next door, and her mood was actually quite complicated.

She has been married to Du Tsung Rong for more than ten years, and it is rare that Du Tsung Rong has such respect for any woman.

Du Tingrong looked at women, only to see if they were attractive and whether they could sleep.

Du Xingrong doesn't care about those who are not capable.

At the next table of guests, except for Xia Xiaolan, only Ms. Yu was a woman. Ms. Yu was not originally a friend of Du Tsingrong. It was Ms. Yu’s husband who had friendship with Du Tsingrong. After her husband passed away, Ms. Yu took over her husband’s business. A few years have passed. Before the business collapsed, Du Xingrong recognized Ms. Yu's ability... Now, there is another young Xia Xiaolan.

Liu Keying saw Xia Ziyu's expression uncomfortable, and suddenly came to his senses, and said to Liu Tianquan:

"It turns out that I was wrong. There are quite a few people in the world who look dichotomous. They are talented women. This one in our family...hehe."

Xia Ziyu covered her mouth and stood up.

Someone immediately came up: "Fifth wife, are you uncomfortable?"

Xia Ziyu nodded, and the man immediately took her to the bathroom, and Xia Ziyu vomited.

This is a normal reaction early in pregnancy. Xia Ziyu looked at herself slightly embarrassed in the mirror, her eyes flushed with fierce eyes.

Isn’t it just doing business?

Doesn't she know that real estate is very profitable?

Liu Keying's yin and yang strangeness has an ass. She has been married to Du Xingrong for more than ten years and has not made much use of Du's platform.

However, this also reminded her that she can't just look at the scenery of Xia Xiaolan. With such a good opportunity, she should also coax Du Xingrong and say that she also wants to invest in something to practice her hand.

As long as Du Zhengrong is willing to support her, she has no reason to be worse than Xia Xiaolan.

Today, those who are frivolous and not solemn to her, but are extremely enthusiastic towards Xia Xiaolan, will definitely change their faces in front of her in the future!

Xia Ziyu made up again, and Yanguang returned to her seat. No matter what happened at the neighboring table, she would not pay attention to Xia Xiaolan anymore. It was too distracting to listen to it, and she simply ignored it and ignored it!

Xia Xiaolan didn't have the time to take care of her either.

With a table of people socializing, what Xia Xiaolan thought was when Du Xingrong would announce the results of the competition?

Finally, Du Zongrong walked out to the middle of the venue, and it seemed that he was going to speak as the chairman of the Zongrong Group——

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