Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1833: : The partnership has officially ended (2 more)

Liu Tianquan looked at his sister's back, the flesh on his cheeks quivered slightly, turned his head to look at Du Zhaoji:

"Zhao Ji, are you not reconciled at all?"

"Why should I be unwilling?"

"You lose to Zhaohui. He doesn't learn or know how to do it. You are a business school from a prestigious school... Hehe, maybe I am too narrow-minded. I don't understand the deep brotherhood between you and your elder brother Zhaoji."

Liu Tianquan is provocative, but Du Zhaoji is not angry.

On the contrary, Liu Tianquan became angry.

These little beasts are not easy to deal with one by one.

How can Liu Tianquan understand Du Zhaoji's thoughts.

Are you angry?

What's so angry!

Didn't he lose to Du Zhaohui, the Huangrong Square was not organized by Du Zhaohui at all, knowing people to make good use of it? Oh, Du Zhaohui is a supervisor.

Du Zhaoji looked at the next table, he lost to Xia Xiaolan.

Everyone praised him for being young and promising, and it is necessary to mention his business background at a prestigious school.

Xia Xiaolan is also very young!

Unlike what he had learned since childhood, where did Xia Xiaolan, a woman who grew up in a remote rural village in the mainland, learn something? Is it true that you can be born with you when you do business? Xia Xiaolan has never studied systematically when she was admitted to university, she studied architecture!

Du Zhaohui clearly relied on the ability of others to cheat, and his father still judged that Du Zhaohui won.

This is eccentricity.

If you are biased, how can you talk about justice?

No matter how much he does, he will not get fair treatment. This is not the feeling that he felt today, but the result of today made him convinced of this again. Because of the psychological preparation, Du Zhaoji did not have a complete emotional breakdown, but sat firmly in the position-those people thought that Du Zhaohui had won? No, the real contest begins now.

Xia Xiaolan, this woman, can never help Du Zhaohui all the time.

She is not Du Zhaohui's woman!

Du Zhaoji's gaze was too obvious, Xia Xiaolan felt his gaze, and the two of them just hit him.

Du Zhaoji even smiled at Xia Xiaolan, making Xia Xiaolan's hair terrifying.

What kind of physique is this oneself!

Du Zhaoji passed Du Zhaohui and turned to stare at her? !

Sure enough, when the 10 million Hong Kong dollars were collected, it was really troublesome.

Du Zhaohui was silly, still smiling heartlessly, Xia Xiaolan was very heartbroken.

The second wife and Liu Keying, who left one after another, turned back again.

The distance between the two is still not too close, but Liu Keying is in a trance.

She looked at Xia Ziyu, then Xia Xiaolan, and finally Du Zhaohui... Why couldn't she figure it out earlier? Such a trick is indeed very similar to what Du Zhaohui can do.

Anyway, in the end, Du Zhaohui took 5% of the group's shares. Whoever makes the most profit is who does it!

Liu Keying's teeth almost broke.

"Brother, I am not feeling well, you send me back first!"

Liu Tianquan also didn't want to stay here to watch Du Zhaohui's scenery. The brothers and sisters left the table and went out of the hotel. The paparazzi squatting outside was not as particular as the reporters in the venue, and rushed up with long guns and short cannons:

"Fourth wife, what's the situation inside?"

"Fourth wife, I heard that Du Sheng has split shares today. Does Du Sheng have a retirement plan and want to hand over the company to his son?"

"Si Tai, it is rumored that 5% of the group shares bet is true or false. Who won today?"

"It's Mr. Du, with the latest news, it's Mr. Du who won!"

"Si Tai, you have some feelings, I heard that you are at odds with Young Master Du..."

Liu Tianquan and bodyguards guarded Liu Keying together, and finally got out of the paparazzi's encirclement. These paparazzi questions did not take into account the mood of the parties involved. Liu Keying was already on the verge of rampaging, and it was even more angry at this time.

As she drove away from the hotel, her face was still terrible.

"Did the second wife tell you something?"

Following the second wife, she went to the bathroom, and her face was not right when she came back. Liu Tianquan still understood her sister very well.

Liu Keying patted the seat:

"What? We were deceived by Du Zhaohui's little beast. That vivi was not the second room at all. Du Zhaohui specially arranged for Du Sheng. The little beast used a woman to make me suspicious of the second room and destroy our alliance!"

"Vivi is Du Zhaohui's person, how could it be possible!"

Liu Tianquan was also unbelievable.

The brothers and sisters were actually misled by the inertia of thinking.

Du Zhaohui is tired of all the women around Du Zongrong, and thinks that the early death of his biological mother is related to Du Zongrong’s romance. Although Du Zhaohui’s mother is not in good health, she consumes a lot of vitality during pregnancy and childbirth. .

But if you feel less stunned, you may live two more years.

Du Zhaohui hated every woman who appeared next to Du Xingrong.

Conversely, his existence prevented the aunts from fighting for the benefits of their children, and the aunts naturally hated him.

The two sides hate each other and fight endlessly with each other. The Liu family brothers and sisters did not expect that Du Zhaohui would actually want to give Du Xingrong a woman!

Liu Tianquan rubbed his hands, "Just leave the vivi, the little beast treacherously, and got 5% of the shares, he should squeeze us out and deal with us in the next step."

"How can I leave it alone? He gave Vivi to Du Sheng. He was dealing with me. Vivi took away Du Sheng's love for me. Without Du Sheng's protection, Du Zhaohui can deal with me casually-brother, you haven't forgotten Have you done anything to Du Zhaohui? This time, we must not only kill first, but also kill. If you don't kill Du Zhaohui first, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Liu Keying was angry and scared.

Liu Tianquan also made up his mind, and Du Zhaohui couldn't stay.

But at this time, Erfang told Keying the ‘truth’ that he also wanted to kill someone with a knife, and Liu Tianquan was not stupid enough to clear the obstacles for Erfang.

"Don't be anxious, the more anxious, the more wrong. As long as there is a little mistake in this matter, our brother and sister are dead! Du Zhaohui will definitely stay on Hong Kong Island for a few more days this time. I want to find the best opportunity."


"Mr. Xia, shall we stay in this hotel?"

There is no permanent banquet in the world. After Du Xingrong sends out the ‘Profit is Seal’, this year’s Yung Rong Group’s spring banquet will be over.

Xia Ziyu got the chance to leave with Du Xingrong, holding Du Xingrong's hand and taking pictures of the paparazzi blocked by the hotel entrance. Xia Xiaolan was too lazy to move, and asked Xiaoyou to open a room directly at the hotel that hosted the banquet.

"It's not easy to take the 5% of Du Da Shao. You and I have little arms and legs. Don't dangle around. It's good to live in this hotel."

The spring banquet is over, and Du Zhaohui is still busy.

To accept the transfer of 5% of the shares, but also to show their own existence within the Hongrong Group, to suppress those who dissatisfied with him.

These are not what Xia Xiaolan can do on her behalf.

In fact, Du Zhaohui won the competition. After the spring banquet, she has fulfilled the time-consuming commitment to receive 10 million Hong Kong dollars from consultants. When Du Xingrong announced that 5% of the shares belonged to Du Zhaohui, the cooperative relationship between her and Du Zhaohui had officially ended. She is no longer Du Zhaohui's'consultant'.

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