Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1835: : Du Sheng, I want to do real estate (4 more)

Find something to do yourself?

Du Zhengrong was really surprised at first hearing this.

He is not an ordinary person.

He was born in the dark, started from scratch, possessed the status of today, and the wisdom given by the passage of time, almost immediately understood Xia Ziyu's psychology.

This is touched by what happened today. Canary wants the respect of others!

Du Tingrong was immediately intrigued. From the perspective of men and women, he was satisfied with Xia Ziyu. If you are not satisfied, you will not be given a name, will not agree that Xia Ziyu is pregnant, and will not return to protect Xia Ziyu.

But he was more than just one woman.

For a man like Du Yungrong, his needs for women are different at every time of his life. The timing of the appearance of the first three aunts fits his needs at the time, so he married.

This kind of satisfaction is the love of men and women... It is too difficult for Du Xingrong to respect and appreciate Xia Ziyu as equals.

It didn't start well. It was obvious that I was looking for a canary, and it was much easier to give the money.

Now the canary wants more, which is not worrying.

However, Du Xingrong is indeed in a good mood today, and people have more patience because of this:

"You tell me, what business do you want to do. I remember that you like dancing and you have been swimming. These two hobbies have been temporarily suspended because of the relationship between your pregnancy. Then you go to learn flower arrangement and tea ceremony?"

Dancing and swimming are not her hobbies!

Dancing is to maintain the flexibility of the figure, because Du Chengrong likes women who can dance, so she has to like it.

Swimming is also for the same purpose.

It is to keep the figure from getting fat.

Xia Ziyu's heart was blocked.

"Du Sheng, don't tease me. I said doing something serious is to do a serious career, not to develop new hobbies like flower arranging and tea ceremony."

Du Yurong nodded perfunctorily, "Then what business do you want to do?"

"Doing real estate! Why can't I do a business that other people can do? Du Sheng, doing this business will definitely make money."

Xia Ziyu didn't know how to explain.

That is, setting aside Xia Xiaolan’s successful example, and not looking at Du Zhaohui’s "Yongrong Plaza", as far as she knows, real estate developers will make money.

Housing prices in China will get higher and higher, and it is impossible to imagine living in 1987.

She was particularly envious of Xia Xiaolan in her previous life, because Xia Xiaolan married Wang Jianhua, her husband and wife were expensive, and because of the Wang family, Xia Xiaolan had many properties in Beijing. To her who had never seen big money in her previous life, a house in the capital was an astronomical number, and it was hard to imagine multiple properties. Therefore, Xia Xiaolan really wanted to help her at that time. She could solve the problem by simply selling a house. It was an excuse to excuse, deliberately to watch her kneel and pray, and then send her a beggar to throw three melons and two dates to her... These memories are flooding, and Xia Ziyu's whole body is not good!

Du Xingrong was completely speechless.

Real estate?

A person with no business experience at all will open his mouth to do real estate.

If real estate is so easy to do, wouldn't everyone on Hong Kong Island be a rich man?

Thinking that taking a piece of land at random and finding someone to build a few houses on it is called real estate?

Who wants to look at this line so simple, he doesn't know how he died in the end.

"I have no objection that you want to do something business. It is good to be ambitious, but if you want to do real estate, the start-up fund should be paid out by me. Then follow the rules. If you want to make a plan for me, I can see Feasibility, I will invest money for you!"

Du Tengrong didn't refuse in a single word, and he was already giving Xia Ziyu a lot of face.

Xia Ziyu did not give up, "Du Sheng——"

Before she could finish her words, the phone on Du Xingrong's desk rang. It was the inside line of the secretary's office:

"Du Sheng, young and old are coming to you, do I want to invite them in?"

Usually, I went in on a rampage.

Today the secretary specifically stopped Du Zhaohui, because Du Dong brought the fifth wife to the office, who knows if she was there...cough cough, it's a good thing to be interrupted by the young and old, how embarrassing, he, the secretary, doesn't have to do it anymore.

Du Xingrong was originally waiting for his son, so he didn't hesitate now:

"Let him wait two minutes to come in."

He cut off the phone and signaled to Xia Ziyu, "Zhaohui is looking for me for a business matter. If you have any ideas, we will make a plan first and we will talk about it. Good, go to the lounge and wait for me now."

The lounge is in the office. The door and the office wall are integrated. If you want to see Du Zhaohui in private, Xia Ziyu is also a little frightened, so she obediently hides in.

As soon as she hid her front foot, Du Zhaohui entered the office with her back foot.

After smelling the remaining aroma in the air, Du Zhaohui smiled and said:

"The secretary stopped me. I thought you brought some woman to the office. It doesn't matter if you have a woman. I am not a few young moms who are here to catch and block people!"

"You are talking nonsense. People outside also say that you have become mature and stable. You'd better talk less in front of outsiders, and you'll still be so **** with one mouth."

After being scolded by Du Xingrong, Du Zhaohui didn't care at all.

Du Zhaohui knew that the person hiding was Xia Ziyu, and the secretary just said that it was Mrs. Wu in it.

He said this deliberately, no matter how soundproof the lounge is, Xia Ziyu really can hear them if he wants to listen to their conversation.

Just to let Xia Ziyu hear that, across a wall, Xia Ziyu can be scared to death.

"I'm just like this in front of you. There is so much cover between father and son, are you right?"

Du Zhaohui meant something, but Du Xingrong was not commenting:

"Pick the key point, don't talk nonsense. If you want to ask me about the 5% of the shares, I said that I will give it to you and I won't regret it. You don't need to rush over."

But it's all here, and there is no need to delay it.

Give it today and give it tomorrow, isn’t it the same?

Du Zhaohui is arrogant again, one sentence is still right, father and son do not need to cover up so much, the 5% of the shares have to be given, and Du Xingrong will not be sloppy.

Du Zhaohui weighed the gains and losses. What he wants to say in a while may not be what the old man likes. Like Ahua said, don't make both ends meet. It's his thing, it's best to get it in his hand first, and just keep silent, waiting for Du Xingrong to call someone to come.

The lawyer brought the documents that had been prepared a long time ago.

After carefully explaining the terms to Du Zhaohui, Du Xingrong and Du Zhaohui signed and sealed them, and 5% of the shares belonged to Du Zhaohui in a legal sense.

Du Zhaohui looked at the agreement for a while, and for this thing, he ate ashes on the construction site for half a year!

Of course he was happy when he finally won.

So far, Du Zongrong himself still holds 46.5% of the shares of the Zongrong Group and remains the largest shareholder of the Zongrong Group.

Du Zhaohui holds 5%, which is fully qualified to have a seat on the group's board of directors!

Du Zhaohui's happiness comes from the heart.

Du Xingrong patted him on the shoulder: "This is the share you have won with your ability. You should be proud. Even if your mother knows her well, she will be happy for you."

What a great atmosphere, a word of his mother was ruined, and Du Zhaohui's face went black all at once!

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