Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1856: : Mr. Zhou is merciless (1 more)

When Xu Changle walked in, he was not surprised that Zhou Cheng was also there.

As an increasingly qualified secretary, Xiaoyou always has to give customers some tips.

"Mr. Zhou, I heard that you have made a successful marriage proposal, congratulations!"

The hands of the two men are clasped together.

"Thank you. Xiaolan and I are discussing how to renovate our home in Pengcheng in the future. If you have something to do with Xiaolan, let's talk about business first."

Things can be said and listened to, and whether they are handled or not, it is necessary to analyze specific matters in detail.

Anyway, Xu Changle also went to the Palace of the Three Treasures.

"Big Brother Xu, just talk if you want."

Xia Xiaolan greeted him to sit down.

Why can't Xu Changle hear Zhou Cheng's subtext?

The unmarried couple are discussing how to settle down. The atmosphere must be happy. If Xu Changle wants to say something unhappy, it is best to weigh it in his heart first-people who destroy the atmosphere are not welcome wherever they go!

Xu Changle is also very decisive, "I came to have two things. I could make a phone call, but I might not make it clear on the phone. The first one is what my dad said. It became the indirect shareholding of Du Zhaoji, the second young master of the Du Family on Hong Kong Island, Xiaolan, do you have any ideas?"

Any ideas?

She is very young and you have said that things in the business field change rapidly, and you must be prepared to accept changes before investing.

The big deal, I will become a partner with Du Zhaoji in the future.

Anyway, it is not a long-term business. When the Asian mall is most valuable, she sells the shares in her hand. The first person to jump out of the high position to take the order is probably Du Zhaoji.

But Xu Zhongyi and Xu Changle didn't understand her thoughts.

Because they have no foresight.

Zhou Cheng understands.

Zhou Cheng has no foresight, but Zhou Cheng only needs to understand his wife.

His daughter-in-law has never been in a business that suffered a loss. Du Zhaoji wants to enter the game and does not honestly do a good job in Asia Mall. It is Du Zhaoji's own money that has lost—

Zhou Cheng not only understands Xiaolan, but he started to contact each other when Xu Zhongyi was still "Master Qiu", and happened to have a certain understanding of Xu Zhongyi:

"Uncle Xu meant to help Xiaolan push Du Zhaoji out of the Asian mall?"

Zhou Cheng grasped the key point as soon as he spoke, and Xia Xiaolan didn't say anything, letting him play.

Xu Changle nodded, "If Xiaolan needs it. My dad said that Du's family is not doing business properly. This Du Zhaoji is also well-known in the family. He now holds the most shares indirectly. Xiaolan will not kick him out. Once the Asian mall starts to make a profit. , He will also force Xiaolan out."

Xia Xiaolan has an advantage in the mainland.

But in the Shangdu, Zhu Suizhou handled all aspects of the relationship well, Xia Xiaolan's advantage was not so great.

She still has the advantage of being inferior to Du Zhaoji, which is funding.

If there is no help, how can the funds she can mobilize compare with Du Zhaoji?

After all, Du Zhaoji belonged to the Du family, and Xia Xiaolan had a talent for doing business, she was just starting out. The two squeezed into a pond to catch fish. Du Zhaoji said that he wanted to make the pond bigger. Xia Xiaolan would either increase investment or watch Du Zhaoji dilute her 18% stake.

If you increase your investment, how much is the size?

At that time, Xia Xiaolan still needs to borrow funds.

So Xu Zhongyi thought, instead of letting others do it, it would be better to kick Du Zhaoji out first.

Zhu Suizhou stayed as long as he could stay, and kicked off together if he could not stay, and handed over this project to Xia Xiaolan for operation...Who told Asia Mall to take away the land of Building No. 45?

Zhou Cheng glanced at his daughter-in-law, Xiaolan did not object, so he continued to say according to his own thoughts:

"We probably understand what you and Uncle Xu mean, but I don't think it is realistic. If Xiaolan wants to do this by herself, she won't be willing to only take 18% of the shares. She never thought of taking over from start to finish. The project of the Asia Mall is about letting Zhu Suizhou make money for her. What she cares about is not who invests in Asia, but who runs it."

Zhou Cheng, who has no foresight, said this with confidence.

This is his understanding of Xiaolan.

Fancy project?

Pull it down, Xiaolan often said that there are so many profitable projects, and she took him to Shanghai Pudong to see it.

Set sail will soon sell the property.

Xiaolan also wants to build a building material city.

Du Zhaohui spent 10 million Hong Kong dollars to sell off the very promising "Hung Rong Plaza" project idea. Is Xiaolan so stupid that she doesn't know that this project will make money? No, no, there is no shortage of projects at all, and I don’t feel bad about telling Du Zhaohui.

It doesn't matter to Xiaolan whether there is Asia or not.

Why did you agree to buy shares? It was Xu Zhongyi's own thoughts. Xu Zhongyi wanted to repay his favor. With other external forces, step by step, he came to the point of becoming a shareholder.

Another reason is that he is optimistic about Zhu Suizhou, the current leader of Asia Minor. Zhou Cheng feels that his daughter-in-law only sees that Zhu Suizhou wants the Asia Minor to have an optimistic estimate of the future profitability of the mall.

Had it not been for Zhu Suizhou, Xiaolan would not have wanted this 18% stake.

What his daughter-in-law lacks is not the project, but the competent and trustworthy person in charge... A person's energy is limited, so I can't break Xiaolan into several!

Zhou Cheng said surely, Xu Changle still wanted to ask Xia Xiaolan's own thoughts.

Xia Xiaolan smiled and nodded, "What Zhou Cheng said is my opinion."

This is not the meekness of a little woman, and it is not only about giving face to a man in front of outsiders, but Zhou Cheng said it is in her heart. Even if the explanation is not so clear, it is enough to represent her thoughts.

To be honest, she hadn't discussed these words with Zhou Cheng in detail, and she didn't know how Zhou Cheng summed it up.

But it’s right, it’s great!

Xu Changle was obviously frustrated.

After he talked with his father, it was obviously another judgment.

Isn't that the project has been taken seriously, but Zhu Suizhou is valued? As long as Zhu Suizhou is still in charge of the Asia Market, Xia Xiaolan doesn't care about who is the shareholder—this is indeed very broad-minded, but he and his father think too narrowly.

Xu Changle smiled bitterly:

"If Xiaolan didn't mean it, my second thing would be difficult to say."

Zhou Cheng changed his sitting posture, "Uncle Xu and you are both very good people. You like to pay for things first, and then ask for conditions, right? I think it’s a good thing to do, but sometimes it’s too indifferent... Of course Xiaolan will Moved by interest, but earning a certain amount of money, there is little difference between a little more and a little less. If you need Xiaolan's help, just tell the matter frankly. If you can help, we will definitely help, but we do it for love. ."

With whom?

Of course not with Xu Changle and his son, but with Grandma Yu.

Love is a consumable item, so use a little less. Zhou Cheng hoped that Xu Changle would not make too much demands, and would not exhaust the love between Xiaolan and Grandma Yu.

Xu Changle was apologized by Zhou Cheng:

"Mr. Zhou is right. I shouldn't play this cautiously, so let me just say it! On New Year's Eve, my grandma made a request that she can accept Tina back home and is willing to take the initiative to ease Tina. Relationship, but Tina must do a new DNA paternity test with my dad—she doesn’t trust our father and son and insists that Xiaolan must be at the paternity test site."

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