Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1860: : Sorry, I can't help you (1 more)

Except for suspecting that Ji Ya didn't take medicine, Ji Jiangyuan couldn't think of other words to express his current mood!

"Ji Jiangyuan, who are you talking to! I gave birth to you in October and raised you. Now let you help a little. You have this attitude!"

Ji Ya's chest rises and falls, "You think you can ignore my request by giving me the $100,000 check, and you can—"

"Of course I can. Especially for unreasonable requests, I think I can refuse."

Probably it was because Ji Ya was out of control since he was a child. Ji Jiangyuan worked hard to make his life more cheerful. He didn't want to be the second Ji Ya.

Just like now, Ji Ya's mood is about to collapse, but Ji Jiangyuan is very calm:

"I'm sorry, I can't help you. After returning to China, you don't allow me to contact my biological father. Didn't I always follow your request? Now I want to meet him in my name. I can't think of a reason. We are only blood. His father and son, in real life, are more like strangers, no intersection, no contact... Now, please don't force me to disturb his life."

Ji Jiangyuan really sympathizes with his biological father.

He was born to Ji Ya, and the blood relationship between mother and child has no choice. No one has asked him if he wants to be born. Such blood relationship fell on him.

According to Huaguo's superstition, it may be that he owed a debt in his previous life, and he is about to pay his debt in this life.

But his biological father, Tang Hongen, had obviously ended his marriage for more than ten years. As long as Ji Ya was not happy, he would still disrupt Tang Hongen's life.


Who gave Ji Ya such power.

Ji Jiangyuan's eyes were indifferent. He was once controlled by Ji Ya's extreme emotions. As long as Ji Ya loses control, he will definitely compromise in the end.

This is the son's concern for his mother, and he does not want his mother to be harmed.

Later, Ji Jiangyuan was finally willing to face the fact that every time Ji Ya lost control of her emotions, it was not she herself who was hurt, but the people who loved her and cared about her. The more who cares about her, the deeper the hurt. Staying with her for a long time, it really feels suffocating, so the boyfriends that Jiya met when she was in the United States, for a long or short time, eventually fled her.

"You cherish Uncle George, if there is nothing else, I will continue to work, and I wish you a nice evening."

Ji Jiangyuan was about to close the door, and Ji Ya put her hand on the door frame.

"Ji Jiangyuan, what about your conscience? Do you think I will have a nice evening tonight? If I can't find a solution, the bank will take away my Elegance tomorrow. It was created by me with all my hard work. Taken away by others, destroyed by others!"

Ji Ya's hand was placed on the door frame and forced to close the door, which would crush her hand.

Ji Jiangyuan knew it was out of fashion, but he really wanted to laugh:

"You think that someone else is taking Elegance away, taking your hard work...Who do you think is the bank, Sheng Xuan who gave you the loan?"

"And Xia Xiaolan--"

"Yes, there is Xia Xiaolan! Push deeper, you think my father is supporting Xia Xiaolan, so you want to meet him, as long as he gives up this idea, your crisis will be solved, right?"

Ji Jiangyuan spoke quickly, exposing Ji Ya's thoughts one by one.

Ji Ya became angry from embarrassment: "Isn't it?"

"From your perspective, that's it, the whole world is against you."

Ji Jiangyuan glanced at the door frame and gave up the idea of ​​working overtime in the hotel room tonight. He returned to the room, packed all the materials in his bag and then came out, and went downstairs.

"Wait, where are you going!"

"Does it matter to you where I go? If I were you, I would reflect on why the whole world would oppose you."

The room can't stay, he has to go to the company to work overtime.

Huaqing will start school soon, and he will return to the capital tomorrow. These tasks must be completed tonight.

This job is the best part-time job Ji Jiangyuan can find now. If he wants to take care of his studies, bear his own living expenses, and not ask others for help, he must keep his job!

Economic independence is personality independence.

In turn, the happiness of personality independence is better than financial independence. This point, Ji Jiangyuan feels particularly deep!

If his mother is an unreasonable paranoid, why should he bother? It’s uncomfortable to stay here, so he can just change to another place.

Ji Jiangyuan carried his bag and went downstairs.

Tina had heard the movement a long time ago, opened the door to the room, and made a "V" gesture to Ji Jiangyuan.

"It's amazing!"

Ji Jiangyuan looked gentle, but he didn't expect to be so principled.

But afraid that Jiya would ask herself to borrow money, Tina quickly retracted her head and closed the door gently.

She is not stupid, okay, let alone that the money has been transferred to the trust by her brother now, even if it has not been transferred, she and Ji Ya have no friendship, why should she lend money to Ji Ya?

George is Ji Ya's husband.

Aunt Cynthia is Ji Ya's mother-in-law.

There must be a reason why neither of these two paid.

"Ji Jiangyuan, stop! I order you to stop!"

"Ji Jiangyuan——"

"You are not filial, you deserve to be scolded by thousands of people!"

Ji Ya yelled at Ji Jiangyuan's back, and it didn't affect Ji Jiangyuan's pace of leaving at all.

Ji Ya leaned against the wall, her chest rising and falling, and after a while, she stood up straight again.

Everyone wants to see her jokes.

At this time, she can't fall down.

Ji Ya raised her hand and looked at her watch. It was nine o'clock in the evening.

She walked out of the hotel and called a taxi:

"Go to the municipal government's family home."

In Mrs. Wilson's room, George saw her going out through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and an expression of pain flashed across his face.

"I'm a bad guy."

Mrs. Wilson sneered, "Do you want to be a good person? Good people are always bullied by others, whether it is your uncle or your wife, they will not be kind to you just because you are a good person."

Good guy?

Good people always give in step by step, until at last there is nothing to retreat.

This is also reflected in the relationship between husband and wife. Unprincipled spoiling and tolerance will not make a woman fall in love with her husband, but will only make her not cherish it!

Mrs. Wilson was tough:

"The inappropriate business should end, and the inappropriate people should be separated. Son, you have to face this fact."

George fell silent.


"Sorry, comrade, you can't go in casually."

Most of the leading cadres in the city live in the family yard. It is night again. How can people be released at will?

Although this is a lesbian.

Still a very temperament lesbian.

It is impossible to go in casually.

What time is this, I opened my mouth and said I want to see Mayor Tang!

Even if it is petitioning, there is no reason for the municipal government's family courtyard to block people. It is time to go to the municipal government office building.

"I won't leave without seeing people."

Ji Ya turned the collar of the windbreaker up. On the night of February, even Pengcheng was cold. There was a light rain tonight, and the rain was blown to his face by the wind, which made the paranoid Ji Ya look a bit pitiful.

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