Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1867: : Marriage breakdown (4 more)

She was fed up with all this!

Terrible China, disgusting Chinese woman!

Everything is a sign, the failed wedding is a sign.

George said that Jiya was just a little emotionally unstable, and he could get better after seeking mediation from a psychiatrist.

That's it, okay?

Lost in business.

If you lose it, you will lose it. It was the cost that George invested in the early stage. Even if Mrs. Wilson is in a difficult situation, she is completely ignored!

So why is Ji Ya upset?

The whole brand was taken by the bank to repay the loan. Ji Ya just didn't make any money, she didn't lose money personally.

The losses were all taken by poor silly George!

OK, a little money is not the most important thing, maybe this woman can learn a lesson from it, and never toss again, she will be George's wife in peace. If Ji Ya can bring joy to George, Mrs. Wilson can barely accept her.

Is Jiya bringing happiness to George?

A bad relationship, Shit, a bad marriage is all unpleasant.

Ji Ya doesn't love George, and Mrs. Wilson is more convinced of this than anyone else.

Whether a wife loves her husband can be known from the way she looks at her husband. Jiya doesn't love George at all. This fact makes George a big blow and damages George's self-confidence as a man.

No matter how well he does it, Jiya doesn't love him, and George will struggle repeatedly and doubt himself.

Any mother looking at her son in such a bad marriage will be very angry.

"Can't George divorce you? As a wife, what have you done for your husband!"

"Madam, this is a matter between me and George. If he wants to divorce me, I won't beg for it. Please leave first and leave us alone space."

Ji Ya is also irritable.

She was frustrated at Tang Hongen first tonight, thinking that she had grasped what Tang Hongen cared about, but she didn't expect Tang Hongen to refuse the "deal" and sent her to the police station.

And threatened her by sending her to a psychiatric hospital for treatment!

When George arrived, Jiya was actually secretly happy.

She knew that George loved her and that a man loved a woman. How could she be willing to watch this woman suffer?

Her embarrassment and grievance tonight may be a turning point.

If George takes the initiative to speak...Jiya's aloofness is a bit untenable, she really can't afford to lose, she can't lose Elegance, such an ending completely denies her ability as a whole person.

George really hugged her as before, no matter how she struggled, never let go.

But what she said was different from what she thought.

George didn't take the initiative to take the money to help her through the storm.

George wants to take her back to the United States and make her give up Elegance.

George also thinks that her illness needs in-depth treatment-she doesn't need it at all. She is angry with Tang Hongen and Liu Fen, and she is not really crazy!

"Are you really going to divorce me? You think I'm crazy, right?"

Most men will be driven crazy by this kind of Ji Ya. George is the one who persists for the longest time. He did not break up after only having a relationship with Ji Ya for a period of time like Ji Ya's other boyfriends. He chose to enter into marriage with Ji Ya.

"You can come back to the United States with me. I gave you another choice. As long as you are willing to compromise for me once, our marriage will be extremely stable!"

"No, I won't go back to the United States, you are making me a deserter, you are trying to manipulate me with this..."

"You are the same as Tang Hongen, you are the same!"

"Does this make me succumb?"

"I get divorced when I get divorced, and I'm fed up with your parents' contempt for me."

George finally couldn't stand it.

He was about to suffocate, he ran out of the house, and Ji Ya was about to follow. Two police officers stopped Ji Ya quickly.

George looked back at her, "Ji, you failed my love and you disappointed me. Don't worry, I won't let them send you to a psychiatric hospital. I just said that I don’t trust the level of medical care in China. Think psychiatric hospital is another kind of prison...this is what I can do for you in the end, Ji, I bless you."

Ji Ya straightened her back.

Even if it falls into the water, she is still a phoenix, not a pheasant.

Let her beg for pity and pity to a man, beg his forgiveness, and beg the marriage to continue?

No, absolutely impossible!

Secretary Lai was dumbfounded.

Oh, it was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. Why did the two talk about divorce?

No, you can't divorce. Some men still do this. If you are divorced, wouldn't it be even worse, to find the trouble of the leader wholeheartedly!

Some people just think about it. If you have a bad life, and your predecessor has a good life, you have to take a stab at it.

Secretary Lai secretly withdrew and found the person at the police station:

"Can't leave, if this is a divorce, who will come forward to send people to the psychiatric hospital?"

Divorce is okay. People can treat the disease first. You can love it if you can't live without it.

George couldn't take the people out. After the divorce, George patted his **** and returned to the United States, leaving such a scourge in the country, and Secretary Lai was worried.

"Is there still a maiden family?"

"I heard there is a son."

The police asked a few questions, and Secretary Lai was sweating again. Yes, there is a son who is also Mayor Tang’s son. He and Xia Xiaolan are classmates and adults. Will the son agree to send his mother to a psychiatric hospital?

That child is not close to Mayor Tang at all, and should be very close to his mother.

Secretary Lai is sweating more and more. If this matter cannot be handled properly, I am embarrassed to let the leaders trust him.


"Now, Ji Jiangyuan is coming."

Xia Xiaolan didn't think that Secretary Lai thought so much. Secretary Lai felt that Ji Ya would entangle Tang Hongen when she was divorced, but in Xia Xiaolan's view, it had nothing to do with George if Ji Ya went crazy or not.

The marriage to George didn't make Jiya feel restrained.

But the marriage to George provided money for Ji Ya.

On the contrary, Xia Xiaolan was happy to see the two divorce. Without George, it would be difficult for Jiya to toss again!

What's more, George is really pitiful, he can't love him, and it's unfair to George.

"We will continue to break, and we will suffer from it. The marriage of the two people can't last. It's definitely not only because of this tonight. What causes and what results, Ji Ya is proud now, and will not regret it in the future."

Don't cherish the sincerity of others, selfish and only care about yourself, and find another partner without George, you will still go to such a dead end.

Xia Xiaolan twisted him lightly when Zhou Cheng said that he was old-fashioned.

"Then we wait until Ji Jiangyuan comes over and tell him the situation, shall we go? Keep it and let them slowly quarrel."

After arguing tonight, it is not the end, it is just the beginning for Ji Ya!

After daybreak, what is waiting for Ji Ya is not only the breakdown of the marriage, but also the bank's taking Elegance away... Does Ji Ya kneel down and apologize, does it seem to be okay? This woman is hard to stand up.

Xia Xiaolan wants to wait for Ji Jiangyuan to come, just to see how Ji Jiangyuan reacts!

——Do you give Ji Ya a life-saving straw, or will you push Ji Ya into the river?

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