Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1872: : Brother, are you here to save me? (1 more)

Ji Ya really had some money left in her hands.

There are hundreds of thousands of Chinese dollars earned by Elegance and the 100,000 US dollars that Ji Jiangyuan gave her. This money is enough not to mention seeing a doctor at home, even going abroad to see a doctor-the enjoyment of the rich, normal medical treatment can definitely be guaranteed .

There is a deep gully between Ji Lin's eyebrows. This is a poor worm who is about to be driven crazy by his sister. If he doesn't send Ji Ya to a doctor, Ji Lin should send himself to a psychiatric hospital!

Ji Jiangyuan's words made Ji Lin fall silent.

After the silence, he nodded very cautiously. He looked at Ji Jiangyuan, and he was even two points relieved:

"Jiang Yuan, you are an adult. Uncle is very happy that you can take up this responsibility. You went abroad when you were a child and have seen the outside world. You are now studying at a prestigious school in China, and your knowledge is no worse than that of your uncle... I think you The arrangement is very good, and I agree with your opinion, and my uncle will just cooperate with you in handling these matters!"

Ji Jiangyuan actually notified his uncle.

If Ji Lin agrees that it is best, even if he disagrees, Ji Jiangyuan will not change his mind. He will be blamed by Ji Lin at best, but Ji Jiangyuan's idea is very firm!

After all, he is an adult.

After all, he is the closest relative.

Ji Lin had no objection. Ji Jiangyuan stayed up all night and was exhausted. At this moment, Fang showed a little smile:

"Uncle, thank you for supporting me. This is very important. It makes me more confident to handle this matter!"

Ji Lin panicked, "You are still a student, this shouldn't have been a burden on you, but now--"

Ji Lin wanted to take this burden very much, but would he dare to take it?

He can run in a hurry, but he can't afford Ji Ya, not only because of financial pressure, but also from family. His wife has solemnly given him an ultimatum. He can be Ji Ya, but he can't be Ji Ya's ‘father’. If he can’t tell the difference between the two, Ji Lin’s wife is about to divorce!

At Ji Lin's age, the couple still divorced, and Ji Lin didn't dare to think what people outside would say.

"Uncle, it's okay, this matter is not easy, but I at least have a solution now. By the way, do you want to see my mother?"

Ji Jiangyuan's proposal made Ji Lin a little embarrassed.

He was also afraid of being tossed by Ji Ya, and developed a mentality of resistance.

But he is also Ji Ya's eldest brother. If he doesn't see Ji Ya at this time, does he really push all the pressure on his nephew Ji Jiangyuan?

"I'll go, at least I'm responsible for telling her these things."

Ji Lin bit his scalp and walked to the room where Ji Ya was closed.

At this time, it was very quiet inside, there was a lot of noise all night, and the roof of the police station was going to be lifted off. Ji Jiangyuan waited for her to run out of trouble, and gave her some calming drugs, only then in exchange for a short silence, so that Ji Jiangyuan and Sheng Xuan and others could finish their business.

Ji Lin walked in and saw the police comrade guarding Ji Ya, feeling greatly embarrassed:

"You have worked hard, you have troubled the police station."

The police were not as angry as they were last night. The main reason is that Ji Jiangyuan is very decisive in handling matters and has been cooperating with the police. I heard that he is still a college student.

How can ordinary people have the energy to make noise all night, this is a genuine mental illness.

Ji Lin wanted to touch a cigarette from his body. He set off in a hurry, with nothing in his pocket.

The police waved his hand with a calm face, "Comrade, your family members have discussed it well. If you should send it to the hospital for treatment, you should send it early. This condition is really serious. When the trouble was the worst last night, even one of our lesbians was not spared. People cried and cried, and the words were too awkward! They also divided people into class differences... Is this still a Chinese country? If you marry an American, you can't bring back the capitalist country's behavior!"

If it is not easy to train Ji Jiangyuan, all will be sprayed on Ji Lin's head.

Ji Jiangyuan is a son, what a mother, Ji Jiangyuan can't control it.

But this Ji Lin is the elder brother, and the elder is about to pass away. That is really the eldest brother like a father. Ji Lin just didn't teach his younger sister well.

Ji Lin was embarrassed to find a way to get in.

He works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, thanks to the blessing of his father, Ji Lin's starting point is relatively high. When was he trained by a small policeman?

In his work, he usually contacts either people of the same level or foreign guests, which is unmatched by the small police.

But now, Ji Lin couldn't refute a word of what the junior policeman at the grassroots police station said.

Teach him, and he has to listen honestly-Ji Ya is such a shameful thing that has ruined the reputation of the Ji family. Will Ji Lin dare to refute it? What to refute!

Dare to say that your father is Ji Huaixin, the dean of education?

He dare not!

It may be said that the public security comrades have never heard of it.

It is even more embarrassing if you have heard it.

What a deity, even the family didn't teach it well!

Ji Lin listened to the training honestly, accompanied with caution, and sent the police out of the room.

Ji Ya was sluggish, but she was sober. Looking at Ji Lin's wimpy look, Ji Ya's voice was dumb and disdainful:

"Big Brother, I know that Ji's family is incomparable to before, but I don't want to bow down to a little policeman--"


Ji Lin's green veins burst out, and when he raised his hand, he slapped Ji Ya:

"Which sentence did someone say wrong? I bowed to the police, not because of his status, but because of what he said and I can't refute it! What did you do that added luster to the family? Fortunately, it was you. Locked in the police station to send you to a bigger place, I don’t know how many people know you are ashamed!"

Ji Ya has a disheveled hair, her elegance and temperament disappeared.

Also slapped.

The mood that was calmed down by taking medicine, and there are signs of resurgence, her eyes are flushed, her eyes are blue and black, and her eyeballs are covered with red blood:

"Tang Hongen said he wanted to send me to a mental hospital. Ji Jiangyuan deserves to be Tang Hongen's good son. He doesn't care about the relationship between mother and child, and he agrees! Big brother, do you know what Ji Jiangyuan did last night? He asked me to sign a divorce. Agreement, he asked the banker to come over and take my Elegance! Such a sinner, why should I take him to the United States in the first place, I should throw him to Tang Hongen and let him live in the bullpen together... No, early Knowing that he will become like this when he grows up, I should throw him away when he is born!"

Psychiatric hospital!

Is she crazy?

She is more sober than anyone!

She is not sick at all.

This is the revenge of her ex-husband Tang Hongen. In order to please the country woman, he wanted to solve her once and for all!

There is also Ji Jiangyuan, a good son raised by her own hands, with Tang Hongen's blood flowing in his body. He is worthy of being the father and son of her protagonist. Ji Jiangyuan actually agreed to Tang Hongen to do this, not fighting for her mother at all!

No, Ji Jiangyuan did more ruthlessly than Tang Hongen, he cut her back.

Divorced George and no one will rescue her.

The bank took Elegance away, and she couldn't turn around financially.

Ji Ya finally showed fear in her eyes, "Big brother, their father and son are embarrassed, they are going to kill me, big brother, you help me, big brother, are you here to save me, right?"

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