Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1876: : Personal safety is above all else (1 more)

Worrying that Ye Xiaoqiong was too cruel, he had done Zhou Yi half-deadly.

Xia Xiaolan actually let that Luo Yaozong follow Zhou Yi, which was also something that Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang had been told.

Jiang Hong was expressionless:

"I'm not worried, no matter what Xiaoye does, Zhou Yi deserves to suffer."

If you don’t worry, you won’t ask.

Worried or worried, Jiang Hong is unwilling to say it!

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while, "Sister Zhou Yi hasn't taken the initiative to tell her family about this, right? She thinks she can handle it."

It would be too shameful to tell the family!

Zhou Yi's psychology, Xia Xiaolan can guess seven or eight points.

Of course, this idea was grossly wrong. Zhou's family knew it now. If she didn't know it, Zhou Yi kept hiding it. When she finally realized that she couldn't solve it by herself, the situation must have deteriorated to a certain extent!

The Zhou family, who had not prepared beforehand, was in a passive state.

The matter of Yuan Han is not only as simple as the emotional entanglement between men and women, but also Du Zhaoji's intervention before.

Of course, Zhou Yi's big somersault is coming soon. Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang, including Xia Xiaolan, are actually mentally prepared.

Zhou Cheng was also called by Zhou Wenbang and Zhou Guobin.

They were not talking about Zhou Yi's affairs. In the eyes of these two people, this matter was too small to be worth mentioning.

Including Mr. Zhou.

What I want to talk about is that Zhou Cheng wants to mobilize to the Marine Corps!

This is related to Zhou Cheng's future development, and the family must analyze and discuss.

Xia Xiaolan comforted Jiang Hong and finally found a chance to talk to Gu Zhengqing.

"Little uncle, I wanted to talk to you a long time ago."

"It just so happens that I really think I want to talk to you. I have just returned from northern Hebei Province just a few days ago. Let me tell you about the current progress of this matter. For the first batch of pilot projects, we selected three provinces. These three provinces can be regarded as three large areas, and a total of 120 college student volunteers are recruited, including 80 male students and 40 female students... You know, you have 3 in Huaqing University. This plan is announced. Later, the college students of various schools responded positively, and there is no worries that no one wants to go, but the worry is that there are too many people willing to go."

Too many people are willing to go!

Gu Zhengqing is not joking.

With the financial support of Qihang Real Estate and the subsidy from the Ministry of Education, the conditions for supporting education are actually more difficult, but the college students who go there do not burn themselves but also bring their own dry food. The living allowance for supporting education is equivalent to the monthly salary. Looking at the current per capita income in China, this subsidy is not low.

This can be regarded as a solution to the worries of college students who support education in their lives.

However, the enrollment is enthusiastic, but there is no subsidy, but most students now have a high level of mental awareness, the blood in the body is not cold, and they want to do something and are willing to take action.

However, the more so, the more pressure Gu Zhengqing has. The plan was proposed by Xia Xiaolan. Gu Zhengqing himself strongly supports him. Now he is the person in charge of the plan. He is responsible for all college students who go to support teaching. He must not allow college students to waste a year or two without receiving positive feedback. He must also ensure that this plan does not deviate from expectations-it consumes manpower, money, and the precious time of supporting college students. , This plan must be really useful and really bring some changes, right?

Is it possible to change the overall education environment in rural areas by relying solely on college students to support education?

Obviously impossible!

The spring breeze of reform and opening up has not yet blown in rural areas.

Even if they know the reform and opening up, what can the farmers do? They only know that the fields are allocated to the households. Apart from spending all their energy on their own fields, they basically have no other source of income.

Plowing in the soil is hard work.

In some places, the land is already barren, and it is difficult to dig from the soil.

Poverty in the countryside cannot be changed overnight, but at least it can give them a way to change their minds.

Xia Xiaolan originally wanted to brush Qihang's protective outerwear. She had done a good job and had a cradle reserved by someone, but after the plan was approved by the above, she was obviously given a deeper expectation.

Now, Xia Xiaolan can only bite the bullet and continue to do this.

She does what she can do well, and the rest depends on the ideas of the Ministry of Education and Gu Zhengqing.

"I know someone from Huaqing is going to support teaching. Uncle, you said that there are three Huaqing University students, and I also know one of the senior sisters from the Civil Engineering Department. Development in a good direction. The ratio of males to females for supporting college students is right. I am not saying that gender inequality is about to be introduced at this time. It is advocating that male students should contribute more and female college students should not go. The truth is that, female students have gone to remote areas. Personal safety is a big issue, you must ensure their personal safety!"

What are you afraid of?

Not afraid of the difficult environment, college students who are willing to support education are psychologically prepared for the difficult environment.

But the hard environment and the sinister heart are two different things. Poverty brings not only simplicity, but also ignorance and extreme ugliness of human nature.

There are no idlers like Zhang Erlai in which village?

Zhang Erlai is not the worst, and there are some worse than him.

The more remote and inconvenient communication with the outside world, the more unscrupulous people commit crimes.

Anyway, it’s impossible to have a worse life. They were at the bottom. Some bad guys might even think that they could sleep a female college student. It’s worth being shot right away—it’s disgusting to say it, but this kind of news, Xia Xiaolan’s life was I've seen it.

Teaching support is very beautiful. Take precautions. Don't let this beauty be artificially destroyed. Taking precautions beforehand is better than summarizing the lessons afterwards!

Gu Zhengqing didn't know anything, he had just cracked it down the past two years.

The reason for the crackdown is the rising crime rate.

"Xiaolan, this is not the first time you have mentioned this matter, and I am also very cautious, so I finally decided on the pilot places for 80 male students and 40 female students. Where information is difficult, we arrange for male students to go. Their safety should also be considered. Every area has township cadres watching. Female students are arranged in slightly better places with companions, and the grassroots police are arranged to send living supplies regularly... Try to stifle all dangers in the cradle. In."

Xia Xiaolan is still not at ease, Gu Zhengqing said seriously:

"In fact, I even gave them training before setting off. Don't let yourself be in danger. Under any circumstances, you must protect yourself first, rather than take care of others. They are doing good deeds for their lofty ideals, so they don't. Your personal safety should be underestimated... The country has experienced a decade of talent gap, and each of the college students re-trained is very precious!"

The Ministry of Education also has no intention of allowing these universities to grow and stay in the local support education for a long time, especially for college students with strong professional barriers such as science and engineering to go to the grassroots to shine instead of contributing to professional posts. It is really too wasteful.

So they are going to support the education, and they want to come back intact, and nothing can happen!

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