Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1879: : The wicked have their own wicked grind (4 more)

The mother and daughter of the Yuan family rushed to Pengcheng.

Yuan Han was not in the mood to care about his wobbly mother, he just wanted to know if the money had been collected!

"Without this money, I'm really finished!"

The words tall, handsome, and handsome are leaving Yuan Han.

He had asked his unit for days off, because the injury on his face was not healed, and at the same time he had to coax Zhou Yi, and Yuan Han had no intention of going to work.

He was even more afraid that he would hear the gossip of'Chief Yuan' when he went to the work unit. The arrest of the **** was so violent that day, and many guests in the hotel saw it. The situation was chaotic at that time and he had no time to see who was onlookers... Maybe , He doesn't know others, but others know him?

The injury and psychological pressure have reduced Yuan Han's tortured appearance by more than half.

Zhou Yi looked at him again, but no pink bubbles appeared, but at first glance, the man was only wretched.

Does it have meaning?

No, it's a mere manifestation.

Yuan Han has no connotation at all. She didn't know how to be blind before, and felt that she had a common language with Yuan Han.

Zhou Yi didn't want to admit the fact that she used to huddle with Tong Lili and others, she didn't have any connotations, and she couldn't tell whether a man had connotations at all!

So why can she identify it now?

It was the disillusionment of Yuan Han's love for Yuan Han.

Is the brain sober.

It was also a trip to the country, and I saw the market anyhow, not to mention, she was in the language school for a few months, but she was actually taking the exams.

I have seen so many people who really work hard, and then look at Yuan Han... I keep saying that he is not good enough, and that he has not been appreciated by the leader. But apart from looks, what kind of talent does he have?

His talent may be to lie to a woman to sleep?

Zhou Yi followed Yuan Han to pick up the Yuan family. She didn't like the Yuan family. She also wanted to know if the Yuan family had collected enough money!

But not as anxious as Yuan Han.

Seeing Yuan Han's soft feet and soft hands, he knew it was a patient at a glance. Yuan Han didn't care about a word, only asked for money. Haha, it's her shit, it's not her mother, Yuan Han doesn't care, and she doesn't care much.

Mother Yuan wiped her tears:

"Because of this mess of yours, the house was sold at home and the money was brought to you. Can this matter be resolved?"

Mother Yuan cried and secretly went to see Zhou Yi.

She is waiting for Zhou Yi to answer.

Yuan Han was wrong in this matter, and Zhou Yi couldn't run away either. Whose mother-in-law is so ignorant, catching the **** for a while, she has to give 150,000 Hong Kong dollars!

Zhou Yi sneered, "It's not me who broke the shoes, what am I doing?"

Sister Yuan frowned, "Xiaoyi, Yuan Han did something wrong, but it’s too much for you to speak to the elders like this—"


The dead old woman refused to sign at the hospital and prevented Yuan Han from signing, almost killing her dead. Since then, Zhou Yi has not regarded Yuan's mother as her elder.

Now she doesn't even want Yuan Han, what is the relationship between Yuan family and her?

Zhou Yi turned her head to the side, even Yuan Han was furious.

But Yuan Han was a spineless man. The soft rice of the Zhou family was so fragrant that he couldn't bear it. How dare he say that Zhou Yi was not.

After all, I took the matter vaguely. Hearing that the family sold the house, Yuan Han knew that the money should be enough.

"Sell it, don't let the old one go, and the new one doesn't come. As long as it doesn't affect my work, will you worry about not having a house in the future?"

After all, Yuan Han was not particularly distressed because he hadn't built a house brick by brick and had not paid for it.

Just like selling the pile of ‘tattered’ left by Ye Xiaoqiong, Yuan Han never thought that the sale would not be a loss. Firstly, he doesn't understand the true value of things, and he doesn't have the channel to sell them at high prices. Secondly, things were bought for nothing in the last marriage, and they are not earned by themselves. It certainly doesn't hurt!

Yuan Han just wanted to get the money quickly.

Sister Yuan couldn't cure Zhou Yi, and she hadn't forgotten her purpose.

"I want to see that torn shoe, so much money, and give it to her if you say--"


A van stopped next to the Yuan family, the door was slammed open, a few people came down, surrounded the Yuan family and Zhou Yi, and then He Shiyuan appeared in a red sports car.

He Shiyuan didn't get out of the car herself, she took off the sunglasses on her face, how arrogant and arrogant:

"Chief Yuan, you didn't take what I said to your heart. I received the forty-five thousand you returned the day before yesterday. When will you give the remaining money?"

As soon as He Shiyuan was mentioned, the person appeared immediately.

Sister Yuan also wanted to "reason" with He Shiyuan. Seeing the red sports car and the people getting on and off the van, Sister Yuan didn't even dare to breathe.

All of them are ventilating, and there are tattoos on the arms and neck, which is very uncomfortable at first glance!

Yuan Han also had weak calves. He remembered how He Shiyuan had her bodyguard hold him down and beat him severely.

As soon as the family arrived in Pengcheng, He Shiyuan appeared immediately, indicating that He Shiyuan had been sending people to monitor him.

"I've got it together, I must have it together, I'm about to give you the money!"

He Shiyuan curled her mouth, her courage was as small as the tip of a needle, and she looked like a dog, and she was really inferior to those greasy prostitutes.

Such a man could still be seen by Miss Zhou's family. He Shiyuan's satirical gaze swept over Zhou Yi, as if Zhou Yi was stripped naked and left on the street. Yuan Han saw He Shiyuan embarrassed, and Zhou Yi was the same — He Shiyuan abused both of them out of psychological shadow, and abused conditioned reflexes!

He Shiyuan felt that this role was so cool to take off. She put on her sunglasses again and waved her hand:

"Take them all away!"

"Let's go, do you want our young lady to drive you in person?"

"Look at you, you are also worthy of a sports car!"

The people He Shiyuan had brought drove the Yuan family and Zhou Yi into the car together, and a van squeezed a dozen people into it, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Sister Yuan trembled, "Where are we going to take us, I tell you, this is illegal..."

He Shiyuan’s thugs laughed loudly, “Repaying debts is a matter of course and righteousness. What kind of law is committed? Section Chief Yuan has the courage to cheat even Miss He’s money. He dared to go to the police station to report the case. I also respect him as a man... Chief Yuan, shall we send you to the police station?"

"Don't go to the police station, don't go! I just want to pay Miss He back!"

Bah, one soft-foot shrimp.

The thugs were all hired. He Shiyuan only said that it was a relationship dispute. Yuan Han had a wife who was still playing around, and he still had a handle in her hands, and he would never report the crime.

Sure enough, He Shiyuan was right.

These people have to do things for their employers if they take the money, and they all despise Yuan Han.

Did not touch Zhou Yi, but looked down upon Zhou Yi.

But while on the road, he humiliated Yuan Han by pushing and cursing. Before driving to the place, Yuan's mother almost closed her breath with anger.

When the van stopped, Yuan Han was dragged out of the car and his feet became softer.

This place is very deserted, and it is a holy place for him and He Shiyuan's affair!

Zhou Yi resisted the humiliation and asked Sister Yuan to take out the money. The mother and daughter of the Yuan family sewed all the money into the pockets of their clothes. He Shiyuan pinched her nose and looked at the money, as if she couldn't bear the smell of the Yuan family on the money:

"I remember I wanted Hong Kong dollars."

Zhou Yi held the money, "It's Chinese currency, do you want it, where do we exchange it for Hong Kong dollars? He Shiyuan, don't push people too eagerly!"

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