Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1884: : Bundled to show the public (1 more)

"Hey, don't scare me!"

Luo Yaozong swallowed.

He didn't become lustful again, but frightened—the women nowadays were more terrifying than the other, and he would have to weigh the consequences if he wanted to be a hooligan. Luo Yaozong had long remembered Xia Xiaolan's greatness, and now he saw Ye Xiaoqiong and He Shiyuan with his own eyes.

Luo Yaozong was assigned a task by Ge Jian and was involved in this matter very early. Even if Ye Xiaoqiong didn't send photos to Zhou Yi, the things Luo Yaozong secretly photographed would eventually come in handy.

Therefore, Luo Yaozong is regarded as an "outsider" who knows the truth from beginning to end.

My neck is cold!

Two women, He Shiyuan and Ye Xiaoqiong, played around with the family surnamed Yuan and completely wiped out Yuan Han's future.

If this is not terrible, they still deal with Zhou Yi like this... Zhou Yi, but Xia Shaxing's relatives, who have family backgrounds, are still abused like this.

The daughter of the high-ranking family who was humiliated and beaten again was even more embarrassed than his son, the village chief.

The world is too insecure. If you are a high-profile son of the village chief, you will really die soon!

"Hey, don't scare me, how can I explain to Manager Ge..."

Luo Yaozong was about to cry.

Ge Jian said that people should not be life-threatening. Just now it was just a woman who beat Zhou Yi, and Luo Yaozong also hid it and didn't come out. How did you know that the Yuan family's woman was so cruel!

Luo Yaozong called for a long time without responding before he touched Zhou Yi's neck.

Thankfully, there are still veins in the neck, and people still breathe, but they just fainted.

Luo Yaozong used his hands and feet to send Zhou Yi to the hospital.

Call Ge Jian again.

Ge Jian knew that Xia Xiaolan certainly knew it the first time.

"I'm about to come to Pengcheng, wait until I come."

Originally Pan Baohua was going to the capital, and Xia Xiaolan was also waiting to receive Pan Sange. Suddenly she said that Jiang Yan would not go to Beijing. Pan Baohua gave in to Jiang Yan and changed her schedule.

Xia Xiaolan did not continue to stay in the capital either.

There are still things waiting for her to deal with Pengcheng.

Ye Xiaoqiong finally started!

This event is a chain reaction, just the beginning. When Jiang Hong heard that Zhou Yi was in a coma and was admitted to the hospital, he was anxious to follow Xia Xiaolan to Pengcheng-the daughter who had been raised for many years was the meat that fell from her body. Can Xiao Jingba temporarily replace Zhou Yi's position, can it be replaced for the rest of her life?

No, it's impossible.

Zhou Yi is Zhou Yi, Jiang Hong's daughter. When her mother was disappointed, Jiang Hong couldn't control her motherhood when Zhou Yi was in danger.

Xia Xiaolan didn't laugh at the big aunt's scar and forgot to hurt, Jiang Hong's reaction was normal.

This time Zhou Wenbang didn't stop him either: "You can follow along, don't give her too much... forget it, you can figure it out."

Jiang Hong is going to Pengcheng, and Zhou Ke is under one year old. What should the children do?

Zhou Wenbang would neither bring children nor have that time. At this time, the role of many relatives in the family was reflected. Aunt Zhou took the initiative to ask Ying and said to send the children to her home.

Jiang Hong sincerely thanked the sister-in-law, and simply brought two pieces of clothes, and followed Xia Xiaolan on the plane to Pengcheng.

Gu Siyan came home from school in the afternoon and found that there was a beautiful baby with hands and feet like lotus roots, with a smile on her face:

"Mom, my aunt gave Zhou Ke to our house? Look at Zhou Ke like this, she looks so good-looking, let's take care of her for a few more days, OK!"

Who hates children who are soft and cute?

Zhou Ke is very well-behaved, rarely crying, and will not disturb Gu Siyan's study.

Gu Siyan liked this cousin terribly.

Aunt Zhou sighed, "Let's love her more, this child will be pitiful from now on."

Gu Siyan was ignorant, how could Zhou Ke be pitiful, even if his cousin Zhou Yi divorced the villain surnamed Yuan, many people still love Zhou Ke. Uncle and aunt, it's impossible to agree to give Zhou Ke to the Yuan family. Naming the child and registering the child's hukou has already explained the attitude of the uncle and aunt!

Gu Siyan thought to herself, maybe her mother said Zhou Ke was pitiful without her father?

If there is a bad father, it's better not to have one, huh!

Zhou Yi was sent to the hospital by Luo Yaozong and would eventually wake up in the hospital bed.

The beds are of course not soft enough, and the hospital still smells of disinfectant water, but such an environment really cannot demand more.

At least better than Yuan Han.

Yuan Han woke up in a familiar environment.

On the big tree at the entrance of the unit.

He was only stripped of a pair of pants, tied naked to a tree, and the dew in the morning was cold, making Yuan Han shocked.

"Isn't this... Chief Yuan?"

"It's Section Chief Yuan."

"Why Chief Yuan was tied to a tree?"

"Chief Yuan has taken sick leave for several days!"

"There are also three women **** next to them, they are wearing clothes."

Comrade, people are wearing clothes and tied up. It seems a bit regretful to hear you?

Yuan Han woke up.

Yuan Han did not dare to speak.

His mouth was not gagged, he didn't want to speak, and those familiar voices pierced into his ears, they were all colleagues from his unit!

However, he didn't speak, and it wasn't that much. Someone finally remembered to untie the rope for Yuan Han and put the Yuan family down from the tree. These people don't know the Yuan family. Some people treat lesbians like this, it's too much!

But as soon as I touched the rope, a few large unsealed bags fell from the tree. The photos in the bags were scattered all over the place. Everyone saw that Quante was petrified—it was a **** photo of Yuan Han. It was too shameless. Someone will take this kind of photo?

Listening to the discussion, Yuan Han felt that it would be better for him to faint again.

At this time, the mother and daughter of the Yuan family were also awakened by the surrounding movement.

But they dare not open their eyes!

At the end of each photo, Yuan Han's love affairs are written.

To sum up, it is three words: break the shoes!

It wasn't that he was killed by a gangster for no reason, but because he broke his shoes and was **** to show the public.

"Oh, put Chief Yuan down first."

"It's really Section Chief Yuan. I heard that the hotel caught the traitor a few days ago, cough cough..."

"Chief Yuan, are you awake."

"But it's really weird. If you break your shoes and get caught, you can just tie Section Chief Yuan, and tie up three lesbians—Huh, this photo says that this is Section Chief Yuan’s mother. His two sisters and three of them support Yuan Ke. Long break your shoes?"

Yuan Han finally couldn't help it, pretending that he had just woke up, his face was horrified, and he groaned in pain:

"Where am I, what's wrong with me? Help, help me!"

This acting is not bad, just a bit worse than He Shiyuan.

It seems that acting requires not only talent, but also state. Yuan Han, who has been beaten up, is very out of state at this time. He hurts all over his body. That is, in Pengcheng, he needs to change to the north. The weather at the end of February was stripped. Tie a tree and freeze it for a night, and basically a life will be almost confessed!

Yuan Han and the Yuan family's mother and daughter were put down.

The colleagues in Yuan Han's unit were so concerned that Yuan Han should report the case.

Although there are **** photos with conclusive evidence, Yuan Han must have a messy relationship between men and women and major problems in his life style, but he cannot be convicted privately.

Lynching is illegal!

Sister Yuan wailed: "It's that He Shiyuan and Ye Xiaoqiong. They called people to beat them. Tell them and let the police catch them!"

Didn’t you say that the Yuan family is over?

Let's finish it together!

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