Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1891: : Only doing one thing right (3 more)

"The investigation is positive."

Tang Hongen smiled, "This is the price to bear for failing to educate the child."

To be honest, if Zhou Cheng does not turn against Xiaolan, from a more objective standpoint, Tang Hongen also admits that this young man is very good and is considered excellent in all aspects. But the same surname is Zhou, Zhou Yi and Zhou Cheng are too far apart, and I don't know how the Zhou family teaches. Is it that the education of boys is only emphasized, and girls are nourished?

Zhou Wenbang was investigated. It’s okay if there is nothing wrong with him. If something is found... Anyway, this matter has more or less impact on Zhou Wenbang. Even if he can stand the investigation, Zhou Wenbang may not be able to rise. Up.

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while, "I don't think the problem is big. My family was very cautious about the economy last week. It has something to do with the influence of Grandpa Zhou Cheng."

The most daring is actually Zhou Cheng!

In the rest of the week, the family members were fine at work, and never thought of relying on channels other than wages to make money.

People who are safe and stable are better than ordinary people. Why do you want to take risks? The Zhou family follow this principle.

The money is enough. If they can't make it through, can other families survive?

Tang Hongen is noncommittal:

"I hope so."

Tang Hongen sees such things a lot.

Some cadres seem to have a cool breeze, but they can't stand the investigation.

Tang Hongen didn't believe anyone until the final result came out.

Sure enough, things are just like Tang Hongen said, the investigation involved Zhou Wenbang.

As a scammer, Zhou Yi only did one thing right. She went to the United States to study and did not occupy the public expense quota of the unit.

She also worked part-study in the United States, and worked part-time and part-study. Apart from language school tuition and accommodation, she did not allow her family to spend any extra money. As for the tuition and accommodation fees, Zhou Wenbang and Jiang Hong's savings can afford...Economically, Zhou Wenbang can actually withstand the investigation.

He doesn't want to see Yuan Han. Everyone around knows that if he wants to receive bribes, how can he get through the hands of his son-in-law?

Yuan Han bought some things for Zhou Ke with the money he bribed. Jiang Hong didn't use the things for his children because of his disgust with Yuan Han, so he could leave them to the investigation team as they were!

Further investigation revealed that Zhou Yi, as Yuan Han's wife, also had no knowledge of his bribery behavior.

Zhou Yi went abroad and never used the money Yuan Han took bribes—Yuan Han, who was a husband, did not remit money to Zhou Yi once. When Zhou Yi said that she was not short of money, Yuan Han really didn't say anything.

What is the picture of this marriage relationship?

The couple could not see each other again, and had no financial contacts yet.

But this makes Zhou Yi's testimony seem credible.

Yuan Han would definitely not accept the results of such investigations, clamoring about unfairness all day long, clamoring that there was a shady investigation.

People in the investigation team are upset. Sometimes when they catch cadres who violated disciplines, they basically tried their best to distinguish the relationship between their violations and their family members, and all said that their family members did not know about it.

Like Yuan Han, those who clearly have no evidence and have to drag the old man into the water with nonsense are both vicious and narrow-minded!

What kind of son-in-law is this, he is clearly an enemy.

"Yuan Han."

The door to the room where Yuan Han was being held was opened, and Yuan Han rushed over:

"Comrade, I was wronged. I have explained it all. It was Zhou Wenbang who instigated me. I am a small clerk who has so much energy. It was Zhou Wenbang who instructed me. Mayor Tang is my relative—"

This man is really disgusting.

"Yuan Han, we are from the police station, and we are looking for you to find out about the situation! We received a report from your ex-wife, Comrade Ye Xiaoqiong, that you stole antique calligraphy and paintings uploaded by her ancestors. Is that true?"

Yuan Han shook the railing vigorously, "She was the one who harmed me, it was her! Zhou Wenbang instructed to collect the money, and Mayor Tang is my relative! You caught Ye Xiaoqiong and He Shiyuan, two bitches, they hurt me miserably. !"

How dare Ye Xiaoqiong report the crime?

Why should she report the crime?

She is the one who kidnapped, blackmailed, and beat others, so she should hide at this time!

Yuan Han felt that he was trapped in a cloud of mist.

The investigating police felt that this person seemed crazy.

To be honest, the Yuan family are like lunatics who speak upside down and can accuse others of crimes without evidence.

What Ye Xiaoqiong said could stand the investigation.

First served in the Pengrong Group, then returned to Pengcheng, and then resigned.

The police have already contacted the personnel department of the Hongrong Group and can confirm Ye Xiaoqiong's statement.

You can even find out Ye Xiaoqiong's salary.

I didn't talk about it when I was a secretary. After working as a special assistant, the salary was not low. She said that she saved the money and wanted to buy her own house. Calculated by her income, she could use the money.

But Ye Xiaoqiong couldn't afford more expenses.

The police could not find He Shiyuan.

No more evidence can be dug out.

Ye Xiaoqiong said that Yuan Han had stolen and sold her antique calligraphy and paintings. The police went to investigate. Boss Ding’s pen and paper shop had long been closed. On the contrary, the person across from Ding’s shop has an impression of Yuan Han——

"Sneaky, took a bag of things to Laoding's shop."

"Who doesn't know that Lao Ding is collecting the tatters? What, it's not tatters, it's antiques, it's cultural relics, oh oh oh, that's it, we ordinary people don't understand it either!"

"I don't know where Lao Ding went, and I can't open the shop. Lao Ding closed the door a year ago and thought he would open the shop after the Chinese New Year."

"Why do you remember this person--"

The enthusiastic crowd pointed to Yuan Han's photo, "This looks like a movie star, tall and handsome, and it makes people want to forget but can't forget it!"

That's true.

Butter niche is not popular nowadays, Yuan Han looks like this, Xia Xiaolan doesn't like it, but she is a very popular **** niche nowadays.

Seriously, based on this face, Yuan Han might be a way out to become a movie actor.

As a result, this man deceived a woman by his face.

He deceived Ye Xiaoqiong, and deceived his current wife Zhou Yi.

Although he did not know that Yuan Han would be in jail for several years, that face was ruined. He was injured on the day of the crime and was not dealt with in time. He was tied to a tree overnight and was taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Later, although he received treatment, the wound was infected with suppuration, and a large piece of rotten flesh was excavated...Who would have plastic surgery for Yuan Han? He lacked a piece of flesh on one cheek and criss-crossed scars on the other face. Outside horror.

During Yuan Han's detention, his body also showed some symptoms.

The small ulcers are not painful or itchy, and they are nothing compared to the injuries Yuan Han had been beaten before. He himself didn't pay much attention to it.

At this time, he was full of resentment and wanted to drag everyone into the water.

I hate Ye Xiaoqiong, He Shiyuan, Zhou Wenbang, Zhou Yi and others. I also worry that I don’t know how many years I will be in jail. How can I pay attention to small changes in my body? Early symptoms are easy to be ignored, and symptoms will disappear without taking medicine, but it is not that the virus has disappeared. They are lurking in Yuan Han's body, waiting for the day of the outbreak...

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