Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1893: : Xiaolan, are you here to pick me up? (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan was used to Zhou Yi being stupid.

But Zhou Yi didn't want to be stupid.

The unlucky people will have a lot less pain, because they transfer all the pressure to the sober people around them to bear it! But this is only temporary, unless it can be muddled for a lifetime, once you wake up halfway, the pressure and pain that were previously ignored will surge in an instant - this is the case with Zhou Yi.

She was recuperating in the hospital bed.

She and Jiang Hong cried.

She tried to understand all the people and things around her.

She analyzed with suspicion.

As long as you start thinking with your head, it is not difficult to find out who is good to her and who treats her with face.

Just like Xia Xiaolan, is it necessary for someone to help her?

Xia Xiaolan can leave her alone!

The Zhou family likes Xia Xiaolan very much. People who used to think that Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng are unworthy, now have no face to say the same thing. Xia Xiaolan doesn't need to be kind to her to please the Zhou family...because of this, people still treat her kindly, shouldn't you be grateful!

Zhou Yi is grateful and ashamed:

"I don't know how to say it, but I know you are helping, thank you, thank you really..."

"Sister Zhou Yi!"

Xia Xiaolan interrupted her, "I do ask Qi Wei to encourage you and guide you more, but it's nothing. If a person doesn't want to be motivated by himself, no amount of help from the person next to him is futile. I have done a lot for you. Qi Wei is still the person who works hard for time. I hope you don't blame her for this."

"I know, I know all!"

Zhou Yi was anxious.

"There are all kinds of friends, and I wouldn't deny everyone around me just because I was in Joan...I mean Ye Xiaoqiong stumbled on her body."

Qi Wei was kind to her because of Xia Xiaolan's request, and Zhou Yi accepted it.

This is not the reason why she resents Qi Wei in turn.

Qi Wei did help her.

Friends help each other. She can't rely on Qi Wei so much in the future. Only when she can help Qi Wei in turn will she become a true friend, right? It's not that I'm a fake friend now, Zhou Yi is thinking of a real close relationship.

Xia Xiaolan couldn't help laughing.

Are you looking forward to this moment when you have been helping Zhou Yi?

Woke up a muddled person.

Reshape a pile of self-defeating mud!

"Sister Zhou Yi, I remember the first time I saw you at the Beijing Hotel. Although you and Tong Lili were together, I don't hate you. I'm glad you are back!"

At that time, Zhou Yi knew how to be polite, and even if she had doubts about Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng being together, she didn't have any verbal similarities, and she had a normal reaction.

Zhou Yi blushed when Xia Xiaolan said.

Two years have been like a dream, and she doesn't know how she has tossed her smooth life to such a bad step by step.

It's fine now, marriage and divorce, and she has become a single mother.

Can everything start again?

She should make herself better first.

A terrible person can only be rejected by his parents when he waits for his relatives, even Zhou Yi himself.

Why should she expect a good man to love her like this?

No, it's about the word "love" now, Zhou Yi doesn't want to touch it anymore, this thing is empty, not real at all.

Zhou Yi didn't thank Xia Xiaolan again and again, what she said was false, she remembered this kindness, and hoped that one day she could really return Xia Xiaolan.

Zhou Yi will return to the United States the day after she is discharged from the hospital.

Xia Xiaolan and Jiang Hong sent her out.

Originally wanted to be sent to Hong Kong Airport, Zhou Yi refused.

"Mom, Xiaolan, I am no longer a child. I can come back from America alone, can't I return?"

That's the truth.

At least Zhou Yi's English level has improved by leaps and bounds compared to when she first went abroad.

Seeing Zhou Yi leaving the customs, the figure gradually disappeared, Jiang Hong let out a sigh of relief:

"Xiaolan, this matter can delay you, the eldest mother doesn't know how to thank you..."

"Then talk about it when you know?"

Xia Xiaolan blinked and Jiang Hong laughed. Such a relaxed smile has not been seen on Jiang Hong's face for two years.

"You are right. They are all a family, and the time to get along with each other will be long."

Xia Xiaolan was about to speak, when someone suddenly called her name in an exaggerated and surprising voice:

"Xia Xiaolan? Why are you here? Are you here to pick me up!"


Du Zhaohui's humble voice was very recognizable, and Xia Xiaolan knew it was him without turning around.

The joy that bloomed on Du Zhaohui's face made Jiang Hong very uncomfortable.

Just now I said that I am a family with Xiaolan, and I will spend a long time together in the future. This seems to be unsteady--this one in front of me, isn't it because I want to compete with Zhou Cheng?

Jiang Hong muttered in her heart.

Xia Xiaolan had a big head, "I'll come to the customs to see people off."

Didn't you come here to pick him up?

Du Zhaohui was also lost for a second, and he was very happy immediately. He didn't pick him up specially, but he could still meet him. This kind of coincidence is called "favored" in the Chinese language.

The fact that he was predestined with Xia Xiaolan made Du Zhaohui very excited.

Originally, he was particularly predestined. There were so many people on the dock, but Xia Dajun rescued him. Although he was stupid and had a bad relationship with Xia Xiaolan, it was also because of Xia Dajun who was in the street that he would know Xia Xiaolan... fate, it was already there!

Seeing Du Zhaohui's eyes gleaming, Jiang Hong immediately said that he was dizzy by the wind.

"Xiaolan, shall we go back first?"

Jiang Hong grabbed Xia Xiaolan's arm, Xia Xiaolan nodded, "You have been very hard these days, then I will send you back to the hotel to rest first."

Hey, I haven't spoken yet!

Du Zhaohui's face was so thick that it was beyond ordinary people's imagination. Xia Xiaolan said to send Jiang Hong back to the hotel, and he immediately followed.

Jiang Hong had to mention Zhou Cheng, named his identity, and reminded Du Zhaohui.

Du Zhaohui grinned, "That will be given to you even more. Mr. Zhou and I have met more than once or twice. We are all friends. Mr. Zhou is not here. You are his eldest aunt. I have an obligation to help take care of it."

It's best to never be there, he is still willing to help Zhou Cheng take care of his fiancee!

Xia Xiaolan felt that the atmosphere was weird. Jiang Hong seemed to reject Du Zhaohui... Hey, it seemed that she had been thinking too much. Where did Du Zhaohui go and not be rejected? This is obviously a normal phenomenon!

Sending Jiang Hong to the hotel, Du Zhaohui still couldn't leave, Ahua had to remind him in a low voice:

"Young Master, you have an appointment with Mr. Tang, if you don't leave again..."

Alas, it's difficult to be loyal and loyal to the employer. Knowing that the eldest master wants to rely on him, he has to bite the bullet and remind him of the schedule.

Ah Hua was very embarrassed.

But Ah Wah underestimated Du Zhaohui's shamelessness.

Du Zhaohui stood up and tidyed up his clothes, "Push the street, you remind me earlier, I have an appointment with Mr. Tang and can't be late. He said that Du Zhaoji would invest in Asia..."

Xia Xiaolan squinted, "What did you say?"

Du Zhaohui was at a loss, "I said I want to see Tang Yuanyue!"

"No, it's the last sentence."

"Can't be late?"


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