Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1897: : Advise you to be kind (1 more)

"These guests stayed in the hotel for a long time."

Tang Yuanyue didn't like to see Xia Xiaolan frowning, what a beautiful face, a frown made people uncomfortable.

Although I know that Xia Xiaolan is not a pitiful character, she is easy to misunderstand her appearance... Man, really an honest visual animal, Tang Yuanyue can't avoid being vulgar.

Like the model girlfriend he is dating, who is also young, less than 20 years old, she will not make Tang Yuanyue feel this way at all, and she actively wants to share the worries for the other party——

Xia Xiaolan came back to her senses, "Well, they were in Pengcheng years ago. The older is Wilson and his wife, and the younger is a pair of siblings. I happen to know all four of them. It’s nothing, it’s a family affair, let them themselves Take care of it."

Du Zhaohui was particularly disdainful, "This matter is not handled well, nor is it so good."

It used to be a big show, how many times did he run to see "Ye Qiu"?

As a result, Du Zhaohui looked down on the slimy and uneasy handling of housework.

Du Zhaohui also happened to know what happened. On the cruise ship, he saw Cui Yiru kill Zhang Jiadong before committing suicide. To stay at Du's house, on the day Cui Yiru and Zhang Jiadong died, it was time for Tina to check the DNA!

No, according to his old man's personality, not only Tina's DNA, but also Xu Changle's must be tested together.

A woman who has betrayed once cannot be trusted for the rest of her life.

Cuckold, it's too serious for a man.

If you can steal people in the United States, you may not be clean when you are in the country.

Du Zhaohui can hardly be in awe of "Master Qiu" now, there is no way, a green man, he really can't stand in awe.

Mrs. Wilson took Tina and left like a gust of wind. Xia Xiaolan had just said that no matter what happened, the old Ivan saw her and dragged Xu Changle over to say hello.

Of the two men, one was furious at Xu Changle's proposal, while the other stayed to appease Xu Changle.

Xia Xiaolan really didn't understand what kind of routine it was.

"Mr. Ivan, long time no see."

"Xia, I knew I would see you sooner or later, but I didn't expect to meet under such circumstances."

Old Ivan remains enthusiastic about Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan's heart is frizzy, what the **** is this old man making?

Because Xia Xiaolan was with Tang Yuanyue and Du Zhaohui, the old Ivan didn't delay her for too long, as if he was just coming over to say hello.

Xia Xiaolan and Xu Changle didn't communicate much, and it was inconvenient to say anything in front of the old Ivan.

When the two people left, the meal was also interrupted.

Du Zhaohui wanted to send Xia Xiaolan back, and Tang Yuanyue stopped him: "Zhaohui, I have something to tell you."


Du Zhaohui looked suspicious, did he come to destroy his hope because he had no hope when he rushed to the street?

"Let's talk, I still have something to go back to the company."

Xia Xiaolan didn't care about the two men's eyebrows and lawsuits. She could only come to Pengcheng to deal with official duties on weekends. She was delayed by Zhou Yi's business before. She was also very busy, OK!

Xia Xiaolan called a car from the hotel and left.

Du Zhaohui stood at the door, puffed up like a frog.

Tang Yuan laughed more and more, "I still disdain to use such small means. I really have something to tell you about investing in Asia."

"If you want to vote, just vote and call me from Hong Kong Island. Isn't it just because you are tempted by Shao Zaiji's plan?"

Du Zhaohui didn't feel lost either.

It is a **** to have money and not make money. The more he and Tang Yuan have friendship, but they have not surpassed "money."

Hehe, business competition on Hong Kong Island is fierce. Everyone is looking for money. Love, friendship and even family affection are the spiritual opium used by poor ghosts to comfort themselves. The more you go up, the less one believes in feelings. Occasionally there may be a love affair, it is also a short-lived, can not bring too much splash!

Du Zhaohui thought that way anyway.

No matter how harmonious the atmosphere of the Tang family is, Tang Yuanyue is also a person who values ​​interests.

Emphasis on feelings?


If you value feelings, you don't have to be deceived by Tang Yuanyue himself. The Tang family won't care whether Tang Yuanyue is the eldest son or not, and he has already changed other sons.

Du Zhaohui will have the same reaction when he encounters the same thing.

Nothing is more important than money. With enough money, he can do whatever he wants.

Whoever wants to stop him from making money is the enemy, unless it is... Du Zhaohui shakes his head. You can't think about such a problem. If you think about it too much, his heart will be chaotic, and his brain will be confused. This state makes him. Fear, make him want to see a doctor!

Tang Yuanyue frowned:

"I'm discussing business matters with you, how can your expression be so rippling? Zhaohui, if I didn't know your sexual orientation, I would stay away from you."

Du Zhaohui rolled his eyes, "Even if I like men, you are not my favorite! I have no objection to your investment in Asia Minor, what else can you say."

Tang Yuan thought for a while, "Did you notice Xia Xiaolan's expression today?"

"What look?"

Du Zhaohui was puzzled.

He has been looking at Xia Xiaolan's expression, frowning, smiling, which one did Tang Yuanyue say? !

Tang Yuanyue couldn’t understand Du Zhaohui’s almost perverted thoughts. He said according to his own thinking: “When I said Du Zhaoji wanted to follow the business model of Japan’s Yaohan and build an Asian chain brand, she just stopped talking. Then when I said that I wanted to invest, Her expression is even more weird. How to put it, it seems that she has heard something unbelievable, she herself is wobbly!"

"What do you mean?"

Tang Yuanyue can actually interpret so many meanings?

Tang Yuanyue shook his head, "I don't know, maybe I think too much. Do you remember what happened when we wanted to buy the land in Jinshachi? That time, Xia Xiaolan was very sure, even if I sold the land, I could earn thousands of dollars. Wan, she still has to develop it herself, and uses our purchase intention to increase the market value of the land in Jinshachi and borrow more money from the bank!"

Hey, that sounds a bit strange.

Xia Xiaolan received 10 million Hong Kong dollars to help him plan the'Hung Rong Plaza', which is also a very determined attitude.

Xia Xiaolan's attitude infected him, making him very confident in ‘Hung Rong Plaza’ and betting all his family property on this project-facts proved that he was successful in betting!

Xiao Zaiji is also a little capable, but his luck is a little bit worse.

Du Zhaohui touched her hair, "It's a bit strange. I think Xia Xiaolan is very good, and luck is also very good. The people around her are all crossing the better. Or, you can talk with her carefully, whether you want to invest in Asia ?"

Shao Ziji may be possessed by Shao Shen, and whoever touches it is unlucky.

At this time, of course, you have to go forward and retreat together with people who are lucky.

Du Zhaohui solemnly added, "You'd better listen to her and follow up when you see what she does. You have to stand on the side of Shao Zaiji, embarrass her, and fight against her... I advise you to be kind!"

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