Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1912: : These fabrics have no soul (4 more)

Who punched out whose brains?

Probably it was only Grandma Yu who punched Mrs. Wilson's brains out.

It was confirmed that Tina was a child from the Xu family, and the old lady changed her attitude from negative to positive, and she took the initiative to pack her bags and follow Xia Xiaolan to Pengcheng.

The old lady said her words. Now that Xu Changle has fulfilled her promise and took Tina's DNA test to verify the parent-child relationship, Grandma Yu also has to honor what she said.

If the mountain doesn't come, she will be the mountain, and she will go to the mountain!

A little girl under 20 years old was spoiled by Cui Yiru and Zhang Jiadong in the past. Her temper is more willful, but she doesn't care much.

This kind of girl film, the old lady can just stretch out her hand and rub it casually.

She also said that Xia Xiaolan:

"You are in the minority, and most of the little girls are not particularly smart."

It is related to family education and experience.

Being able to study is not necessarily smart.

In addition to intelligence, intelligence also has emotional intelligence.

Besides, Tina doesn't study much.

The United States can rely on recommendation to go to a prestigious school, and Grandma Yu doesn't actually have much hope for the IQ of her granddaughter.

Yes, Liu Fen was originally going to return to the capital, but Grandma Yu was going to Pengcheng, but Liu Fen stayed in again—the Xu family had a lot of troubles. This was probably Lao Tang's happiest time.

Isn't it good to have a wife to accompany you every day? Sleeping at night is always warm.

Lao Tang also asked Grandma Yu to live at home. Grandma Yu disagreed, "Your house is too small. It is different from a courtyard house. The courtyard house is spacious. We can keep each other's living habits without disturbing each other. It is not very convenient here."

You say this old lady winks too much.

Can the quadrangle not hinder, such a suite, how much interference will it cause if you look up and see you down?

This old woman is not A Fen's mother, so she can't walk away, which affects the relationship between husband and wife.

Xia Xiaolan almost petrified, whispered:

"Why do I think you are referring to Sang Huai?"

"You're not wrong, you are almost 22 years old. If you weren't still studying, you should have moved out and become independent! Once the National People's Congress, you have to keep a little distance from your parents. Can you live with your mother for the rest of your life?"

The old lady's mouth is too bad. Isn't this saying that she is Mommy?

Yes, she should have lived alone by herself. She was a very independent person in her previous life. In this life, she was reluctant to be separated from Liu Fen.

Isn't she allowed to stick a little bit with the affection that has only existed in two lifetimes?

Xia Xiaolan stood tall, "Then you are wrong. I have arranged a house in Pengcheng. When the house can live in, I will not rely on my mother."

Grandma Yu ignored her.

Finally, at the request of her grandmother, Xia Xiaolan opened a suite for her in the Nanhai Hotel.

It’s not a one-night stay, but a long-term stay.

Anyway, Xu Zhongyi is not short of this money. If he doesn't spend it as a mother, who is it for?

Those parents who want to save money for their children by eating chaffy vegetables are simply because they can't think about it, and they don't want to enjoy them if they have the conditions. They must eat leftovers and wear torn clothes. Is this saving for their children?

I fell ill and saved a small amount of money, and spent a lot of money on seeing a doctor.

Sun Chunsheng, the successor of "Sun Yijian", is now Luna's chief tailor. Luna's clothes are all Sun Chunsheng leading people to play the board. Sun Chunsheng personally made clothes that conquered Wang Mingming and asked Wang Mingming to agree to shoot for Luna. Advertising-Wang Mingming's final breach of contract was poached by Ji Ya with money, and has nothing to do with Tailor Sun.

This man was dug up for Liu Fen at the beginning. Grandma Yu said that she would make some body clothes for Liu Fen to attend Ji Ya's wedding.

Sun Chunsheng did not disappoint, a pair of shimmering large scissors, with extraordinary skill.

Later this person was intercepted by Chen Xiliang.

Although Luna is a ready-to-wear garment produced by a garment factory, it also needs a skilled craftsman.

This kind of talent falls into Chen Xiliang's hands, and there is no reason to let him escape.

Sun Chunsheng didn't want to run either.

Working at Luna made him feel needed, and he was given a high salary, which directly increased his income by many grades.

There are also other garment factories who know that there is such a person and want to dig Sun Chunsheng away.

Sun Chunsheng said that Mr. Chen and Mr. Xia were kind to him and refused all invitations-ahem, Xia Xiaolan felt that there was a reason that other factories could not afford higher wages than Luna.

As soon as Grandma Yu arrived in Pengcheng, she asked Sun Chunsheng to make clothes for her.

Sun Chunsheng came with excitement.

It is the glory of a craftsman to make clothes for people who know the goods.

His grandpa made clothes for Grandma Yu back then, and now it's his turn, but Grandma Yu can't let Grandma Yu think that the craftsmanship of the Sun family is lost!

Sun Chunsheng brought a lot of fabric samples and introduced them to Grandma Yu in the same way. His attitude seemed to be facing a large customer who could order 10,000 pieces of goods in one go.

Grandma Yu chose for a long time, "The cloth now is different from before. It is industrialized and produced, the cost is reduced, and the quality is stable, but there is no soul..."

Sun Chunsheng nodded his head with a sense of truth, "You are right, alas, you are wronged, I will definitely pay attention to you in the future, and there will be better materials for you to see."

Chen Xiliang started shaking.

Sun still get his salary, right?

Holding a sample of his cloth, saying that these cloths have no soul?

Chen Xiliang has always known that he is different. After all, he is a wholesale dealer with the dream of a designer.

But he didn't think the fabric had a soul either!

Xia Xiaolan dragged him out:

"Don't talk too much, I don't dare to provoke the old lady, I'm afraid she will say two things later, you want to sew in the ground, let Tailor Sun slap the old lady ass, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer."

Chen Xiliang took a few deep breaths.

"Yes, I am not angry, I am a measured boss."

Oh, why the fabric he chose is soulless?

Luna's clothes are made of these cloths, how good they sell!

There are also a lot of silk, silk, cashmere...These fabrics are too expensive for Luna to use. Sun Chunsheng also brought samples, but he didn't even look down on it.

A picky old lady, and the devilish tailor Sun, Mr. Chen doesn't care about them.

Chen Xiliang rubbed his hands and started talking about business:

"I have contacted the bank. The bank's reserve price is 5 million. You can't package and sell Elegance directly. If you want the Pengcheng court to conduct an auction, how much money do you think we need to prepare?"

In the case of auction, it depends on whether there are competitors.

There is no opponent, that is, one dollar higher than the low price can buy Elegance.

It's hard to say if you have an opponent.

Some bidding opponents are pure idiots. Seeing that they can't afford it, they deliberately bid to add chaos to others.

Once bidding, the scene may get out of control.

Xia Xiaolan weighed it up in her heart, "We will bid for bidding. We prepare 7 million yuan of funds. If it exceeds this price, we will give up and concentrate on Luna, not taking over the Elegance channel."

7 million.

It is not particularly difficult for two people to pay the funds.

But to buy Elegance and merge it into Luna... Chen Xiliang chuckled:

"Luna is a taxpayer and a charitable company. It is not difficult for me to find a bank loan in Yangcheng. I simply did not move our own money and borrowed from a bank in Yangcheng in the name of Luna."

Xia Xiaolan glanced at him. Is this the unstoppable evolution of profiteers? Old Chen has also learned to use other people's money to make money?

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