Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1921: : How come it's not my old bean who fell down! (Plus)

Xia Xiaolan didn't want to watch Du Zhaohui and Ah Hua play a duo.

To be honest, Ah Wah and Du Zhaohui can be considered to have withstood the test. Everyone sings about Du Zhaohui's trough. Ahua is by Du Zhaohui's side. He is obviously a bodyguard, but he has to do all the work.

With such a capable bodyguard, Du Zhaohui was lucky.

A Hua is as important to Du Zhaohui as Ge Jian is to her.

It's neither love nor family affection, it's the left and right arms...Whoever wants to chop off her left and right arms, Xia Xiaolan must want to kill the other person! Whether there is no left hand or no right hand, it has a great impact on daily life.

It is only natural for Du Zhaohui to send a suite to Ahua.

"Although the market is only open on the 20th, I can ask you to register internally and choose a few sets. The specific apartment types and floors are registered, and you can pay on the opening day."

Du Zhaohui waved his hand, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I will pick the house today and I can pay today."

There is nothing to argue with with the rich and powerful.

Du Zhaohui bought 5 suites in one go.

Ahua found that the young master was here for real, so he only chose a 90-square-meter one, and Du Zhaohui changed it to 120 square-meter.

In fact, you can also buy the top floor, which is the apartment of Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng'an. A Hua insisted not, saying that he was afraid of heights... Du Zhaohui changed it to 1 apartment of 120 square meters and 4 of 90 square meters.

The unit price of a 120 square meter house is 1,450 yuan/square meter.

The average price of 90 square meters is 1420 yuan.

The total room payment is 682,800. Although Du Zhaohui doesn't care about the discount on the opening day, Xia Xiaolan will not treat Du Zhaohui as a fat sheep, and still give Du Zhaohui a 10% discount to calculate the house price. Du Zhaohui finally paid 614,500.

For the 120m2 set, he directly asked Ahua to sign the contract.

Owa shook his hands while signing.

Even if I can get a salary increase often, I don't even give more than one hundred thousand Chinese dollars in one breath!

Forget it, if you really want to drive old Ivan away, he doesn't know how to repay him for his favor, so he can only find a way to accomplish what the young and old had ordered.

Money can really do whatever you want.

With enough money, the employers who are hard to serve are little angels.

Owha, who has always thought that he has worked too much, now feels that he can add a little burden!

Du Zhaohui is also very satisfied.

I spent 600,000 Chinese dollars and bought 5 suites.

These 5 suites are rewarded to loyal and contributing subordinates, which can make him more stable around him.

After the money was spent, he could still enjoy Xia Xiaolan's company-he asked Xia Xiaolan to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the apartment types. Xia Xiaolan didn't beat him because of the money, and really treated him as a client.

Is the money worth it?

What a great value!

So he must get all the money from the Du family...

After choosing a house and signing a contract, Du Zhaohui stayed for two or three hours before leaving.

Xia Xiaolan had a dry throat and drank half a glass of water in one breath.

"Xiaoyou, you can register the two suites again. One is the largest apartment with a size of 198 square meters, and the other one is 120 square meters. The two suites cannot be in the same building."

This is reserved for Chen Xiliang.

The set on the top floor must be for Zhang Xiao to live.

Zhang Xiao will really live in'Luohu Tiancheng' in the future. A movie star who has been popular for many years must keep some privacy. The house on the top floor is quiet.

120 square meters was reserved for Chen Xiliang’s son.

It's not that Xia Xiaolan treated it differently, but Chen Xiliang said it himself.

In the same community, but different units, this distance is quite appropriate.

Xia Xiaolan didn't know why Chen Xiliang didn't buy the largest apartment for her son, and she had never raised a child.

But if she has children, there will be no problems with her business in the future...How to grasp the material standards for the children is indeed a problem for Xia Xiaolan.

She has made a lot of money and can be good to the people around her, but it can't be bad to the children. You can't know the conditions are good, but you must let the child eat the bitterness she once suffered. It's just too abnormal!

But if it’s too good for children, will they develop dudes?

If you have a daughter, there are three negative examples.

Ji Ya, Zhou Yi and Tina, too much, too confused, too little princess!

Xia Xiaolan was busy returning to the hotel at night, and Tang Yuanyue did not come to her to talk about Asia.

Or Ah Hua came to tell her:

"There was news from Hong Kong Island that Mr. Tang's father Tang Jinyun passed out on the board of directors, and he is still in the hospital! Mr. Tang hurried back to Hong Kong Island when he received the news, and the young master returned to Hong Kong immediately."

This happened at the same time that Du Zhaohui set sail to buy a house.

It was not until Du Zhaohui left the sales department of "Luohu Tiancheng" that Tang Yuanyue had already returned to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong media thoroughly fry the pot.

Tang Jinyun's illness is unknown, but they are splitting the estate for the Tang family-the three Tang family brothers are all the same father and mother, and there are still outsiders to instigate them. They are simply news sensational and inhumane.

"Du Zhaohui was right with the past. He was a friend of Tang Yuanyue. At this time, he should do his best to help."

Xia Xiaolan nodded.

A Hua thought, didn't he? Although the young man called Tang always rushing to the street all day long, and said that President Tang was watching Qian Yunyun dead, but when he heard that Mr. Tang’s father had an accident, his face changed and he immediately said that he would return to Hong Kong Island.

In Du Zhaohui's words, it is useless to have the same father and the same mother. The huge benefits are in front. The brothers, friends and brothers are usually kind, and the difference can only be seen at the critical moment.

It goes without saying that the more Tang Yuan does not help Du Zhaoji, Du Zhaohui will help Tang Yuanyue.

In the unlikely event that Tang Jinyun died like this, and the will did not make it clear, the Tang family three brothers don't know how long it will take!

Du Zhaohui also said a word at the time, and Ah Hua was embarrassed to talk to Xia Xiaolan.

The main idea is that Tang Jinyun is younger than Du Zhengrong, and there is no such thing as Du Zhengrong.

It's Du Xingrong who plays with women romantically, but he hasn't been hollowed out yet!

"It would be great if it was the dead old man at home who fell..."

If you can say these words, they are very unfilial. A Hua is afraid that Xia Xiaolan has a bad impression of his young master.

Xia Xiaolan didn't know that Ahua thought so much.

To be honest, she and Tang Jinyun didn't know each other, and it was too fake to say that they should really worry about each other. Tang Jinyun was a stranger to her, and the friendship between her and Tang Yuanyue was so vain... Hey, just a stranger, she would not fall into trouble and hope that the other party would die.

It's best to live.

"A Hua, you have to hurry back to Hong Kong Island too? Let Du Zhaohui give me condolences to President Tang."

"Okay, Miss Xia."

As soon as A Hua left, Liu Fen's face became nervous, "Did something happen?"

"You may not know it, but my uncle and I have worked with him. It is Tang Yuanyue, the shareholder of Nanhai Hotel. His father suddenly became ill and is still in the hospital for rescue. I hope his father can survive this disaster!"

Even if there are no brothers competing for property, who wants to die suddenly except for extreme families like Du Zhaohui?

A steady handover, handing over the business to the Tang Yuanyue brothers step by step, and suddenly passing away, letting Tang Yuanyue hurriedly take over the family business are still two different things!

Grandma Yu came out of the room:

"What are you mother and daughter talking about? Zhong Yi called back. They are already in the customs and will be at the hotel soon!"

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