Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1928: : Money can't buy life (3 more)

One always teaches her sternly.

A gentle caring for her.

No one likes the former, and it's not self-abuse!

Tina was wronged.

She wanted to tell Mrs. Wilson how much grandma Yu had done too much, and wanted to act like a baby to Mrs. Wilson.

But that **** verbal agreement didn't allow her to tell "outsiders".

Tina didn't treat Mrs. Wilson as an outsider, but Grandma Yu absolutely treated the couple as outsiders. She also shut the couple out last night.

Can't say.

Whatever she said, the grievances she suffered last night and this morning are meaningless. The verbal agreement did not last for 24 hours, which is really shameful!

"Aunt Cynthia, it's nothing. I went downstairs for breakfast today. I will take a break and I won't make you and Uncle Ivan worry about me. By the way, when will Harold come to Pengcheng?"

Tina didn't want to talk about Xu's family, so she changed the subject herself.

Mrs. Wilson frowned. Tina was always undefended in front of her. The results of the DNA paternity test had a great influence on Tina. Now Tina has a topic she doesn't want to mention.

This change made Mrs. Wilson wary.

Tina mentioned Harold again.

Mrs. Wilson smiled: "He, he is very wary of me and Ivan. He said several times that he would come to China, but the results were all false news. But this time the news should be true, and he will be there tomorrow. Na, do you remember our plan? I am very grateful that you are willing to help us, but I am worried about you again, or it is too late for us to change the plan."

Tina shook her head vigorously:

"No, if you change your plan now, you and Uncle Ivan will be driven by him. He will bankrupt you and make you homeless! He is really too much. Being the head of the Wilson family is not enough. No way to survive will be left to you."

Tina blushed.

How come there are such people?

Because she still...

In short, Harold is very hateful, she just helped Aunt Cynthia and Uncle Ivan get back part of what they deserved.

Mrs. Wilson hesitated, "But when we discussed this plan, we didn’t test DNA. I don’t know if you are... Tina, I don’t think they will support it. You should have seen it last night, your grandma is very Guard against us and also dislike our being close to you. Does this really have no effect?"

Of course it has no effect!

Tina's words came to her lips, and she still didn't say it.

It must be influential.

Her brother has always spoiled her without principle. As for Xu...Anyway, both of them will follow her heart. Only the old lady, with strictness written in every wrinkle, is not polite to her, she is also strong, and her mouth is strong. Still poisonous, Tina is a little timid.

Tina's inspiration flashed:

"It certainly has no effect. Everyone thinks that I am ignorant and immature. I am a naive ghost who only knows how to spend money and only know how to enjoy. Who will oppose?"

Mrs. Wilson finally smiled:

"My dear, you must have done a great job. You and Ji are friends. What he can do is not difficult for you."


Tina admires Ji Jiangyuan for making money on her own.

She can also try the feeling of making money by herself, and can also help Cynthia and Ivan. This is the best of both worlds!

Tina is very double-labeled. Ji Jiangyuan made 100,000 US dollars on her own, which she thinks is very powerful.

Xia Xiaolan made more than $1 million on her own and was directly ignored by Tina.

Alas, just like that, I still said that I was not naive.

Ivan greeted Tina and left the hotel.

Mrs. Wilson heard that Tina had only had a glass of milk, and brought Tina downstairs for breakfast again.

After they all left the room, a hotel cleaner pushed the car over and opened the door of the Wilsons room. He pulled away the cart, took out a bunch of tools, and installed some gadgets that can only be seen in the spy film in the hidden part of the room, and then arranged the room as if nothing had happened, and pushed the cleaning cart away.

This is the newly hired cleaner at the hotel.

I am a proficient hand, organize the housework quickly and well, and get on duty in the fastest time.

The cleaner went downstairs and took advantage of the lunch break and called secretly:

"Everything is done."

"Waiting for the next instruction, you go to work at the hotel with peace of mind."


A Hua hung up the phone and hurried upstairs, whispering a few words in Du Zhaohui's ear.

"Well, I don't worry about your work."

It's really at a critical moment that I know whether the friends I make are reliable.

Tang Jinyun was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. Tang Yuan hurried back to Hong Kong Island, and Du Zhaohui followed suit. The Hong Kong media blocked the entrance to the hospital, always wanting to know Tang Jinyun's condition. Tang Yuan became more annoyed, and Du Zhaohui directly drove the reporter away with a black face.

Du Zhaohui didn't care if the reporter wanted to write about him.

He didn't have a good reputation on Hong Kong Island.

Tang Yuanyue was not unmoved, but he couldn't care about expressing his gratitude.

Because Tang Jinyun's condition is really bad!

It is still being rescued.

It has been almost 24 hours since the onset of the disease. Can you save your life and keep your mind and consciousness without any problems?

Tang Yuan was furious when he returned to Hong Kong. Such big news should be blocked for the first time. Now the whole Hong Kong is discussing it. Some people say that Tang Jinyun is suddenly critically ill and it is too late to make a will. If Tang Jinyun can't survive this catastrophe, the Tang family will definitely be in chaos... …Tang Jinyun was critically ill on Sunday. Affected by these messy reports, the stock price of Yuhua Group dropped a lot when the market opened on Monday!

This makes people vomit blood.

After China and Britain signed the "China-UK Joint Statement", it affected market sentiment. The stock market was flooded with optimism, and large sums of money were heavily bought. The Hang Seng Index has risen all the way from 1000 points in 1984. Just last month, in late February 1987, the Hang Seng Index exceeded 2800 points. While the stock market was in a state of flattering, Yuhua was falling!

Hong Kong Island investors who bought Yuhua's stock shouted while scolding.

Tang Yuanyue could not stabilize after the stock price fell for a few days.

It was Tang Jinyun's condition, which was really bad... Tang Yuanyue's third brother, Tang Zerui, rushed back from Indonesia for the first time, and his second brother, Tang Kaijie, took a flight back to Hong Kong from the UK for more than ten hours. He was surrounded by paparazzi as soon as he landed.

These reporters were really wicked, so they opened their mouths and asked Tang Kaijie how much inheritance he expected to share.

Tang Kaijie didn't hold back, bypassing the bodyguard, knocking out the other's camera, knocking out two of the reporter's teeth, throwing a stack of banknotes on the reporter's face, and letting him go to the doctor!

The reporter said he was going to sue Tang Kaijie to the end, but Tang Kaijie ignored it.

The three Tang brothers were all guarding outside the ward.

Du Zhaohui felt the atmosphere was heavy and didn't know how to comfort Tang Yuanyue.

The doctor went in and out from time to time, and Mrs. Tang sparked hope and disappointment.

At this time, whether you can survive or not has nothing to do with your identity, it depends on your destiny.

Money can get the best rescue, but the doctor can't get his life back from Yan Wang-25 hours after he became ill, Tang Jinyun died at the Hong Kong Island Sanatorium and Hospital at the age of 61.

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