Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1931: :Finally can afford to put it down (1 more)

The Jiang family treats Jiang Yan like this... Pan Baohua disagrees.

Ran to Jinling and sprayed the blood of the Jiang family.

The general idea is a little help from the remnants of the Jiang family. It's shame to fall on anyone. Who wants to have a relationship with the Jiang family?

Not rare!

Yes, it's not rare!

Pan Baohua said these things with bulging eyes, and the Jiang family could not wait to pinch him to death, and they would kill him with a gun on the spot-is it possible? Pan Baohua wasn't scared, the Jiang family didn't dare to shoot at all.

Jiang Yan’s parents cried and scolded, but Jiang Yan remained indifferent:

"My third brother paid for my treatment in the United States. If the third brother is going to the Marine Brigade, I will go!"

Jiang Yan said this deliberately.

The Jiang family were all upset.

This is the truth. The Jiang family wanted to force Jiang Yan to talk to Zhou Cheng, and were indifferent to her going abroad for treatment. Now that Jiang Yan turned it out, the Jiang family could not find a reason to refute it.

Jiang Yan meant to follow Pan Baohua?

Pan Baohua is the big enemy of the Jiang family!

Pan Baohua is a reckless martial artist with no family background, so he can help the Jiang family!

These people, with fixed thinking, always feel that how much a person can achieve depends on their family background... Xia Chong can't talk about it, Jiang Yan didn't agree with the Jiang family's way of doing things, and now she has no nostalgia.

Of course she didn't want to rely on Pan Baohua.

This was deliberately to make Jiang's family angry.

The Jiang family felt that Pan Sange could hardly achieve great results alone, and they would not believe how far she could go without assistance.

Hehe, she really has to rely on herself.

Zhou Cheng opened the car door and asked Xia Xiaolan to get in the car first, placing her hands on it naturally. This was a maintenance posture, for fear that Xia Xiaolan might bump her head when getting in the car. Zhou Cheng didn't deliberately perform this action... Jiang Yan saw in the rearview mirror and lowered her head.

These two are good for three years, right?

Zhou Cheng didn't get bored at all, and he kept so tight, it became a habit and a tacit understanding.

Pan Baohua drove the road wildly, driving the Jeep out of the feeling of a bouncing car, all the way to the city, Xia Xiaolan's face turned pale:

"Brother, are you deliberately not wanting to entertain guests?"

Pan Baohua laughed loudly: "I didn't pay attention. I forgot that you are different from us rough people."

Xia Xiaolan also laughed, "What a vulgar person, you are the third brother, but my family Chengzi and Jiang Yan are not."

Zhou Cheng pondered for a while, is this a declaration of sovereignty?

"Brother, let me invite you and Jiang Yan for this meal. I have already proposed to Xiaolan. We should get married next year. We didn't notify you of this news before. Let's celebrate today."

Daughter-in-law, how good is my cooperation?

Zhou Cheng feels that she can be praised, and Xia Xiaolan's eyes are full of smiles, a tacit understanding of over eighty points.

Jiang Yan raised her head.


Her heart is astringent.

Saying congratulations is already very difficult.

While eating, Jiang Yan suddenly picked up her wine glass: "Zhou Cheng, Xia Xiaolan, I will toast you both."

Xia Xiaolan didn't bother, and the two of them picked up their glasses and went to work.

"Jiang Yan, we also wish you good health and realize your career ideals as soon as possible!"

"We have always been friends. We were in the past, we are now, and we will be in the future."

Jiang Yan tilted her neck back and drank the wine.

Pan Baohua patted the table, "It's okay to say something like this earlier? It made me feel awkward and suffocated Laozi. Drinking, I won't be drunk tonight, anyone who wants to stand out will look down on me!"

Pan Baohua is happy.

He and Chengzi, Jiang Yan, can fight together again in the Marine Brigade.

I don't know why Jiang Yan suddenly decided to let it go, but Jiang Yan said so clearly. With her character, she would never have other thoughts about Zhou Cheng.

Xia Xiaolan was filled with a lot of alcohol. Zhou Cheng sent her back to school and went downstairs to the dormitory. In order to deceive the dormitory's eyes, she tried to stand up straight.

Aunt Su Guan looked at her straight eyes, full of alcohol, and felt that she had been fooled:

"Boys are not allowed to go upstairs! After drinking for so long, can you climb upstairs? 307, whoever of you call the person in Room 307, their roommates are drunk, get them up!"

It's useless for Zhou Cheng to be the head of the regiment.

While supporting Xia Xiaolan, she was criticized by the aunt in charge.

He honestly didn't dare to talk back, and his wife only knew that he was smirking at the auntie.

When Yang Yonghong rushed down with someone, Su Jing couldn't help but smile: "Instructor Zhou, you got our Xiaolan drunk?"

"I, I'm not drunk!"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head vigorously.

Yes, yes, you're not drunk, so don't shake when walking, and talk straight with your tongue.

Several people from 307 carried Xia Xiaolan upstairs.

At the gate of Huaqing School.

Jiang Yan hugged the trash can and vomited.

She felt a little more comfortable when she vomited her stomach empty.

Pan Baohua drank the same amount of wine, but nothing happened. He threw a handkerchief and wiped Jiang Yan's mouth:

"Why did you suddenly figure it out? What you said today surprised the third brother, but the third brother is happy for you!"

Jiang Yan sat on the side of the road.

"I just think it's boring. I said I like Zhou Cheng. I didn't care what Zhou Cheng thought. After returning to Jinling, I found that the Jiang family still talked so much to themselves. They didn't ask me what I thought... I don't like being The Jiang family, in the end, they still act according to the Jiang family's temperament."

What is Zhou Cheng's thoughts?

Zhou Cheng never said not to be friends with her.

She wants more.

Zhou Cheng has a woman she likes, so she can only avoid her.

And when we met today, when Zhou Cheng talked to her, her eyes couldn't leave Xia Xiaolan.

It's not that Xia Xiaolan will get angry, it's that she is really tender, and the contact with Xia Xiaolan's eyes is like silky threads, sticky.

Jiang Yan looked away at that moment.

No, she might have died a long time ago, but at that moment, she was willing to admit it.

It would be great if Xia Xiaolan was a nasty person, Jiang Yan could still insist on not letting go, and could support it with the belief that "To save Zhou Cheng from Xia Xiaolan's hands". But Xia Xiaolan was not gentle, but she was a person who even hospital nurses liked.

She was treated in the United States, and the Jiang family did not care, regardless of whether Xia Xiaolan was acting or not, she went to the hospital to see her many times.

Pan Baohua patted her on the shoulder:

"This is the Jiang Yan I know. I can afford to put it down. There are many good men in this world, and it's not just Seiko. Tell me the truth, do you like him to look good? The third brother made this I've remembered the matter for you, and I must find a handsome one for you!"

Pan Baohua wanted to recommend himself, but Jiang Yan refused it several times. Pan Baohua probably looks too fierce?

Zhou Cheng slowly came out, just in time to hear.

There was also a relaxed smile on his face, and he reached out to Jiang Yan who was sitting on the curb:

"We are not lovers, and friends are for life, unless you don't want to see me. When you find a suitable partner, my third brother and I are both your natal brothers. If he dare to bully you, we will support you!"

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