Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1949: : Are you the messenger of the devil? (3 more)

Young people must seize every opportunity.

This is the concept that Mond believes in, and it is also believed by most people in the world.

Lisa seized the opportunity. Now that it has come to this point, the design plan for the theater's renovation can only be hers!

If Xia Xiaolan were to win the lawsuit, Lisa would be infamous.

Mond Studio will not keep a "thief", and other firms will not hire her, her career prospects are completely ended.

Not only that, she also has to face Xia Xiaolan's compensation, her savings for many years may not be enough to pay the compensation-so of course Lisa can't lose.

Lisa lowered her head, "In addition to this Matthew Carlton, there is another very important figure, Mrs. Wilson."

Mond thought of the contact information Mrs. Wilson had given him:

"I think this lady is definitely on your side. All you have to do is make Matthew Carlton understand what he should say."

Young people are too arrogant if they are talented, and they set up enemies everywhere.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Mond can't talk to Matthew directly, he is a figure hidden behind the scenes.

Lisa drove to Ithaca at the first time. She wanted to find Matthew Carlton. This was also a time difference, and a little delay. She was the defendant and Matthew was a witness, so she could not contact Matthew.

Lisa went to Ithaca with the lawyer, who of course was recommended by Mond.

Knowing that their opponent was Eric, Mond did not underestimate it. The two lawyers that Mrs. Dawson took to Cornell University had been fired a long time ago. They were two wastes. In the shortest possible time, he introduced Lisa to a professional lawyer in copyright, who worked with record companies all the year round.

When the lawyer met Lisa, the first sentence was:

"There is nothing that cannot be solved by law. As long as you can pay the attorney's fees, justice belongs to you."

How simple is the case of copyright ownership.

"Trust me, no one wants to get involved in a lawsuit, but you have an advantage. You are in New York, and the other party is in a backward China. She has to appear in court again and again, which will drag her down."

A lawyer?

It's more like a complaint stick.

The singers under the record company are accused of infringement every year. How can there be so many original works? Some of them are mysterious. Whenever there is a dispute, the lawyer comes in handy. The best solution is to use money to reconcile the sealing agreement. If it can’t be resolved in private, it really has to go to the court, and it’s more about procrastination... A lawsuit was originally very simple, deliberately. After two to three years, how many people can live without being affected?

The rich can bring down those who have no money.

Although Lisa is not very rich, she is at least richer than a Chinese student, right?

The lawyer introduced by Mond thought so confidently.

He knew that Eric had accepted the accuser's commission, which did not mean anything. Eric often litigated the poor.

Lisa became more calm under the influence of the lawyer:

"How good it is to appear in court again and again, let her go back and forth between the United States and China again and again. The time of these young people is always worthless!"

Her time is more valuable.

Lisa didn't want to go to court at all. An out-of-court settlement was the best choice, but Xia Xiaolan would not agree.

To reach an out-of-court settlement, both parties negotiated terms. Unlike the lawyer's judgment, Lisa knew that Xia Xiaolan was not so short of money. Although Mrs. Wilson and Xia Xiaolan finally turned their faces, but at the beginning, Mrs. Wilson was very enthusiastic and appointed Xia Xiaolan to accept the commission, and customers from HK wanted Xia Xiaolan to do the resort plan. All these all explained Xia Xiaolan's contacts-poor people's. Most of your friends are poor. If you can meet rich people, you won’t be too poor!

Xia Xiaolan definitely has no shortage of money for litigation.

And the advantage that he owns is geographical advantage.

The lawsuit was conducted in the United States.

There is also the support of Mond Dawson.

There is also the support of the AIA Association.

Lisa slowly sorted out her thoughts, and had already figured out what to say to Matthew.



"That's how it happened."

Eric shrugged, "You may find it ridiculous, but you have indeed become a key witness. I have handled many cases, and I know what will happen next. Before you stand in court to testify, Lisa's side I will find a way to contact you and promise you all kinds of benefits, you know, what you want, they will give you what you want, I can understand the feeling... it's too difficult to refuse!"

Huh? !

Matthew had a ghostly expression on his face.

Is this lawyer really hired by Xia Xiaolan?

It felt more like Lisa invited him to persuade him to give false testimony.

But, what do you really want to give?

Matthew was a little skeptical.

"You lied to me?"

Eric shook his head, "I didn't lie to you. On the surface, Xia just told Lisa, but behind Lisa is Mond Dawson. Mond has the same interests as AIA. I'm not saying that Mond can control the whole AIA is limited to this matter. Even if AIA finds that they have made a mistake, let them admit their mistakes, it is too shameful for them... Bloated institutions, hypocritical bureaucracy, if you are smart enough, they will give you some Something. Something that leaked from AIA is very precious to you, an architecture major that has not graduated. You will struggle for 5, 10, or 20 years less. Can you resist this temptation?"

Matthew held his head, his expression pained:

"God, you are the devil, shut up and stop talking."

Scheming Boy is very anxious:

"You are the messenger of the devil, you have been bought by Lisa and the others, and deliberately came to lure me into making mistakes, right?"

Do not have to struggle for 20 years.

Even if he hasn't struggled for 5 years, he has thrown his peers a long way, okay!

So why let him face such temptation.

Matthew shook his head and shook his body like a drunk man: "I want her to change to a lawyer, she must change a lawyer, you terrible devil!"

Eric suddenly put away the smile on his face:

"Is it terrible to say that? No, when they do come, you will find that the things they exchanged are more tempting than I described. Matthew Carlton, if you sway now You’d better tell me the truth. Do you know that there is a kind of person in the world who hates the most. It’s not a downright bad person, but a person who is good first and then bad. People don’t trust bad people, but they trust good people, just look very A good kind of good person, such a good person will be a fatal blow to my client if he turns bad halfway-if you are unwilling to testify for her, or can't handle the temptation, you tell me now!"

Eric didn't beg.

He had a serious face, pressing hard every step of the way, and when he took a step, Matthew took a step back and kept pushing Matthew to the wall.

"Matthew Carlton, are you worthy of our trust?"

"Are you willing to testify in court?"

"Are you afraid of the joint suppression by Mond Dawson and AIA"

"Are you one—"

Matthew couldn't retreat. The devil really wanted to kill him. He pushed Eric away hard:

"Damn it, everyone in the scene you describe will be heart-warming, OK! I'm just an ordinary person who longs for success..."

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