Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1956: : Forced people to ask a public relations company (2 more)

Luohu Tiancheng opened on the 20th. This Friday, Xia Xiaolan had to rush to the airport after school. This time she almost missed the plane.

Because when I was going to the airport from school, Teacher Catherine came to see her... What Frank told Catherine, Catherine endured for a few days, and felt that she should tell Xia Xiaolan. But I don't know that Xia Xiaolan moved extremely fast. In the past few days, I have found a good lawyer to sue Lisa!

Catherine was surprised, but Xia Xiaolan smiled:

"I said that the friend you brought to the party behaved a bit strangely. It turned out to be that way. But the second day of the party, I learned about it from the GMP office, Mrs. Catherine, thank you for your concern for me."

"No, you are braver than we thought, so you can handle it like this, it's great!"

Catherine finally didn't have to worry about it.

Regardless of whether she can win the lawsuit or not, Xia Xiaolan is striving for fairness and justice. Frank is wrong, she can't just accept it passively.

What about AIA?

Xia Xiaolan is practicing what she said in the final. She is striving to overcome various obstacles and become a female architect!

To rush to the airport, Xia Xiaolan and Catherine didn't say too long.

But after Catherine went back, she told Frank.

Frank was very surprised.

In the past few days, Frank was in the capital, climbing the Great Wall to visit the Forbidden City, and discovering Chinese delicacies everywhere in the small alleys of the main street. As an Englishman, he can even accept stewed and fried liver, basically Chinese delicacies have no threshold for him.

Frank is reluctant to think about what is happening in the United States.

After hearing the news brought back by Catherine, Frank called his friend at the AIA headquarters. After some exchanges, Frank exaggerated:

"She almost lifted the roof of AIA! I was wrong, I underestimated the energy of this Chinese student, Catherine, she is definitely promising in the field of architecture!"

Frank walked around the room, talking about excitement, dancing with his hands:

"It's hard to imagine that she only went to Cornell as an exchange student for a year, but the professors at Cornell School of Architecture were willing to help her! I heard that the AIA jury was going crazy, and the chairperson and Mond Dawson seems to be arguing. The villain Mond, of course, would not admit that he deliberately embarrassed a newcomer, but the AIA jury's face was lost because of this...Ha, this is really funny!"

"What will AIA do? Xia said she was going to fight the female architect Lisa. I think Lisa and Mond will hold her in the lawsuit."

Catherine was still a little worried.

Frank can't control the lawsuit.

But when talking about AIA, Frank suddenly had an idea: "AIA is still discussing. I guess they will eventually agree to Xia’s proposal. They will send someone from the United States to witness Xia’s design of a new work. If she wins the lawsuit, she will also get With AIA’s recognition, she will become famous internationally! She has a greater reputation than winning the AIA Supernova Architect Award. If the group of people at the AIA headquarters is still sober, they will not only agree, but also actively respond to Bad things turn into good things... Catherine, I have an idea. If AIA wants to send someone to China to witness Xia’s creation with his own eyes, do you think I am a suitable candidate?"

Frank became more excited as he thought about it.

First, he is a member of AIA, and the basic requirements are met.

Second, he doesn't like Mond Dawson, he will not speak for Mond Dawson, and his position is very fair.

Thirdly, it is also very important. Others are already in China and can be put into this work as soon as possible. He quit his last job and before starting a new job, he wants to spend a long vacation in China. If he turns his personal travel into a business trip for AIA, AIA will have to reimburse him for all his expenses.

It's perfect!

Catherine shook her head: "I don't think this is a good idea. You have been in China for a while. Will AIA trust you? They may think you have been bought by Xia. Since it is a supervisor, oh, I mean," Witness it with my own eyes', I guess it is impossible for AIA to send just one person over."

Frank was disappointed.

Yes, I didn't expect things to happen like this. AIA is in a dilemma. If we really want to handle things well, we won't just send one person to China to "witness it with our own eyes."

Frank mumbled:

"I can apply to AIA. They can send someone else. One more is not too much, right? Really, I am very curious about this Xia, what kind of magic she has that can make Cornell School of Architecture work for her Come out to protest AIA, and the solidarity of China!"

This time witnessing with my own eyes may be witnessing the rise of an architectural supernova.

Although Mond has never been a good person, Frank also admitted that the other party's vision in the professional field is good, and Frank is also itchy to make Mond anxious to deal with a newcomer.


Xia Xiaolan didn't know how AIA would handle it. Ning Yanfan had already communicated with the chairman of the jury. She said she would hold a meeting to discuss. She has always been considerate and naturally wants to give the other party some time to consider.

She did not know that after the chairman of the jury invited Mond to the headquarters and had a quarrel with Mond in the office, AIA had decided to ask a professional public relations company to handle the matter.

There are many public relations companies in the United States, which specialize in handling crises for other companies and individuals.

For example, a certain company or a certain celebrity exposed a scandal. Asking a good public relations company to respond to the public's response in a timely manner can greatly reduce the negative impact of the scandal. Let’s not talk about reversing the disadvantages. It’s better to ask for it than not to ask. If you deal with it yourself, you will often make the wrong decision under unfavorable circumstances and make things worse.

It is normal for AIA to hire a public relations company, and they can't help it, and suspect that Xia Xiaolan has hired a public relations company ahead of them.

Obviously it is a copyright lawsuit. Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant are well-known architects, but newspapers are following up on the matter. The TV station also wants to interview the "Supernova Architects" jury. The AIA headquarters refused to accept the interview. Time... Is this forcing AIA to compromise as soon as possible?

AIA is suspicious, so please come to the public relations company and leave the matter to the other party.

The public relations company gave two suggestions:

First, do not apologize for death, regardless of whether the lawsuit is won or lost, ignore the letters of complaint and protest, a newcomer architect's "touching porcelain", such a huge international association of architects like AIA, if you want to ignore it, you will ignore it completely.

Second, before the lawsuit has a result...Leave aside Lisa, leave Mond Dawson aside, agree to the proposal of the newcomer, AIA sends people to China, regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, AIA has shown fairness and justice in doing so. On the one hand, it has also shaped AIA's serious and people-friendly image.

The first method has hidden dangers. If Xia Xiaolan wins the lawsuit, AIA will inevitably be criticized and mocked by her peers. At the same time, AIA will have to bear the pressure of condemnation from all parties.

The second method can be both right and left. Whether Xia Xiaolan wins the lawsuit or not, AIA's way of making up for it is impeccable.

Choosing the second method alone will offend Mond Dawson.

The public relations company analyzes for AIA headquarters:

"Mond Dawson, he is the winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, he is also a member of the AIA Association, he is the facade of AIA, but can he fully represent AIA?"

AIA is afraid that Pritzker, the little brother, will overthrow himself, but he especially respects the winner of the Pritzker Architecture Award. This is a contradiction that PR companies cannot understand!

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