Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 801: : Insidious and fussy (make up 4 more)

Xia Ziyu squeezed sweat in her palms.

She has an intuition that Du Zhaohui will only give her one chance. If she is wrong, let her be as clever as she is, and Du Zhaohui will not pay attention to her anymore, and any ‘prophecy’ will be useless!

Du Zhaohui stopped, Du Zhaohui turned around!

Xia Ziyu did not dare to relax:

"Boss Du, I'm right, you don't want the family business to be split equally, you want the entire Du family."

Du Zhaohui is not a **** at all. He is in a similar situation to Du Zhaohui, only thinking about taking more property. Du Zhaohui is more ruthless than others. What he wants is all of the Du family... Xia Ziyu has no doubt, even if Du Xingrong will share the property in the future The little wife and other children, when Du Zhaohui takes power, will still take them back one by one.

Xia Ziyu had to be nervous, Du Zhaohui not only refused to enter the oil and salt, but also seemed to report it.

Du Zhaohui thought that there was an intelligence agency behind her that could ‘predict’, and Xia Ziyu knew that there was no intelligence agency.

Du Zhaohui raised his eyebrows to look at her, "Miss Xia, there are some things that I can't say when I leave this room, okay? You still have to talk about it, how can you help me."

How to fight for family property?

Internally, to please Du Xingrong's likes, Du Zhaohui had to compete with the three young mothers in the family, as well as several younger siblings.

Externally, we must show our abilities and convince others to follow, so that Du Xingrong believes that it is the right choice to hand over the family business to Du Zhaohui.

So Du Zhaohui chose to invest in Pengcheng?

"Boss Du, why don't we sit down and talk about your family's situation. I only know that your father has three young wives. As for which child he likes the most besides you, I will have to tell me personally... …Trust me, I can give you some feminine advice."

Xia Ziyu was betting.

Du Zhaohui’s mother passed away. Changing girlfriends was as frequent as changing clothes. She was betting that Du Zhaohui had no "Jieyuhua" she could trust. The two tried repeatedly. Since Du Zhaohui was on her mind, she was at least in this room. You can express your own opinions.

Suggestions from a female perspective?

Du Zhaohui became interested, "That's my second brother, Du Zhaoji, who is still studying business in the UK, and the person in the Du family is the best student."

Du Xingrong is not the kind of person who values ​​academic qualifications.

Does the Du family need to look at their academic qualifications?

How many highly educated people have to work for the Tung Rong Group, Du Tsung Rong wants people who can manage the company well. The second child, Du Zhaoji, accompanied the old man to the Spring Festival meeting this year, and his mind became more active. After the Spring Festival, Du Zhaoji did not return to the UK, but found a position in the company, saying that he would start from the grassroots... This is more threatening than Liu Tianquan. Too much. Kick Liu Tianquan to control the smuggling business, the other party is already half dead in the eyes of Du Zhaohui.

Liu Tianquan has some ability, Du Zhaohui is not worried at all.

The second child is different. Du Zhaohui feels that it is not pleasing to the eye. In the old man's eyes, different mothers are not important, they are all his blood.

"The most favored wife is the fourth wife, and the most threatening is the second brother of Boss Du——"

How to solve this deduction?

Where does Xia Ziyu seem to have seen a similar plot? Is it a giant Hong Kong drama or a palace fight?

"Boss Du, I’ll give you a suggestion from the perspective of a woman. Young Master Du is old enough to work, shouldn’t he find a girlfriend? The fourth aunt is so proud, and someone should rule her awe, you If you want to take care of the entire Du family, you need to be more concerned about the family."

Find a woman for Du Zhaoji and the old man?

What is this idea.

He doesn't know what the second child is like, but the old man never lacks women.

"Miss Xia, I don't think so much about your suggestion."

Xia Ziyu seemed to be confident, "Boss Du, if the second young master and Du Dongxin are looking for the same girlfriend, the Du family will probably be messed up. The more chaotic the Du family, the more chances you will have. My suggestion is more than worth one. Ten thousand yuan?"

Du Zhaohui was slightly taken aback.

He really didn't think about it in this regard.

No confidante has ever given him such an idea, no matter how vicious a woman thinks, she must pretend to be kind in front of him.

Xia Ziyu took off the disguise and she wanted to be more pleasing to the eye, this woman was sinister!

He was not afraid of being insidious and could not escape his control, but it was impossible for Du Zhaohui to invest in Xia Ziyu's blatant ‘business plan’.

Xia Ziyu came up with an idea. Du Zhaohui had to make arrangements for the specific implementation. Du Zhaohui took out the checkbook and wrote the amount, and handed it to Xia Ziyu:

"Miss Xia, I look forward to other more practical help, such as the follow-up investment of the Hongrong Group in the Mainland... useful advice, I will be more generous."

Xia Ziyu pursed her lips, she wouldn't tell Du Zhaohui easily if she could make a lot of money, but she wanted to save herself to make money later.

Although the capital is not enough now, it does not mean that she has no money to operate in her entire life.

This time, the cheque and Du Zhaohui's last time gave me money. Not only was the amount different, but Du Zhaohui's attitude towards her had also changed. Xia Ziyu was full of energy and confidence!



Knowing that the video of the English final is finally going to be broadcast, Liu Fen has put off the time to go to Yangcheng to get the goods, and broadcast two episodes a week, choosing to broadcast on Saturday and Sunday nights. Liu Fen is also fortunate that his family bought a color TV early.

On Saturday morning, Xia Xiaolan went to Ning's house.

Ning Yanfan didn't see it, but ran into Ning Xue's mother.

Ning Yanfan usually takes Ning Xue to live alone. In daily housework, he hired a nanny to take care of him. From time to time, the children came to see the old man. Ning Yanfan thought they were too noisy and asked them to visit the house as little as possible.

Only Ning Xue's mother, because her daughter lives here, has to go here in three or two days. For Ning Xue's sake, Ning Yanfan opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

Ning Xue is cold and arrogant, but her mother is extremely kind, a middle-aged woman with a round face, completely different from Ning Xue's temperament:

"Are you classmate Xia Xiaolan? I know you."

"Hello, Auntie, I—"

Ning Xue's mother instantly reduced her smile and looked her up and down, "Isn't it good for a girl to be softer? Don't care about things, you can save a lot of trouble."

Is this taking the wrong medicine?

Xia Xiaolan was stunned.

How did she remember that when Blue Phoenix opened, Ning Xue's mother was taken to the Xiushui store by Ning Xue? Suddenly talking to her that girls need to be soft, Xia Xiaolan's mind turned and thought of Ji Ya.

"Auntie is holding the injustice for Ms. Ji Ya?"

The Ji family and the Ning family are family friends, and it is not surprising that Ji Ya knows Ning Xue’s mother.

But to make Ning Xue's mother so straightforward, the two have a pretty good friendship. What's wrong with Ji Ya? It is said that there is a contradiction with Xia Xiaolan. The root cause is the contradiction between Ji Jiangyuan and Tang Hongen.

Ning Xue's mother pulled the corners of her lips and smiled:

"Xia Xiaolan, I've seen a lot of girls like you. Why do you and Ning Xue get close to you, don't you think I don't know? In this world, not only men and women have to pay attention to the right person, but the same is true for being friends. "

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