Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 902: : No need for a knight to save the beauty (1 more)

In fact, Xia Xiaolan is more fierce, really not.

The hands were White Pearl and the decoration workers, and Xia Xiaolan never touched her hands.

But from start to finish, she has always been calm, and no matter how White Pearl can play, she obviously listens to her... This is the style of a big boss, which big boss will do it himself, will only lose his identity!

Ji Jiangyuan felt his eyes hurt.

At the welcome party for freshmen, I found that Xia Xiaolan, who was interesting and connotative, actually had such a brutal side. Ji Jiangyuan was surprised, inexplicably wanting to laugh.

"Mr. Harold, since my friend doesn't need help, then don't bother you. I'm sorry for delaying your business!"

Harold glanced at Ji Jiangyuan:

"Ji, this is not my illusion, don't you want me to touch her?"

Harold is not a stallion in heat, he will rush on seeing a beautiful opposite sex.

The aesthetic differences between the East and the West are nonsense. Every race of Caucasians, yellow races, and blacks has good-looking people. Real beauty can break the aesthetic barriers of different races... To Harold, this introduction The Chinese mafia lady between girls and women is very hot.

Hotness is not only about figure.

It is not vulgar language.

It's the hotness that comes out of a woman's bones.

The ultimate **** is not naked body, it is such a faint sultry.

"No, I think your inspection in Pengcheng is more important than knowing a Chinese girl."

Ji Jiangyuan's statement, it is still unknown whether Harold would approve it. Several of his followers wanted to nod frantically. Lieyan can do it any time, come to Pengcheng to investigate investment is the right thing!

Obviously, Ji Jiangyuan persuaded Harold.

The interest on his face suddenly abated.

"Let's go, it looks like Miss Mafia can solve her own troubles without the knight's rescue."

Although there was another group of old and young, rushing out with farm tools in their hands, the mafia lady still didn't panic, presumably she could solve this trouble.


There are dozens of decoration workers here, and Xia Xiaolan is not afraid.

It's not easy to say, what's your son like?

Either admit counsel and take your son back, or go to the police station.

The other party saw that Xia Xiaolan's attitude was so arrogant, and she couldn't find out the details of her outsider.

Whenever you move, you can pull a large truck of workers into a fight, and the average village tyrant can't afford it. It is impossible for ordinary people to be able to build construction sites in Pengcheng this year. It is more difficult for outsiders to think of such a situation, and it must be related to the background.

Xia Xiaolan interrupted the other party with a smile when she brought her son back and said a few scenes.

"They are all bad guys. Even in prison, those who kill, arson, and rob all despise rapists. If you want to be a gangster against a woman, you are a man. If he dares to be a gangster, I'll beat him once."

Xia Xiaolan hates such people deeply.

After all, Xia Xiaolan's aura could not be overpowered, and the villagers who rushed out with their **** and pole because of their deficiencies, strayed away again.

The decoration workers all cheered.

Their fights are different, and Xia Xiaolan is neither troublesome nor afraid of troubles, and this style of handling matters instantly gains popularity.

Liu Yong said that he would take a half-day holiday and let these people have fun on their own.

Xia Xiaolan asked Liu Yong:

"Auntie and Taotao are still in the resort, these villagers have suffered a loss here, will they trouble them?"

Liu Yong used to be idle and knows the mentality of these people:

"Once you recognize the counsel, it's not easy to pick up the courage. It is not a vegetarian to be able to build a resort. Why don't you think they dare to do it in the park?"

The resort relies on tourists to make money.

There are also many Hong Kong and Macao compatriots among tourists. Xiangmi Lake is a showcase for sightseeing tours created by Pengcheng. Investors will not let them go if they want to do things in the resort, and the government will not tolerate them. Li Fengmei and Liu Zitao stay inside. In fact, it couldn't be safer.

Xia Xiaolan also agreed.

"When they have enough, let someone come and pick it up."

After Xia Xiaolan said, she looked at the corner of the street, not knowing why, she always felt like she was being spied on just now.

But looking at the corner again, it was clear that nothing happened.

I was really suspicious by a second-rate guy.

Xia Xiaolan saw that Yang Jie was there, and deliberately told him:

"...Don't tell your eldest sister what happened today."

"I see, Sister Xiaolan!"

Yang Jie's voice was loud and his chest was straightened out, like a soldier undergoing inspection by the chief.

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while and suddenly realized, she suddenly lost a smile: "You don't need to be like this, I am not usually this kind of person."

Yang Jie nodded vigorously, but didn't believe it in his heart-he wasn't usually this kind of person, what kind of person was that? All right, you are the boss, you have the final say!

"Take a half-day holiday, go back and rest quickly!"

Xia Xiaolan was also speechless, and her face was filled with disbelief, so how could she keep talking about the sky.

Yang Jie has been working for a few days, and it is indeed very hard. He has no skills and can only do small jobs. All the hard work is done by small workers. The master lays the bricks, the small workers have to carry, have to carry the bricks upstairs, have to adjust the cement ash... It is not who bullies Yang Jie, this is the rules on the construction site, or else What do you ask the little workers to do? Isn't it just to share the burden for the skilled workers?

It’s not easy to learn a bit of technology in any profession. Like this kind of decoration, if you want to bring Yang Jie with experience, you must first do the miscellaneous work. Some masters think that Yang Jie is pleasing to the eye, and then they will talk about technical issues. Orifice.

Xia Xiaolan's eyes were sharp, and she could see broken skin blisters on Yang Jie's hands.

It is still different from the intensity of farm work. It is very common to make a few blisters if you can't master the intensity.

Now that he is taking a half-day holiday, Xia Xiaolan will let him rest as soon as possible.

Yang Jie scratched his head, "Sister Xiaolan, I will do it well, thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

After speaking, ran away, for fear that Xia Xiaolan would eat him.

Xia Xiaolan wondered, this tone sounded wrong. Yang Jie seemed to really want to work in Yuanhui for a long time, instead of working for two or three months and returning to his hometown after earning enough money. If so, Yang Jie is a high school graduate anyway, she would like to mention it to her uncle and observe Yang Jie for a few months to see if he can come in handy.

For Yang Yonghong's sake, Yang Jie is relatively reliable.

Yuan Hui is really short of people now. Li Dongliang and Ge Jian are not good enough, but they don't have the idea of ​​coordinating the overall situation.

If you can't find talents, you can only train them yourself.

When Xia Xiaolan went back, Tang Hongen’s driver, Xiao Wang, was waiting at home and stuffed her an invitation letter:

"The leader said you want to be free, so go and see."

This is the second invitation letter Xia Xiaolan has received recently.

"A cocktail party for investment promotion?"

Xiao Wang nodded. "Sponsored by the city government, many Hong Kong businessmen and foreign investors are coming. It's a good opportunity."

Xia Xiaolan also felt a good opportunity, but she hesitated a little:

"Will it be inappropriate if I go?"

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