Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 907: : Being fooled can learn to be smart (2 more)

Damn, this stinky woman has two attitudes towards him and towards others.

Isn't he handsome?

Isn't he rich enough!

"Whether I have love or not, it's up to you! Xia Xiaolan, my previous proposal is still counted. If you actively want to find a rich and powerful man again as the gold master, then you should consider my proposal. Mainland officials, officials The connection is so close. If you are dumped by the boyfriend before and care about his family background, there will not be many people who want to develop seriously with you, but when you go to Hong Kong, it will be a free and open fertile land... You see Tang Yuanyue of Shang Meihua? In Hong Kong, there are many choices at the same level as Tang Yuanyue."

When Du Zhaohui arrived on the quiet terrace just now, even the air was dirty.

Xia Xiaolan was really astonished on the spot. Du's family is not only smuggling, but Du Zhaohui also likes to be a pimp!

Xia Xiaolan didn't give Young Master Du any face, so she immediately retorted him with his words:

"Whether I can find the gold master or not, what does it matter to you!"

Without even pretending to refute, Xia Ziyu was really taken in by Du Zhaohui.

Xia Xiaolan and Du Zhaohui really have nothing to talk about. She also tentatively tentatively. It is not a good choice to stay alone on the terrace with a dark background. Du Zhaohui was choked by her and was so angry that Xia Xiaolan took the opportunity to lift the window curtains and walk away quickly.

The reception was still so noisy, and Liu Yong got down from upstairs.

Seeing Xia Xiaolan and Du Zhaohui coming in from the terrace one after another, Du Zhaohui smiled very wretchedly, Liu Yong was very worried:

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "It's okay, uncle, are there any results on your side."

Liu Yong himself was dizzy, just like in Qijing Village during the Chinese New Year, some people were talking in the room. Tang Hongen called him in, introduced a few words to others, and put him on the air.

Liu Yong originally thought that he was going to introduce the project to him again, and that Yuan Hui couldn't bear it, and he was unwilling to owe Tang Hongen a bigger favor.

But the situation is not as Liu Yong thought.

"Just introduced a few people, I only know one manager Huo, and then Secretary Peng said that there was a foreign businessman who wanted to see Mayor Tang, and the rest of us naturally left with interest."

Foreign businessmen?

Xia Xiaolan's heart moved, could it be the Mr. Wilson just now?

She and Wilson were talking on the terrace. Someone called Wilson away. During the conversation, the Mayor Pengcheng was mentioned, and the time was right.

There are so many foreign businessmen who can directly talk to Tang Hongen, and the scale of investment will not be small.

It seems that Mr. Wilson is quite energetic.

Xia Xiaolan was not sorry for missing a thigh. If the two sides were not equal, there would be no cooperation at all.

She and Liu Yong should focus on those small businessmen.

Xia Xiaolan really wanted to speak, and this time saw an unexpected person.

Ji Jiangyuan in a formal dress is coming down the stairs. Xia Xiaolan hadn't seen such a glamorous classmate Ji for a long time. Since Ji Jiangyuan was about to become financially independent, she was carrying tens of thousands of dollars in debt and obviously couldn't afford to buy new clothes. People rely on clothes, Ji Jiangyuan is not Zhou Cheng's look, he is handsome in sack, and wearing old clothes makes Ji Jiangyuan's appearance degraded a lot. Suddenly he appeared at the Merchants Cocktail Party in Pengcheng, and he was still dressed. It's so weird.

Xia Xiaolan remembered to go to Ji Jiangyuan before the final exam, to give Tang Hongen's passbook to the other party.

What did Ji Jiangyuan say, there will be a high-paying part-time job?

"Uncle, I saw my classmate, that is, Uncle Tang's son."

Liu Yong doesn't know Ji Jiangyuan, let alone Mayor Tang's son, even ordinary classmates, you can't ignore it.

"Go and say hello, I am here waiting for you."


"Ji Jiangyuan, why are you here?"

Xia Xiaolan refused several chats before walking to Ji Jiangyuan.

Ji Jiangyuan took a small fork and tortured the buns on the buffet table. The buns were all poked by him, so he didn't deliver them to his mouth.

Xia Xiaolan thought that Ji Jiangyuan was angry.

Ji Jiangyuan was not surprised to see Xia Xiaolan.

"I thought you had gone back."

"Have you seen me long ago?"

Ji Jiangyuan nodded.

Xia Xiaolan was already beautiful, but after careful dressing, it was extremely dazzling at the cocktail party tonight. Ji Jiangyuan dared to pat his chest to assure that the men on the entire venue, more or less, had their eyes on Xia Xiaolan.

Compared with some female partners of foreign businessmen, Xia Xiaolan wears too plain clothes, and she doesn't even have decorative ornaments on her neck, wrists and ears. But with such a beautiful appearance, it seems that there is no need for jewelry to add luster to Xia Xiaolan.

"Are you thinking, how did I appear here? Are you talking about leaving Ji’s family and don’t want my dad’s money, but turned around and showed up at the business invitation reception hosted by the Pengcheng government, relying on him? Your identity to gain attention and even find a way to make money?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "What are you talking nonsense? What happened!"

A look of irritation.

If it wasn't for Tang Hongen's affection, Xia Xiaolan would not have eaten enough to relieve the awkward classmate Ji.

Who doesn't get second?

Ji Jiangyuan is now like this, his life is a relatively late performance in the second phase.

Zhou Cheng is not two years older than Ji Jiangyuan, and he has been on the battlefield to face the test of life and death. Ji Jiangyuan is a sapling cultivated in a greenhouse. Seeing that he is strong, his heart is very fragile.

Very good, she compared another advantage of her boyfriend.

Ji Jiangyuan finally let go of the poor little bread:

"Do you remember that I said that George invited a rich man from the United States? In fact, this rich man is George's uncle, who is in charge of the George family's company. George somehow moved the other party to invest in China, and I especially recommend Pengcheng. This His name is Harold, he is a shrewd businessman with two faces. Although he listened to George’s encouragement, he deceived George to the north after arriving in China, and he came to Pengcheng...I can come to this reception, It's because of Harold, when I talk about a high-paying part-time job, it's Harold's escort."

What's so angry about that.

Wait, the person who pays Ji Jiangyuan should be George, right?

As a result, the American rich man threw George away, but brought Ji Jiangyuan to Pengcheng.

Xia Xiaolan looked strange: "He trusts you too much, too."

Whoever pays, Ji Jiangyuan should be loyal to whom, not to mention that George is still Ji Ya’s boyfriend, and it is impossible for outsiders to know that Ji Jiangyuan and Ji Ya have fallen out. The American businessman named Harold trusts Ji Jiangyuan too much. There must be monsters abnormal!

"I thought so myself, and I was complacent for two days."

I really thought that he was likable, and Harold saw him right away.

I just learned that his thoughts were naive and ridiculous, and Ji Jiangyuan was shocked by his innocence.

Xia Xiaolan suddenly realized:

"As a result, you discovered that Harold knew about the relationship between Uncle Tang and you. He came to Pengcheng to leave George aside, and he would take you with him..."

What can Xia Xiaolan say.

Young people will not feel uncomfortable because of such things if they have been fooled a few times.

A savvy businessman has a purpose in doing everything, and there is no real benefit when it comes to seeing it at first sight!

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