Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 910: : Foreign businessmen eat meat and I drink soup (1 more)

Harold Wilson.

After a long time, Du Zhaohui, Tang Yuanyue and others also knew this information.

The Du's family who is involved with black hair, obviously hasn't learned some styles. The rich in Hong Kong are now popular with Filipino maids, and they haven't matched the British butler. It doesn't matter what Mr. Wilson came from. The Butler Allen behind him speaks English and is not low-key at all.

Du Zhaohui was very upset anyway.

Tang Yuanyue only drinks without talking.

Xia Xiaolan only feels the bitter cold, which is not fate, more like a crappy romance novel routine.

Xia Xiaolan doesn't like to read this kind of book. If it happened to herself, it would be even more embarrassing!

Xia Xiaolan and Secretary Peng said that she really left the field early with Liu Yong.

Liu Yong didn't understand: "Xiaolan, do you know that foreign businessman?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "He didn't come for me, but wanted to invest in Pengcheng. Ji Jiangyuan was fooled by this person. A very shrewd foreign businessman...We and him are not the same."

Such people have their own ideas and won't be anyone's gun.

If the other party really wants to embarrass Xia Xiaolan, it is definitely not because of George and Jiya's bewitching, but because he wants to do it himself.

But why?

Those who do business must have no conflicts of interest, and I have never seen anyone who seems like a stubborn Teddy to get enemies everywhere.

Liu Yong thinks so too.

My business is too small, even if I squeeze into such an occasion, I can't speak.

Except for an unsuspecting Du Zhaohui who took the initiative to cooperate, all those who took the initiative to give business cards tonight wanted to get to know Xia Xiaolan. If Xia Xiaolan said something softly, he could also receive a few cooperation projects. What kind of temper is Liu Yong, even if he receives scattered orders, he will not trade his niece for good!

Xia Xiaolan and Liu Yong left early, and stood on the side of the road for a while before the taxi arrived.

People who follow her trend secretly thought: Such a beautiful woman should use good things, and there is no special car for access. If you want to be courteous, can you consider this?

Xia Xiaolan actually has a car.

Citroen is not a luxury car, it is also bought by its own ability.

It just didn't open in the capital.

She hasn’t gotten mixed up to the point where an assistant prepares the car in advance wherever she goes. What’s wrong with taking a taxi. A taxi in Pengcheng costs one yuan per kilometer. In 1985, any place in China was expensive. It's not that Pengcheng's salary standards have been pulled up by foreign companies, so how many people are willing to rent out!

Xia Xiaolan lay on the bed after washing and thinking about Secretary Peng's words. Harold took a fancy to the idle land around Xiangmihu Resort and didn't know what he wanted to do.

Xia Xiaolan developed in Pengcheng for many years in her last life. Naturally, she knows that Xiangmi Lake is very lively now. By the late 1990s, the equipment in the park was old and Xiangmi Lake was gradually declining. What gives Xiangmihu a new lease of life is the high-end real estate developed on idle land.

"Is Harold going to develop real estate there too? That's too early..."

Real estate also has an audience.

Xia Xiaolan doesn't do it now, because it is limited by funds, so it's not because the times are restricting.

To build a house now, who is it to sell to?

Xiangmihu is particularly suitable for building villas, it can be said to be quiet in the middle of noisy, and the location is particularly good. But in 1985, who has the money to buy a villa? Those who have the money to buy villas will not come to Pengcheng to buy them. They are being built everywhere. It is not quiet and does not meet the requirements of the rich for the living environment.

If it is not a villa, it is a general commercial house?

Just like the one Liu Tianquan repaired in Pengcheng before, mainly for Hong Kong people to sell? It is not necessarily all sold to Hong Kong people. Foreigners who do business in Pengcheng also need to buy a home. Not to mention high-end real estate in Pengcheng in 1985, there is not even a mid-range real estate.

Foreigners who do business and invest in Pengcheng basically live in hotels.

If the price is not expensive, they should be willing to buy a property of their own in Pengcheng. To end the business in China, they only need to resell it.

Xia Xiaolan lay on the bed tossing about and couldn't sleep, her envious eyes were red: "You don't even need to sell a hardcover apartment that you can live in. It's good to rent to these people!"

It's a pity that her jealousy is useless. Even if she can get the land, she can't get the money for the development project.

She can only tell herself don't worry, it's only 85 years now, and there is no need to rush in.

"Alternatively, the rich have the gameplay of the rich, and I will focus on small investments first. With a value of about 2 million yuan, I can also enter the market and practice hands."

2 million is estimated to be just enough for a small piece of land.

But with the land, is there still a shortage of money to build a house?

In the current mortgage house, the buyer pays several times, part of the house is booked, part of the house is half repaired, and the remaining balance is settled when the house is handed over. This is the "mortgage" characteristic of the 1980s.

What Chinese people can accept is this kind of mortgage, which makes them owe the bank money for 10 or 20 years, and they can't sleep even thinking of the interest!

Now I’m telling everyone that the income level will rise sharply, and now it’s deadly to pay a few hundred yuan a month, and it will be easy in another 10 years. No one believes that.

Xia Xiaolan didn't want to be the first bird, because she put Tang Hongen under a lot of pressure. But if Harold, a wealthy American businessman, wants to use land to build a house, Xia Xiaolan thinks she can follow along and pick up the leaks.

She was wrong, and Harold's behavior was not irrelevant to her.

Even without George and Jiya, the investment this person made in Pengcheng still had an impact on Xia Xiaolan!

But she can't take the initiative to ask someone to take her into the game. She should wait for Harold to settle the Pengcheng government before taking any action.

Once Xia Xiaolan thinks about this from another angle, Xia Xiaolan will be able to fall asleep immediately, and she sleeps very sweetly!


The fragrance of Xia Xiaolan's sleep.

I don't know how many people can't sleep well tonight.

The first to bear the brunt is the Xia family.

After the reception, Du Zhaohui suddenly became interested in asking Xia Dajun for questioning. For Young Master Du, it was a whim, but for Xia Dajun, it was the first ‘call’ after being far away from Young Master.

The Xia family and the whole family are very happy.

Only the old lady Xia muttered: "The Hong Kong boss is too inconsiderate, and he will call you over in the middle of the night!"

Xiao Yu's face was full of joy:

"Mom, you don't understand. Whenever the boss wants to see the army, that is the freedom of the boss. What's more, when I suddenly think of the army at night, it is the closeness that Boss Du values ​​the army!"

Xiao Yu is experienced.

Fan Zhenchuan used to see his confidant, but also at night.

A very important confidant will be called home at night. Those who are not valued, have not seen enough in the unit during the day?

Old lady Xia was not convinced.

Everyone is from the country, Xiao Yu said, which means that she has never seen the world.

Xiao Yu has seen anything in the world, she has to have a family background, and she will not follow her son unclearly!

Of course Xia Dajun was willing to listen to Xiao Yu's statement.

He also wanted to return to work with the young master, respected, and he knew what to do. It’s not like staying in the company now, where he is idle every day. When it comes to receiving his salary, he is more than others, which makes Xia Dajun extremely stressed. Xia Dajun can’t stand the doubts and dissatisfaction in the eyes of others who don’t gossiping. !

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