Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 949: : Wild Jade (4 more)

Zhou Cheng was right. Nie Weiguo really wanted to fight back when he and Xiaolan were sleeping together.

However, Nie Weiguo's counterattack was not to find someone to deal with Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan. Not all bad guys are ruthless people. People like Nie Weiguo are bad and awkward. If the patrons left him alone, Nie Weiguo started to faint and took 20,000 yuan from his family's savings, and wanted to pay bribes.

Yes, it was originally to investigate his infringement of other people's works, but I haven't figured it out yet, and there is another crime of bribery.

Corruption is accompanied by bribery.

Nie Weiguo casually took out 20,000 yuan, his family is not thin.

Then find out how Nie Weiguo's money came from.

After an investigation, he couldn't get a word. Nie Weiguo was arrested so quickly. The others were taken away, and he had no hope of turning over several crimes. Only the suffering master who had been oppressed by him in recent years dared to stand up and denounce him.

All of a sudden, the incident of the downfall of Nie Weiguo from the Provincial Design Institute quickly spread through the aftermath of the seminar.

Many people didn't leave after the meeting, they were all paying attention to Nie Weiguo's movement.

Right now, getting together, the good old man Xing Lixin is most embarrassed:

"I didn't expect Lao Nie to do so many bad things, but the French Open is so slender and not leaking, Lao Nie is still planted."

Hou Qi glanced at him, "You still call him Lao Nie? I don't believe that no one in the Architectural Society knows Nie Weiguo's reputation, why no one dares to care about him in the past two years? Isn't he—"

Hou Qi only said half of what she said, knowing people and knowing her face, she didn't dare to speak the truth in front of Xing Lixin.

Looking at the honest, not necessarily true, maybe Xing Lixin sold her backhand for his own benefit, Hou Qi was very cautious.

Mao Kangshan opened his sleepy eyes:

"Well, Nie Weiguo's arrest is a good thing for the architectural circle. There is nothing new under the sun. This unhealthy wind can't be killed. We should also alert other people like Nie Weiguo. Prosperous creation? The creative environment is not clean, how to create Good works out of the box!"

Ning Yanfan's eyelids twitched and said that Mao Kangshan had changed his style.

As a result, Mao Da Pao was old, and his personality was still so hot, but he didn't show it usually.

Listen, one mouth is about cleaning up the creative environment. People like Nie Weiguo don't talk about it all over the place. It's a lot. If you want to clean up, the action can be big.

Take the Chinese Architectural Society as an example. Since its establishment in October 1954, as of November 1983, there have been six elections.

Ning Yanfan and Mao Kangshan were both executive directors before. In the 1983 election, Ning Yanfan was still the executive director, but Mao Kangshan became a "consultant."

In front of the executive directors, there are the secretary-general, deputy directors, and directors.

The "consultant" was only available during the sixth election in 1983.

Ranked between the vice-president and the secretary-general, they are old enough to be qualified, but they don’t care about specific affairs.

That is to say, some people don't want Mao Kangshan to shoot at people casually, so they use the position of "consultant" to raise Mao Kangshan high.

Ning Yanfan's executive director does not necessarily have much power.

The Architectural Society now has 1 chairman, 4 vice-chairmen, 3 consultants, 1 secretary-general, and 35 standing directors like Ning Yanfan!

Of course, there are more ordinary directors, with a total of 141 people across the country.

Mao Kangshan said that the creative environment should be rectified. If the upper beam is not right, the lower beam will naturally be crooked. If it is necessary to rectify, it must be rectified from the Institute of Architecture.

Here, even if it is an ordinary director, what kind of relationship is behind it is inextricably linked. How can it be that simple to rectify the Architectural Society?

Mao Kangshan snorted:

"Let some indiscriminate things occupy the pit without shit, it is better to clean them out so that some fresh blood can be added in!"

Hou Qi and Xing Lixin dared not speak.

Mao Kangshan can say whatever he wants, and the chairman of the board can't do anything with Mao Kangshan after hearing these words.

However, the two of them are not as senior as Mao Kangshan, and they also pursue careers, but they dare not express their opinions casually.

Add fresh blood?

Xia Xiaolan is definitely not qualified.

Ning Xue did the same.

Letting two undergraduates to participate in the seminar can be said to bring new ideas to everyone.

It is impossible to let the two undergraduates become the "directors" of the Architectural Society, on the same level as those who have struggled for many years.

"Comrade Kang Shan, this matter should not be rushed. Nie Weiguo is an example. He can be dealt with quickly and cannot be copied. We can't doubt who has a problem. Just learn Nie Weiguo's tricks of being handed out flyers to create public opinion pressure. If the other party is wronged Yes, after the impact of the big-character poster, it is difficult to resume normal work and life."

Only Xia Xiaolan could do such a drastic method.

Anyway, it doesn't meet Ning Yanfan's style of doing things.

Speaking of which, Xia Xiaolan and Mao Kangshan should have a common language, and both of them are like firecrackers.

Mao Kangshan is a cannon, wounding others, and also smashing himself, causing both sides to lose.

Xia Xiaolan was a dumb cannon. She thought it wouldn't hurt people, so she stepped on it and tried. She had to be smashed by the skin...Xia Xiaolan ran away after firing the cannon, she was smarter than Mao Kangshan.

As soon as Ning Yanfan thought this way, he heard Hou Qi change the subject abruptly:

“Nie Weiguo’s arrest is definitely a good thing. I’m afraid that he would wear small shoes to Xiao Xia afterwards. Xiao Xia’s child is humble, easy to learn, talented, and trained for a few years. Then he must be a new star again. Teacher Ning has a good vision and discovered this one early. Beautiful jade."

Hear, Xia Xiaolan would coax people, and Hou Qi had no doubt that Xia Xiaolan brought Nie Weiguo down.

The one without brilliance is called Puyu, like Xia Xiaolan, Hou Qi naturally uses "beautiful jade" to describe Xia Xiaolan.

It is indeed a beautiful jade.

Mao Kangshan raised his eyelids: "Lao Ning, you recommend her to attend the seminar. Is Xiao Xia your disciple?"

Ning Yanfan shook his head, "She didn't recognize me as a teacher."

No teacher?

Then this beautiful jade was just washed ashore and exposed on the river beach, no one picked it up, it was wild!

Mao Kangshan looked strange.

Lao Ning is going to train his granddaughter wholeheartedly. Seeing Liangcai Meiyu in front, can he resist teaching?

Mao Kangshan lowered his eyes and thought about his thoughts, as if he was asleep.


On the passenger ship.

Xia Xiaolan slept well all night, and woke up in the morning was another refreshing day. Zhou Cheng's eyes looked at her with little bitter resentment, how much willpower he had last night, he could speak for words!

The people in the kitchen cast nets in the river, and the people who caught the fresh river porridge and the fresh fish porridge have to swallow their tongues.

"Will it be boring to stay on the boat? If you stay enough, we can go overland."

Zhou Cheng gave Xia Xiaolan a double choice, and Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "It's good to take a boat. You can see a lot of scenery along the way. Some scenery may not be seen in the future. Are we going to the Shanghai stock market tomorrow?"

Zhou Cheng nodded, "I will be in Jinling tonight, do you want to go ashore and have a look?"

Go to Jinling to see?

In addition to duck blood vermicelli soup and salted duck, Jinling also has a Jiang family!

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