Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 952: : Endless hatred! (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan kicked Jiang Wu, Jiang Wu snored loudly, softened into a pool of mud, but did not move.

Such a **** is actually really drunk in front of Zhou Cheng?

Xia Xiaolan was also uncertain whether Jiang Wu was acting. She and Zhou Cheng were going to the Shanghai stock market, but they said they were in Beijing. It was a very tense situation, Zhou Cheng even got a smile on the corners of her eyes because of her actions.

Zhou Cheng is so good-looking. After drinking a lot of wine, his face was pale just now, and now Jiu Jin came up with a beautiful blush.

When Xia Xiaolan went to help him, she recited Amitabha twice in silence.

She doesn't drink, and everyone is self-drunk. Zhou Cheng was amazed by Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng put an arm on her shoulder, and half of the weight of the person fell on her. This drink is really a lot!

Xia Xiaolan didn't know. As soon as she helped Zhou Cheng to leave, someone opened the door and came in.

Jiang Wu, who was originally drunk, also sat up.

"Lord, let him go like this?"

Jiang Wu was full of alcohol, "Do you think he is a cat or dog? It is not difficult to keep him in Jinling, but he is Zhou Cheng!"

A Pan Baohua is guarded by a chief.

Pan Baohua is an ordinary farmer who has no background except for his outstanding performance in the army.

Zhou Cheng is different, Zhou Cheng is not without background, he is from the Zhou family. The Zhou family is not weaker than the Jiang family, or even stronger than the Jiang family, but Zhou Cheng’s father’s generation did not develop into the army, and the Jiang family concentrated on managing its own one-acre three-quarter land.

Regarding Pan Baohua, Zhou's family didn't do all they could.

If something happens to Zhou Cheng, the Zhou family will go crazy.

Everything Jiang Wu has now depends on his family, and he will not put his family in danger.

"It's pretty good. What did Zhou Cheng do in Jinling? Did he know something and how much... If he knew, who told him? Ayan is my good sister, and the family has high hopes for her. She won't do anything stupid..."

Jiang Wu spoke with a strong scent of alcohol.

The people standing next to him did not even dare to breathe.

After Jiang Wu was disabled, the whole became gloomy and unpredictable, and the people around him couldn't figure out his thoughts. Even the Jiang family had to follow his intentions.

Although Jiang Wu and Jiang Yan were just cousins, they had a very good relationship before the accident.

The conflict between Jiang Wu and Pan Baohua caused Jiang Yan to break with Zhou Cheng, Pan Baohua and others. In the general direction, Jiang Yan chose to support Jiang Wu, but the relationship between the brothers and sisters is no longer the same!

Years ago, Jiang Yan had a big fight with Jiang Wu.

After this, he actively operated and went to the Army Academy for further training.

It happened that the Army Academy was going to run a communications training class, and Jiang Yan applied for the communications class without the consent of her family.

After Jiang Wu knew, Jiang Yan had already reported to the academy, and the Jiang family couldn't chase people back halfway.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wu's face became more unsightly:

"If Zhou Cheng had that kind of mind, it would be a good marriage. Jiang's family and Zhou's family are right. Zhou Cheng himself has a bright future. The two can make up for each other's shortcomings. Unfortunately, Zhou Cheng is a stone in the pit, and it smells bad. It's hard, and I always want to help Pan San...The woman next to Zhou Cheng is not easy to send, and A Yan is not easy to grab."

Jiang Wu seemed to be talking to himself, and the people behind him listened to his words, boldly:

"Then without her—"

Jiang Wu hesitated twice: "You let me think about it again."

This kind of thing doesn't matter if you don't do it, you must do it cleanly without leaving any traces.

But as long as the things in this world are done, how can they really be traceless?

Just like the Jiang family suppressed, wasn't it also noticed by others, so Zhou Cheng came to Jinling!

Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan were long gone.

The weather at the end of July also changed drastically. After so many days of heat, there were a few dark clouds in the sky, lightning and thunder, and showers were about to fall.

Jiang Wu's wounded leg was like thousands of ants gnawing.

His leg is already more accurate than the weather forecast.

Normally, it’s okay. The pain will inevitably be unbearable on cloudy and rainy days. After many operations, the degree of lameness has improved, but it is no longer possible to return to the state before the injury.

It hurts as soon as the day changes, and Western medicine has nothing to do, so he only asks him to take painkillers.

Chinese medicine is more mysterious, saying that it is necessary to slowly regulate the meridians.

Jiang Wu ignored them all.

What's the use of relieving the pain if the leg can't be cured? He wants the pain to remind himself to remember his enemy Pan San!

Pan San just left the army, without breaking his leg or limping, he was happily jumping outside, and Jiang Wu was troubled when he thought of this.


"Is this your object?"

The eldest sister on the opposite side asked Xia Xiaolan curiously.

When Zhou Cheng got in the car, she lay down and fell asleep. Fortunately, Xia Xiaolan was relieved when she got into the car, or she really couldn't carry Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng looked thin, he was so tall, with lean muscles, and he was not light in weight.

The train seats are all four-seaters, facing each other in pairs. In a hurry, where Xia Xiaolan can buy sleeper tickets, Xia Xiaolan is already very satisfied to be able to squeeze on the train to Shanghai. The two-by-one relationship means that there is no privacy at all. The eldest sister opposite the seat is gossiping, Xia Xiaolan can only smile and nod:

"It's me."

The eldest sister said twice, "Is this a big drink, right?"

Zhou Cheng was so drunk that he slept so much that he couldn't hide everything. Xia Xiaolan said vaguely:

"Before getting into the car, he and a few friends drank two more glasses, and that's it."

"This is the case with young people. They drink alcohol without restraint, but they have had a better life in the past two years. In the past few years, it was a problem to fill their stomachs. How can they open up drinking? Our family also loves to drink, fried peanuts. You can drink two or two, and you can drink a handful of fried beans, and you don’t have to be picky at all!"

The man next to the gossip eldest sister is embarrassed, "What are you talking about in front of the little girl!"

The eldest sister stared, "You can do it, but I can't talk about it?"

Xia Xiaolan heard a black line.

Zhou Cheng was especially bluffing when he was drunk. Others blushed as they drank, but Zhou Cheng was drunk and pale, as he drank.

He speaks clearly and walks steadily.

Slowly, the wine spirit came up, and he was stained with wine on his cheeks.

When he followed Xia Xiaolan to the train station, Zhou Cheng was still sober and said that Xia Xiaolan was vigilant enough to say back to the capital in front of Jiang Wu.

In fact, the two also bought tickets to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

When the train left Jinling Station, Zhou Cheng couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep on his seat.

Xia Xiaolan was both funny and worried.

The eldest sister and the couple across from the seat were still bickering. The train was noisy, and Zhou Cheng must have been unable to sleep well.

The eldest sister saw her worry, and took time from the bickering to point her:

"Go get some boiled water and let cool. The first thing a drunk person wakes up is to go to the bathroom, and the second thing is to find water to drink. This is my experience. You are just married couple, even this Don’t even know?"

Xia Xiaolan felt deeply after drinking too much wine and having a dry mouth.

She asked her elder sister to look after Zhou Cheng and stood up to fetch water.

As soon as I walked to the place to receive the boiling water, I saw a young girl sobbing softly, wiping tears while receiving the boiling water. Next to the girl stood a middle-aged woman with white face and red lips, dressed very decently:

"I'm the best, I don't see anyone suffer..."

Xia Xiaolan paused in her footsteps, this is where she really didn't meet in life!

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