Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 959: : A false alarm (2 more)

Zhou Cheng even forgot to smoke.

The cigarette burned all the time, and he almost burned his fingers before regaining his senses.

"Brother, what you mean, I have some guesses, but I'm not sure!"

"Speaking of this level is enough, you can figure out the rest. Kang Wei said you have to sacrifice yourself to reverse the case for me. Even if you don’t contact me, I’m still thinking about finding you on the initiative, but you’re in the academy. It’s not easy to contact you."

Pan Baohua could not actively contact Zhou Cheng.

Last time, Zhou Cheng, who was involved, was quarantined and examined.

Although the storm has passed, Pan Baohua is unwilling to make another waves.

Zhou Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Third Brother, what can Kang Wei's words be believed? The scores are—"

Pan Baohua interrupted him impatiently:

"I think Kang Wei was right. Now the Jiang family brought out a specious material and hung you up. You plunged in, thinking that the thing would make the Jiang family defeated and clean up Jiang Wu. I don't believe it. Jiang Yan’s little girl’s movie, even if the things are real, people even betrayed their parents, paying so much, what is the picture? Zhou Cheng, what Jiang Yan wants, you touch your conscience and say that you can give it yourself Right?"

Pan Baohua knows Zhou Cheng best.

Tripping Jiang Wu with something Jiang Yan gave, Jiang Yan betrayed his relatives, what did he and Zhou Cheng give Jiang Yan back?

Pan Baohua doesn't matter.

Anyway, he is now a bachelor, Jiang Yan wants to say that he likes him, and Pan Baohua can marry her immediately.

Who to marry is not to marry, Pan Baohua is definitely the kind of man who is in charge. Whether he likes it or not is not important, he has to fulfill his responsibility as a husband.

It's a pity that Jiang Yan didn't look at Pan Baohua.

Pan Baohua watched Zhou Cheng not speaking, and didn't let him off easily:

"I was not full of confidence just now. Why don't you continue to talk about it now? You can't afford what Jiang Yan wants. If you can afford it, Jiang Yan may have fallen to our side long ago. It was impossible before, and now it's even more. Impossible, you now have Xiaolan brothers and sisters... What a good girl, Chengzi, all the brothers envy you, and the people who like you also like you. No matter how far you go outside, you have a nest in your heart, and you are worried. , There is concern!"

If Zhou Cheng accepted the "benefits" given by Jiang Yan, based on Pan Baohua's understanding of him, sooner or later would be caught in a dilemma.

Not to mention Jiang Yan's report, but Zhou Cheng's step-by-step investigation of clues, the most important original documents are missing. Then, Jiang Yan only made one request. How can Zhou Cheng choose?

Choose Jiang Yan, I'm sorry Xiaolan, I'm sorry Zhou Cheng's own heart.

If you don't choose Jiang Yan, you will be missing the last link to reverse the case, and Zhou Cheng will feel sorry for the brotherhood.

To Pan Baohua, why put yourself into a dilemma and painful situation, you shouldn't pick up Jiang Yan's stubbornness in the first place.

Zhou Cheng took a deep breath and took out another cigarette:

"Brother, I didn’t believe in the material before. I went out to play with Xiaolan this time and went to Jinling by the way. Someone who knows the news has been transferred six months ago. I just finished inquiring about the news, Jiang Wu is like If the clues are fake, Jiang Wu will not be so nervous."

Pan Baohua frowned: "Have you met Jiang Wu? He is a mad dog. You won't let go of you if you are entangled in it. You are simply transferring hatred for me! Zhou Cheng, I have to remind you that you must be careful of Jiang Wu, he There is no moral bottom line, and everything can be done."

The two armies fought without killing civilians.

Those who are on the road will bring harm to the family.

These are all established rules.

Jiang Wu was disabled, and he didn't even need the mask he had originally draped on.

Others are not right with their opponents, Jiang Wu, a mad dog, once they discover Zhou Cheng's weakness, he will bite him fiercely.

To make Zhou Cheng regret it painfully, Jiang Wu can't get any benefit, but Jiang Wu will be happy because of it... Yes, Jiang Wu is happy because of the suffering of others, that's such a pervert!

In the dog days, Zhou Cheng suddenly felt a little cold.

"I spent two days in the Shanghai stock market, and I was convinced that no one was following, so I sent you a message to the third brother."

Pan Baohua's expression changed, and Zhou Cheng rushed out of the room one after another.

At the corner of the corridor, I ran into Xia Xiaolan full of arms.

All the bread in Xia Xiaolan's arms fell to the ground, only to be separated for a while, but Zhou Cheng supported her with a feeling of recovery.

"Zhou Cheng, what are you running?"

Pan Baohua leaned on the wall and panted, "I told Chengzi that he was old and his stamina was not worse than that of the young man. He didn't believe it. I just said that we two ran to the river to see who ran back and forth first.

Xia Xiaolan was speechless, Pan Sange made up a lie, and didn't leave a snack.

Zhou Cheng was obviously panicked just now.

She had never seen such an expression on Zhou Cheng's face.

Something must have happened.

Xia Xiaolan picked up the bread on the ground, wrapped it in a paper bag, and hadn't smashed it.

"Do you two want to tell me when you finish eating the bread, or do you want to eat after you finish? You always have to choose the same thing."

Zhou Cheng looked at Pan Baohua, Pan Baohua sighed:

"Then let's not lie to you, brother and sister, you think Jiang Yan's girl likes Chengzi, advise Chengzi to be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter and fall into Jiang Yan's beauty trick."

Xia Xiaolan thinks so deeply: "Third brother, I think so too, you don’t associate with her anymore. Normal people should know a little bit! Jiang Yan is not the case, she hasn’t repaired her friendship with you yet. , You said that if it is repaired, will there still be a place for me to stand in front of Zhou Cheng? However, I discussed this with Zhou Cheng. What information is Jiang Yan holding? For this information, I can allow her to show it in front of Zhou Cheng Sloshing."

Pan Baohua didn't know what to say in an instant.

This is already very tolerant to Zhou Cheng. The wife of Zhou Cheng did not find a mistake, not to mention smart and beautiful, but also understands righteousness.

Knowing which is lighter and heavier, live very clearly.

But how should he and Zhou Cheng tell Xia Xiaolan that what she has to face is not Jiang Yan at all, but the mad dog Jiang Wu!

Love rivalry is a trivial matter, as long as Zhou Cheng can keep his heart, another hundred Jiang Yan will not be a problem. The Jiang brothers and sisters, the lethal person is Jiang Wu. A normal person can't reason with a mad dog. He can't guess who he is going to rush out to bite.

Zhou Cheng was already very guilty.

He should concentrate on accompany Xiaolan, according to the plan, take a boat from Jiangcheng to the Shanghai stock market, there will be no twists and turns.

Third Brother Pan was right. He had obtained Jiang Yan's materials and wanted to reverse the case.

Can't help it when passing by Jinling.

But Jiang Wu saw Xiaolan.

Can he protect Xiaolan all the time?

"I involved you in a dangerous thing. I don't know what to do to make up for my mistake!"

Just now, it was a false alarm. It was he and Pan San who scared themselves.

Zhou Cheng was not sure whether it would still be a false alarm next time.

Xia Xiaolan frowned:

"I know it's not that simple, are you afraid of Jiang Wu?"

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