Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 964: : The dispute between sister and brother (3 more)

The most valuable is the brain seeds?

No, the most valuable is the knowledge learned in the brain.

Knowledge is the most valuable. She can see mistakes and omissions. It is because she is particularly good at math.

She could tell the wrong number at a glance.

After she ran with Li Dongliang, she learned things very fast and was recognized by the other party. It was not that she was really smarter than everyone. It was that she had studied hard since she was a child and could kill the college entrance examination. It is not that difficult to learn anything else— -The accumulation of knowledge is bit by bit. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Just as the protagonist in a martial arts novel has been opened up between the two lines of Ren and Du, the knowledge is accumulated, and the method of learning is also analogous!

Yang Yonghong left the financial room with a look of utter despair.

Yang Jie pulled her aside, "Sister, just send my salary back, and keep your salary."

Didn’t the eldest sister receive much money?

Yang Jie is not good at irritating her sister.

His elder sister is the best in the family anyway. The respect that college students receive is different from the hard-working decorator. The work assigned by the eldest sister in the future should not be a messy construction site.

The eldest sister will sit in the office in the future, and she is also the first one to be in the city in the Yang family!

Yang Jie's words made Yang Yonghong wake up like a dream.

She stuffed the envelope in her hand to her younger brother, "Come together and send it back to parents, wait, we leave 20 yuan with us, and collect 400 yuan for parents."

So, the eldest sister received 200 yuan?

Yang Jie was happy for the eldest sister.

Yang Yonghong looked at his younger brother but wanted to cry.

The decorator's salary is so high, it's hard work. What did Yang Jie put together this month!

In comparison, although she ran with Li Dongliang, the nature of her work was much easier.

Without Yang Jie’s hard work, the salary was higher than Yang Jie...Yang Yonghong grasped the most important place, she held Yang Jie’s hand and held on: "Promise sister, when you have collected the gift money, you don’t get married first. You will repeat your studies for another year, and you will take another exam next year. If you fail to pass the exam next year, you will be the year after! Your performance was abnormal last year, and your usual grades are completely on the undergraduate level. Ajie, you must go to university, and you must go to a good university!"

Yang Yonghong's words are all from the bottom of his heart.

Just now in the finance room, Liu Yong said that he wanted to find a talented college student to help with the management.

I'm not afraid of the high salaries that college students want, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to hire them.

Yang Yonghong has come into contact with the real world this time. Educated and uncultured are completely different. And the fate of her and her younger brother Yang Jie will be very different in the future.

Ajie is not stupid. If he repeats one year, he will be admitted to the undergraduate course.

Yang Jie lowered his head and said nothing.

Yang Yonghong wanted to hit him anxiously:

"You have to repeat it for me, or I won’t read it anymore! Don’t worry about the money. We have been working in Yuanhui for two months. First, we will give the gift money to your partner’s home, and you will take the rest of the money to repeat it. If it’s not enough, I still have scholarships and living allowances. No matter how hard I work, I still have to give you back. If you listen to my sister, as long as you suffer for a few more years, our family’s life will be easier in the future!"

Usually Yang Jie obeyed Yang Yonghong's words, but Yang Yonghong said it was like this on the issue of re-entering the university entrance examination, but Yang Jie still disagreed.

It's not that he doesn't want to read, or that he doesn't know the future of college students is good, it's the situation at home...

Seeing Yang Jie's silent and soft resistance, Yang Yonghong, who has always been optimistic, cried in anger.

When Xia Xiaolan saw her, Yang Yonghong's eyelids were red and swollen.

"Boss, what's wrong with you, isn't it a salary today?"

Isn't the salary calculated right?

Impossible, Yang Yonghong is particularly open-minded and understands people, Liu Yong can only give more, and will not save that little money on Yang Yonghong.

Yang Yonghong must also know this clearly.

Why are you crying?

Xia Xiaolan was not afraid of quarreling with others, but was afraid of meeting others crying.

Of course, Xia Xiaolan would be very happy to cry the best products. The problem is, Yang Yonghong is a good roommate she cares about!

"Xiaolan, don't get me wrong, I am not wronged. Today, when Liu Shu paid his salary, he told me that he could get 400 yuan a month. I was very happy. Liu Shu said that my salary was high because I was educated and smart....University After graduation, the country will assign jobs, the unit will divide the house, and the hukou will become the city hukou. These are my future. But what about Yang Jie’s future? He is no more stupid than me. He will be able to take a bachelor degree in another year, I don’t want to He stayed in his hometown, got married and had children early, and could only be a farmer in the future! But I persuaded him to repeat his studies, he was a saw-mouthed gourd, and no matter what I said, he just silently resisted!"

Yang Yonghong said sadly.

People like her would never cry for themselves.

Naturally, only family members can make her cry.

Xia Xiaolan was silent.

"Boss, Yang Jie must have his reason for disagreement. I heard from the decoration workers that Yang Jie learns things very quickly, and I also believe that he will be able to pass the undergraduate course after another year. In fact, even a junior college is better than a high school graduation."

It doesn't matter if the business is made like Liu Yong's, even elementary school education.

But not everyone is Liu Yong, and Xia Xiaolan will not get people to do business when they meet.

This depends on personal will, personality, and more importantly opportunity.

There is absolutely no reason why some people really pay for it.

The way for normal people to change their destiny, reading is the lowest risk and lowest cost option.

But Yang Jie, why don't you agree to repeat it?

The Yang family's economy is a big problem.

But it's definitely not only this.

Yang Jie already knows that the salary of a decoration worker is high, 300 yuan a month. He stays in Pengcheng for a year and saves 3,000 yuan, which is enough for the cost of repeating school and going to university for several years. Going to college like Yang Yonghong, not only didn't spend the money from the family, but also sent money to the family... What concerns does Yang Jie have?

Yang Yonghong looked fierce and rubbed his eyelids vigorously:

"Anyway, I don't agree with Ajie giving up the opportunity to be motivated. Even if I babble in his ear every day, I must make him change his mind. By the way, Xiaolan, is there anything wrong with you asking me?"

Xia Xiaolan didn't know whether to tell.

Zhou Cheng happened to be in Pengcheng.

Knowing that her object was "Instructor Zhou", the people in bedroom 307 kept yelling for Zhou Cheng to treat her.

Talking about a treat is mostly a joke, but Yang Yonghong is not only a roommate, but also a friend. Xia Xiaolan will definitely introduce Zhou Cheng to Yang Yonghong. Not the identity of "Instructor Zhou", but the identity of Xia Xiaolan's boyfriend!

"I just wanted to say, Zhou Cheng is here, let's have a meal together."

Yang Yonghong hiccuped and hurriedly covered her mouth.

"Sorry, I was quite surprised. Since the military training, you hid Instructor Zhou strictly, and finally you are going to give instructor Zhou a name?"

Zhou Cheng is handsome, with good family conditions, and a good individual.

Yang Yonghong is not jealous of such a good object.

Xiaolan is already the best girl Yang Yonghong has ever seen, and even Ning Xue is inferior. Naturally, she should look for someone like Zhou Cheng!

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