Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 978: : President Xia is not very happy (add 45)

Aunt Song was too late to refuse, so Xia Xiaolan helped Mao Kangshan away.

As soon as they got in the taxi, the entire family building seemed to hold their breath before, but now it suddenly came alive.

In front of Song Auntie's house, seven or eight people suddenly surrounded.

"What distinguished relative is here in your family?"

"I have never seen it before!"

"Large bags and small boxes, carrying a lot of things to the door."

"Why did you take Teacher Mao away after eating?"

Asking Mrs. Song verbally, Mrs. Song didn't know what to say. Saying it out is like showing off, this Xiaoxia is too high-profile!

Zheng Shuqin was wearing an apron, her hands still dripping wet.

It is true to be a daughter-in-law of Mao's family for many years. No matter how famous Mao Kangshan is, he doesn't take advantage of it.

It’s rare to be able to show off today. How could Zheng Shuqin let it go. She screamed, "Oh, it’s not a relative. It was my family’s public who accepted a closed disciple. He said it was from the Huaqing Architecture Department. I don’t know, but this new apprentice is really filial to the father-in-law. Not to mention the delivery, he invited the father-in-law to the West Lake for tea after dinner, and said that he ordered dinner on Yan’an Road..."

Zheng Shuqin said something, others flattered it.

The space at home is small, and the gifts in the living room are too late to receive.

Mao Kangshan's stinky temper, who has been alone for many years, actually accepted such a filial little apprentice?

The Huaqing Architecture Department is not bad.

Now Huaqing’s score is so high that it’s difficult to take the exam. After graduation, he doesn’t have to worry about assigning jobs.

In places like the Provincial Construction Institute, the threshold for graduates of the Huaqing Architecture Department is not so high. In other words, the other party worshiped Mao Kangshan as a teacher, and didn't want to take advantage of Mao Kangshan?

The special Maotai and Chinese cigarettes in the living room are so dazzling.

The bad-tempered Mao Kangshan didn't know where to turn back such an apprentice, which is envious.

Mao Kangshan is not incapable. He used to be stubborn, but now he figured it out?

The neighbors who inquired about the gossip were thoughtful, but very enthusiastic about Song Auntie, and they flattered Zheng Shuqin one after another.

After finally sending everyone away, Aunt Song felt that talking for a while was more tiring than buying vegetables and cooking.

Zheng Shuqin closed the door and was about to look through the tightly wrapped things. Aunt Song seemed to be stabbed:

"What are you doing?"

Zheng Shuqin grinned, "Mom, let me see if there is something, my nose is not bad, I can smell the scent of fruit, and the salty smell, Xiao Xia gave me a bunch of food? You and dad can't eat it either. Isn’t it a waste if it’s broken!"

It makes sense.

Even if Zheng Shuqin didn't say that, she lived upstairs and downstairs, and she was still her biological son. Aunt Song would not eat alone.

But when Zheng Shuqin talked so much, Aunt Song felt uncomfortable.

It was also a smile, Xiaoxia smiled to make people feel comfortable, and the words in her mouth were all caring for her and the old man.

Daughter-in-law Zheng Shuqin was also laughing, that smile was a calculation, and she falsely made Aunt Song repulse.

Aunt Song stopped Zheng Shuqin with a faint look:

"You don't move, there is something waiting for your dad to come back to see this evening, this is from Xiaoxia, and you can divide it whatever your dad says. The share that belongs to your family will not be missing from your family. "

Zheng Shuqin's face collapsed: "Dad is so stingy..."

Aunt Song was unmoved.

There is nothing wrong with being stingy.

When people are old, they have no savings, which makes young people resentful.

There is no dutiful son in front of the bed for a long time. Mao Kangshan had told her earlier that he did not want to go too close to his children, for fear that another accident would affect the children.

In fact, Mao Kangshan does not need to pay for medical treatment and medicine. A hundred years later, the provincial hospital will also pay for the funeral expenses.

What is he doing so stingy?

The money saved was supposed to be reserved for Aunt Song.

Aunt Song has never worked in her life. She and Mao Kangshan had an arranged marriage before liberation. Mao Kangshan often said that the ups and downs of her life caused her to suffer a lot.

Don't be afraid if you have money.

In case your children are not filial, you should treat Aunt Song well because of the savings.

Aunt Song's eyes were sour and astringent.

Eating boiled noodles in plain water is not a bitter.

She just loves Mao Kangshan's frugality.

The apprentice Xiao Xia who appeared suddenly seemed to have broken something.

Is the Mao family deserted and dull?

Is it the simple life of an old couple boiled noodles in white water?

Aunt Song is not right now.

She felt that when Mao Kangshan was reading the gift list, he scolded Xia Xiaolan for moving the grocery store to her house. In fact, that tone was happy!

Just be happy, this apprentice confiscated it in vain.


Mao Kangshan didn't know that his wife at home had thought so much.

However, if Xia Xiaolan did this, the entire province built a hospital for family members, and I'm afraid they all knew that Mao Kangshan had accepted new apprentices.

This is also good, so that he has no room for repentance.

The Overseas Chinese Hotel is on Jiefang Road, not far from the West Lake. Find a place to drink tea and discuss business matters. The environment is still very pleasant.

Xia Xiaolan felt that there was no need to avoid Mao Guosheng, and Mao Kangshan was not polite.

"I won't let you go for nothing. You said you want to start a construction company. I will fix the qualifications for you. You prepare the registered capital yourself. This old man can't get it out."

Xia Xiaolan didn't want Mao Kangshan to pay the money either.

She values ​​Mao Kangshan's ability, not how much Mao Kangshan has.

"The registered capital is 1 million, and I will prepare it myself. Teacher, my company, it is best to complete all the preliminary procedures before the National Day. This will require you to spend more snacks."

Mao Guosheng listened in confusion.

What is talking about starting a company?

He thought that the so-called business was the old man's encouragement to the new disciple, or a warning, warning Xia Xiaolan not to do anything.

I don't know that Mao Kangshan's attitude towards Xia Xiaolan is like a spring breeze.

What Xia Xiaolan said, Mao Kangshan nodded in agreement.

Even with Mao Guosheng's own son, he has never been so patient.

Mao Guosheng's mood was complicated again.

Xia Xiaolan was also paying attention to Mao Guosheng's movements.

Teacher Mao’s family atmosphere is not harmonious. His son and wife lived on the third floor, and the second elder was moved to a small house on the sixth floor. Teacher Mao's temper is so explosive, and he can bear it. It must be Teacher Mao himself.

Parents, no matter how fierce they are outside, they are always "weak" in front of their own flesh and blood.

Just thinking of Ning Yanfan's life, and seeing her teacher Mao Kangshan's life, Xia Xiaolan was unhappy.

Pulling to and fro, she pulled to the house again:

"Teacher, you and your wife are getting older. I know that your hometown is difficult to leave. But if you don’t like your stay in Hangzhou, you might as well live in the capital for a while. I will find a way to change your family home. , I don’t think my mother’s legs and feet are very neat, and it’s hard to climb stairs every day."

Mao Kangshan is not enthusiastic about changing houses, Xia Xiaolan talked about Aunt Song, Mao Kangshan had to consider carefully

Mao Guosheng looked up in astonishment:

"Xia Xia, do you have an acquaintance in the Provincial Construction Institute?"

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