Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 980: : It seems that it can be rescued (2 more)

Zheng Shuqin's eyes twitched.

"Guosheng, let my parents go to Pengcheng by themselves, and there is no one around to take care of them, or I will—"

Mao Guosheng put down his chopsticks, "Are you not going to work? Xiao Xia asked them to go, she will definitely arrange it."

Zheng Shuqin choked.

Yes, she has a job.

Not going to work today, but going to work on Monday.

She couldn't follow to take advantage, and lost her job.

Zheng Shuqin is not a person who gives up easily. His inspiration flashed and he thought that the children would be on summer vacation: "Then the children can also go out with grandparents to meet the world, I will take them back tonight!"

No matter what she said, Xia Xiaolan smiled and said nothing.

Mao Kangshan put the bowl aside, "We two elders are lacking in energy. How can we take care of our grandchildren when we go out. Are you ashamed to let Xiaolan take care of your children? Your boss is only four years younger than Xiaolan!"

Mao Kangshan has a weird temper, Zheng Shuqin dare not talk too much.

But I complained a lot in my heart: I haven't been exposed to light in my entire life, and I don't know where to find a rich apprentice when I get old. I didn't expect to still abduct his arm away, trying to save money for outsiders!

After Ge Jian ran forward, arranged a place to live, and sent the people back, everything was in order.

After dinner, he sent Mao Kangshan's family home to the subordinate courtyard, and Ge Jian did not return to the hotel until ten o'clock in the evening:

"Miss Xia, Teacher Mao is sincere to help. I think his son and daughter-in-law are not safe, so I just made my own way and asked about Teacher Mao's family affairs."

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "You did the right thing. When you came back so late, it seems that you found something useful?"

Ge Jian said about the situation he inquired about.

It turns out that Mao Kangshan and his wife have three sons and two daughters. Mao Guosheng is the youngest son, and there are two younger sisters under him.

Mao Kangshan devoted all his life to the field of architecture. The work of his sons and daughters is also related to architecture.

During the turbulent years, Mao Kangshan was accused by his disciples and sent to the bullpen.

Aunt Song didn't have a job anyway, so she followed Mao Kangshan to a cowshed in the countryside.

Mao Kangshan's eldest son stood firmly on his father's side and was the most implicated. Although he did not leave the bullpen, he was often criticized by listing. For emotional and physical reasons, the eldest son fell ill and died prematurely.

The second son does not work in a design institute, but a certain infrastructure unit. Where the infrastructure project is located, the second son of the Mao family will stay and work, so he also runs across the country and does not often stay in Hangzhou.

Not to mention the two daughters, Mao Guosheng just entered the work unit for the third year, when he encountered Mao Kangshan and was accused of delegating.

Mao Guosheng must have suffered some grievances in the provincial construction academy in those years.

When Mao Kangshan returned to the province to build a hospital and resume work, his favorite eldest son fell ill and died, and Mao Kangshan's firecracker temper seemed to be frightened.

Since then, Mao Kangshan has become a lonely person.

In the past, there was no contact between the births and the old, and even if he went to the door, he was coldly treated by Mao Kangshan.

Mao Guosheng thought that he would get promoted and make a fortune until his father returned to the city. Who knew that Mao Kangshan would not intervene in the management of the Provincial Academy of Construction.

"The people who built the Provincial Institute said that Teacher Mao’s daughter-in-law often said outside that Mao Guosheng was delayed by Teacher Mao, and that Teacher Mao owed Mao Guosheng, so Zheng Shuqin replaced the three rooms that the Provincial Institute was assigned to Teacher Mao. It seems that Confidently."

Xia Xiaolan snorted:

"Parents were born and raised, sent him to school, and let him work in the Provincial Construction Institute. Dare to love what he enjoys is not a good thing? Being pregnant is like pregnancy. If you are really talented, no one is blind. Others have already seen it."

After all, the ability is not hard enough.

His own EQ ability is not outstanding, and it will be wasted for many years.

Those who are hard enough are like Mao Kangshan. No matter how many people are offended, the Provincial Construction Institute does not want to re-employ Mao Kangshan.

According to Mao Kangshan’s qualifications, he must be assigned a three-bedroom and one-living house.

Even Xia Xiaolan, when I heard that Mao Kangshan wanted to accept her as an apprentice, even if Mao Kangshan also explained that it would be troublesome to be an apprentice to him, Xia Xiaolan didn't come home with a gift.

Mao Kangshan's talent is the kind of being locked in a small black room, it can shine and illuminate the dark room by itself!

It turned out that this was the situation in the Mao family. She could only inquire about the "heroic deeds" of Mao Kangshan in the circle before.

The master has something, the disciple will do it for you.

Teacher Mao was frustrated because of the death of his eldest son and the experience of the turbulent years. The younger daughter-in-law naturally believed that Teacher Mao owed Mao Guosheng and did not respect his in-laws, let alone filial piety.

Xia Xiaolan didn't bother to discipline her daughter-in-law for Mao Kangshan.

At the age of Zheng Shuqin, her temperament has been fixed, and Xia Xiaolan won't take that effort.

On the contrary, Mao Guosheng seemed to be able to rescue him, at least he was a little bit shameful.

Don’t you think you’re not lucky enough?

Xia Xiaolan wanted to see if that was the case.

If Zheng Shuqin followed to Pengcheng, there should be someone in front of Teacher Mao and Shimao who ran errands, and Xia Xiaolan might not be able to care about it when she was busy. Then give Mao Guosheng a chance to show his filial piety.

"Ge Jian, have you asked clearly who is the leader of the Provincial Construction Institute and which household does he live in?"

These messages must be clarified.

Ge Jian has also been trained, so he can do such things with ease.

"A deputy dean surnamed Zhong, who is in charge of the division of houses."

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "...then go find Dean Zhong, let's not talk about the house, first ask Mao Guosheng for a leave!"


Mao Guosheng was ignorant and ignorant of everything.

Zheng Shuqin asked him what Xia Xiaolan came from. Mao Guosheng was confused in the afternoon, so why did he tell his wife?

"I heard Xiaoxia and the old man talk about starting a company. The old man said that you don't need to worry about the qualifications and let Xiaoxia prepare the registered capital. Xiaoxia also said that things must be done before the National Day, and the old man agreed."

Start a company?

Zheng Shuqin pushed Mao Guosheng:

"It turned out to be like this! No wonder giving such a heavy gift, I said that there is no such filial apprentice, just asking the old man to do things! The old man doesn't know how to figure it out, and is willing to help people clear the relationship... Mao Guosheng, I heard It’s very profitable to start a company now. Your father has such a relationship. If he doesn't help you, he is going to help Xiaoxia. Isn't he dizzy?"

Mao Guosheng was also uncomfortable.

In fact, they were really told to quit their stable jobs and go out to do business. They couldn't touch the threshold and didn't have the courage.

But when Zheng Shuqin said this, it seemed that there was a chance to make a fortune and it was given to outsiders by Mao Kangshan.

Mao Guosheng’s discomfort did not last for long, Zheng Shuqin scolded him for nothing. He recalled a key point:

"Xia Xia said that he had prepared a registered capital of 1 million, and the old man helped her. Don't just blame the old man, let us take 1 million and sell the catty wheel. Can you get it out?"

Zheng Shuqin was dumbfounded.

1 million?

Her family has three children, let alone 1 million, even 10,000 yuan can't be paid out!

Zheng Shuqin's heart seemed to be scalded, and murmured:

"Can Xiaoxia have 1 million? Don't be fooled, old man!"

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