Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 983: :Tan Tan Xiaoxia's details (Add 46)

The most uncomfortable is Zheng Shuqin.

I really wanted to follow, Xia Xiaolan didn't wait to see her.

She watched the two taxis leave, her mouth hurts, her hands and feet hurt, her head hurts, and there was no pain in her whole body.

Aunt Song kept the doors and windows tight, and Zheng Shuqin couldn't afford to think of those good things that hadn't been distributed to anyone.

"I don't know if Guosheng listened to what I said..."

What did Zheng Shuqin say?

The core idea is to find out Xiao Xia's background, whether Xiao Xia has 1 million, and how much light can her own!

The secondary thought is that Mao Guosheng must walk in front of the other brothers and sisters. Xiaoxia's existence can be concealed for as long as he can, and he must not let other families gather for the benefit!

Zheng Shuqin is really shit, and everything is smelly.

If Mao Kangshan's other children are the same as Zheng Shuqin, there will only be calculations all day long. Wouldn't Mao Kangshan and Song Auntie be so sad that none of them will use them.

Then, how much did Mao Guosheng listen to his wife's instructions?

Anyway, when I got into the taxi arranged by Xia Xiaolan, Mao Guosheng was in charge of the following matters.

Follow Xia Xiaolan without worrying about everything.

The taxi was taken to the airport and then boarded the plane.

After getting off the plane, we arrived at Yangcheng Baiyun Airport. Xia Xiaolan still arranged the car, but didn't hurry up like urging her life. Taking into account the age of Mao Kangshan and Song Auntie, Xia Xiaolan asked everyone to stay in Yangcheng for one night.

After arriving at the hotel for a break, I first visited Yangcheng, and then felt the morning tea culture in Yangcheng, before taking the bus to Pengcheng.

The car drove past the barbed wire fence of Pengcheng and entered another world.

There are construction sites everywhere, Mao Guosheng's nose is stunned, here is simply a paradise for builders!

"Brother Mao is very interested in here?"

Xia Xiaolan's words seemed to have profound meaning, Mao Guosheng didn't hear it at all, and instead asked Xia Xiaolan:

"Xia Xia, you said it's true to start a company? You have to build your own house. Who do you build for?"

With so many construction companies, is it the turn of Xia Xiaolan to build a house for someone?

Mao Guosheng thought about this problem all the way.

He was startled by 1 million at first.

But Mao Guosheng is not so ignorant to work in the Provincial Construction Institute, at least he still has an understanding of the current situation of the industry.

Today's construction companies, like Huajian, are well-capitalized. Ordinary people listened to 1 million, which is a measure of public wealth with private money. 1 million may also build a dormitory building and have their own land.

Faced with Mao Guosheng’s problem, Xia Xiaolan just smiled:

"If Brother Mao is curious, look at it more. Forgive me for your question. You will know when our company is established."

Mao Guosheng was surprised, "Is it really your own company?"

Didn’t it mean that I was admitted to the Huaqing Architecture Department last year? No matter what Mao Guosheng thinks, Xia Xiaolan is about 20 years old. Her face was long and tender, saying that she was believed by some people when she was a teenager. Mao Guosheng guessed that she was 20 because Xia Xiaolan was very mature in speaking and doing things.

"Naturally it's my own company. Don't doubt this. How could I lie to the teacher and the teacher."

Mao Guosheng still wanted to ask, Aunt Song couldn't listen:

"Guo Sheng, you let Xiao Xia take a break, Xiao Xia has been taking care of us all the time, how do you talk like a prisoner..."

Mao Guosheng's EQ is really too low.

Even Song Auntie heard that Xia Xiaolan had reservations, but Mao Guosheng asked the bottom line.

That's Xiaoxia's profitable company, can you just say it casually?

People have to have their own face, not just because Xiaoxia is enthusiastic and easy to talk, just ask everything that should be asked or not.

Xia Xiaolan talked to Aunt Song intimately and affectionately.

When I arrived in Pengcheng, I heard that Xia Xiaolan really invited Mao Kangshan from "North Ningnan Mao" to Pengcheng, and also worshipped Mao Kangshan as a master. Liu Yong was very excited. Yuan Hui had hired two engineers before, with Liu Yongkai's high salary, and a little arrogant talent, and he didn't look down upon the local boss who was a farmer.

The indifferent boss has a relationship with Mao Kangshan, and both engineers are as good as their three grandsons.

Mao Kangshan went to the construction site of Nanhai Hotel for a round the next morning, and someone at Huajian recognized Mao Kangshan.

At this moment, Huajian's people are also very confused.

Yuanhui is a small company, relying on the thigh of Mayor Tang, the person in charge of Huajian does not look down upon Liu Yong.

How did Liu Yong get in touch with Mr. Mao Kangshan?

The people at Huajian were puzzled, but they didn't dare to gossiping anymore, and their attitude was not so arrogant. To know "Northern Ningnan Mao", Ning Yanfan opened his own studio after retiring. He used to be a person with the same dust. If the money is enough, it is possible to invite Teacher Ning to the construction site for advice. .

But Mao Kangshan's temper is equal to his reputation.

Ning Yanfan could be moved by paying, but Mao Kangshan could not be moved.

He might even be scolded by Mao Kangshan when he came to the door with money. It was thankless, and it was absolutely impossible for Mao Kangshan to come and go with Yuan Hui for money.

Then, Yuanhui must have something recognized by Mao Kangshan, and the people of Huajian put aside it contemptuously.

Yuan Hui may be more than just holding the thigh of Mayor Tang, but Mao Lao is a character who would rather bend than bend! Mayor Tang asked Mao Lao to stand up for the scene, maybe he would be scolded by Mao.

How did Liu Yong anticipate in advance that Mao Kangshan's coming to Pengcheng would still have such an effect.

Pulling his niece, Liu Yong was sighed with emotion:

"Xiaolan, you really have to study hard. Regardless of whether it is reform and opening up, no matter how much business people make money, people will talk about it. Only educated people will always be respected! You have to be educated, and you have to be as powerful as Mr. Mao. Cultural people!"

Xia Xiaolan felt that her uncle was about to cry.

I don't know how I was moved by myself.

As soon as Xia Xiaolan nodded, Mao Kangshan, who was walking in front, screamed in anger:

"Xia Xiaolan, what's the matter with you, you are young, and you want me as an old man to wait for you? Come here quickly, and you can tell me about this place!"

This is a respected cultural man.

When swearing, there is a reason...Mao Kangshan is really not Liu Yong deliberately invited to the Nanhai Hotel construction site to support the scene, once arrived in Pengcheng, Mao Kangshan did not care about other construction sites, that has nothing to do with him, the only concern is Xia Xiaolan leading the decoration The proposed Nanhai hotel project.

Xia Xiaolan ran over:

"Teacher, don't you understand?"

Mao Kangshan pointed to the top of the hotel, "What's going on there?"

Xia Xiaolan said, "Originally, Ning Lao's design was that the top and the middle were slightly higher than the two sides. Later, in order to match the effect of the infinity swimming pool, I changed this place..."

Xia Xiaolan wondered.

She already talked about this at the Jiangcheng seminar last time.

Mao Kangshan nodded solemnly.

Have been watching the changes on the roof.

How could Xia Xiaolan understand Mao Kangshan's complicated mood.

Can old people have comparisons?

They all talk about Beining and Nanmao, why should Ning Yanfan rank ahead of him? Mao Kangshan knew that he was not as smooth as Ning Yanfan.

He didn't envy the tortoise with a shrunken head. One day in the future, others would say "Nan Mao Bei Ning". He is old and he doesn't care about Ning Yanfan himself. But he has disciples, he can let disciples go!

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