Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 987: : Someone is so brazen (4 more)

Xia Xiaolan is more considerate than her son.

With this emotion, it is not only Mao Kangshan alone.

That's what Tang Hongen thought.

When Xia Xiaolan came back from Hangzhou, she had to bring him two boxes of local fruits and brought him a lot of tea.

West Lake Longjing is a famous tea, and Tang Hongen likes it very much.

The important thing is not how much money was spent, but he was remembered by Xia Xiaolan. It happened that his son Ji Jiangyuan was in Pengcheng, and Ji Jiangyuan never came to visit Tang Hongen once except to meet in formal occasions.

Tang Hongen knew that the relationship between father and son was unfamiliar, and Ji Ya and George couldn't hover around Pengcheng like Xiaoying. Ji Jiangyuan didn't see him because he avoided the dispute.

Why, Tang Hongen understands better than anyone.

But on the one hand, it was a courtesy to him for business affairs, and on the other hand, Xia Xiaolan brought him back from Hangzhou. Tang Hongen sighed like that.

Xia Xiaolan is more considerate than her own son. In the future, he and Afen will become a real family. To be honest, Mayor Tang Da, who holds a lot of power, is looking forward to that day.

It was Xia Xiaolan who delivered the things, but they didn't come.

After finally coming, Tang Hongen laughed: "I think you girl is busier than me. What are you doing? Xiao Wang didn't say you went to Hangzhou to apprentice. Why, you haven't been successful in apprenticeship?"

"Uncle Tang, how long have you known me, how could there be a master whom I can't worship? Besides, it was originally my teacher who looked at me as a genius of heaven and wanted to accept me as a closed disciple, so I went to Hangzhou again, naturally. Shunli Lee. Not only did I worship Mao Kangshan as my master, I also abducted my teacher to Pengcheng. These days, I just follow the teacher to study, so I don't have time to see you."

At this time, Xia Xiaolan was really energetic.

Tang Hongen was also happy to comment on her. Hearing that she had invited Mao Kangshan to Pengcheng, he saw Xia Xiaolan's determination:

"You are really anxious to engage in real estate development, do you have to do it now? You are usually in Beijing, and you don't have to go abroad to be an exchange student. How can you have the energy to take real estate into consideration... I can't be used to you, I have to give it to you To make it clear, building a house is a big deal, and it’s no better than decorating someone. If the decor is not good, we can start again, but the big deal is not making money. But the house is for people to live in. If someone buys a house, it’s a problem if they can’t live for a few years. Guarantee, your house will be well repaired!"

Tang Hongen's expression was serious, and Xia Xiaolan didn't dare to make a joke.

She knows better than anyone how bad the quality of the house is.

There is a problem with the underground parking lot. The wall of the house is cracked. In the news of later generations, there are owners at both ends of the day. The developer asks for an explanation. Xia Xiaolan used to be the owner. There was no problem with the house she bought. Of.

In another 30 years, how expensive is the house price in Pengcheng!

A house with a unit price of tens of thousands, with a total price of several million at every turn, would cost tens of millions of large units, and even Xia Xiaolan's income would be a large sum.

Ordinary people want to buy a house, not only to empty their homes, but also the savings of their parents on both sides, commonly known as "six wallets."

Xia Xiaolan wants to be a developer, not a black-hearted developer, so naturally she will not make the mistakes mentioned by Tang Hongen. What she has always wanted to do is brand. Whether she sells clothes, building materials, or houses, the most important thing is word of mouth.

"Uncle Tang, don't worry, if I'm not sure, I won't do it myself. I can still come over on weekends. Besides, I am not alone now. With teachers, I will also have fellow brothers and sisters, and houses. How to repair, I will find reliable people to help. Regardless of whether the house is sold to Hong Kong people or mainlanders, we are all Chinese and compatriots. I can’t swindle their hard-earned money when others spend their savings to buy a house."

Xia Xiaolan dared to make this military order.

There is something wrong with the house, Tang Hongen can ask her to settle the account.

To make money, she relies on her eyes to rely on good projects, and can make money upright, why should she make black-hearted money?

Tang Hongen’s complexion slowed down: "I believe you have a sense of measure. Although I don’t support you in real estate business so early, you obviously have an idea. Xiaopeng said you want the land around Xiangmi Lake, and you know Harold wants it. He bought 2500 acres of land, and basically picked all the good land around Xiangmi Lake. The rest is leftovers, and his investment has raised the price of that piece of land. Even if I am the mayor, the city government does not Will sell you the land cheaply."

Xia Xiaolan, this is the first to open Pengcheng!

Now the land sold in Pengcheng, or “lease” is more appropriate. Most of the land leased in Pengcheng is acquired by foreign capital.

Not foreign capital, but also Hong Kong businessmen.

Or it is a joint venture project.

No matter how bad it is, it is also the administrative allocation of state-owned units.

There is no precedent in Pengcheng for people like Xia Xiaolan who want to buy land and build houses for sale in the name of a private company.

Liu Tianquan used to engage in real estate in Pengcheng, but he did not dare to mention commercial housing.

What Xia Xiaolan wants to do is a real commercial house.

It was only in Pengcheng that Tang Hongen dared to let Xia Xiaolan set the stage. Last year, Tang Hongen had already discussed the Pengcheng housing reform with the leaders above.

Perhaps it is more suitable for Xia Xiaolan to open this hole than others.

Tang Hongen still trusted Xia Xiaolan more than others.

When Xia Xiaolan heard that the land was expensive, she frowned:

"Uncle Tang, you have to know that my family has a poor foundation. If the price of land is too expensive, I really can't afford it... Can you tell me how much land Harold paid for an acre?"

Tang Hongen gave her a white look:

"People are foreign guests, and the land is U.S. dollars. Earning foreign exchange has always been the focus of our work. His project is fully rolled out, and it can also provide jobs for the people of Pengcheng. You give money in Chinese currency. Can it be compared?"

What's more, most of the land that Harold wants is for sports.

The land price of sports land is lower than that of residential land, after all, the age is shorter.

Harold finally agreed that the city government adjusted the number of years. After some bargaining between the two parties, Harold made concessions on the number of years, and the city government agreed to increase the proportion of residential land.

Xia Xiaolan repaired the house next to the land that Harold bought, in order to take advantage of Harold's golf course.

Tang Hongen is also worried that the cheaper will be taken advantage of. In this way, the projects of Xia Xiaolan and Harold are in competition.

With the investment of tens of millions of dollars, Xia Xiaolan wrinkled her face with sorrow for millions of Chinese dollars. When the two collided together, could they compete? Tang Hongen said his worries, Xia Xiaolan laughed:

"So I'm in a hurry. When Mr. Harold's project starts, I will also start work there. His project is large and the project is completed in stages. When he is half repaired, I will sell the house early! "

Secretary Peng just brought tea in. Hearing Xia Xiaolan's brazen words, she stumbled and almost threw both cups of tea out.

——There is such a shameless person in the world!

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