Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 992: : Diyong Jinsha (4 more)

Luo Yaozong peeed back into the village, full of alcohol.

His father was the village head, and he ran with the cadres above for a day today, talking about relocation from house to house.

Seeing Luo Yaozong coming home drunk, he was not angry:

"You thumped on the street, and you said that you couldn't get out of bed because of the pain, and you cried all day long, and now you ran to drink again. I gave birth to you, and it's really bad for the whole family!"

Luo Yaozong leaned forward, "Laodou, I'll bring you some water. Don't scold the street. If you scold too much, you really change into the street. Will you give the Luo family a succession?"

Luo Luogui laughed angrily by him.

Luo Yaozong really hit his father's death hole.

Luo Yaozong is incapable of disobeying discipline, just because it is a three-generation single pass of the Luo family.

Luo Yaozong and his wife gave birth to several children, all of them are girls, and only Luo Yaozong has a single seedling.

It's really a single pass for three generations.

Every time the cane was not up, Grandpa and Grandma Luo Yaozong jumped out to protect the calf. The village head of Luodegui was passed down from his family, and Mrs. Luo was not so confused when he was the village head, and he was considered a character. Now that he is confused, he knows to protect his sole grandson.

Luo Yaozong was really caught in the evil today. Not only did he pour water on Luo Luogui, but he also kept spinning around him.

The filial piety before and after the saddle, Luo Luogui's whole body was erected:

"Pushing on the street, did you get into trouble outside?"

Luo Yaozong's expression was unnatural, "Laodou, I'll drink alcohol with people obediently at noon, and make trouble!"

Luo Yaozong ignored him, and Luo Yaozong felt anxious when he thought of the task that the evil star had confided.

At this time, his grandfather called to him loudly, "Come in and have a drink with Grandpa and ignore your dad."

Luo Yaozong's eyes lit up.

Why does he have to ask his dad, isn't it clearer to ask his grandfather?

There are so many things at home now that his father is in charge.

Even in the village, his father can speak.

Luo Yaozong rushed into the house and didn't need to hide in front of his father. Anyway, his father spoiled him very much:

"Grandpa, the land in our village is all sold out. Why didn't I sell it at the smelly bamboo ditch? I walked there just now and I almost fell a lot!"

Mr. Luo's eyes were muddy and the person was drunk. It can be seen that Luo Yaozong's love to drink is actually an ancestral problem.

It's no wonder that the chief of Luo Lao Village always defends his grandson-to scold him for baa, this is the Luo family's seed! Village Chief Luo often tells his son Luo Yaozong that Luo Yaozong is sensible, and the males of the Luo family are sensible late, and one day they will be very sensible!

Hearing my dear grandson complaining, the old village chief Luo tried his best to open his drunken and muddy old eyes:

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not the smelly bamboo ditch, it's the treasure of the Luo family. Grandpa specially ordered your dad not to sell it. It is to be kept for you and passed on from generation to generation..."

Mr. Luo burped a drink.

Luo Yaozong licked his face, "Grandpa, tell me carefully, you tell me carefully, why is it a treasure?"

A stinky pool has become a treasure?

His father must have drunk too much.

Luo Yaozong thought of the charming but ferocious female evil star, and was eager to get the truth from his father.

He will be killed if he fails to complete the task!

Old Village Chief Luo chuckled, "The earth springs into the sand, do you think it's a treasure land?"

Luo Yaozong almost fell off the chair.

What? !

Earth springs in the sands!


There are golden sands in their village?

There was excitement on Luo Yaozong's face. If there is Jinsha, of course he can't sell it-no, his father and his father can make it a stinky bamboo ditch with Jinsha, and they have already taken someone to dig the sand.

Luo Yaozong wanted to ask carefully, his grandfather came up on the table and fell asleep on the table. He couldn't wake up at all.

Luo Yaozong's complexion changed. If there really is golden sand in the stinky bamboo ditch, the female evil star inquires about it, is she going to dig the golden sand of his Luo family?

Can't tell the truth about the female evil star.

Luo Yaozong thought about it.

Luo Luogui listened outside, not mad at all:

"Luo Yaozong, get out!"

The old man fell asleep, he had to clean up Luo Yaozong, or the evil anger in his heart couldn't vent.

But when he saw Luo Yaozong walked out, he was worried.

Luo Luogui knew that his son was indifferent, and after listening to the old man's nonsense, he might have to take someone to dig the stinky bamboo a stinky place, how could there be any golden sand.

Luo Luogui's temple twitched: "Don't listen to your father's nonsense. He was drunk when he was young and fell on the side of the smelly bamboo ditch. At that time, the water in the smelly bamboo ditch was still clean. Your father lay halfway in the pool. Su, I have to say that he saw Manchi Jinsha! Later he bought that piece of land and said he wanted to keep the Luo family's descendants!"

Before the establishment of the special zone, Pengcheng was a small place.

Before liberation, it was even more remote. Most of the people who lived here made a living by fishing, not much farming.

There is not much success in farming.

After the founding of the country, all the land was nationalized.

The stinky bamboo ditch became a place where the villagers took out rubbish.

Luo Yaozong listened intently, "Later, my father never dug into the sands?"

"After digging, the land was owned by the state. Until a few years ago, the land was divided into households, and the land was divided from the collective to each household. Your lord made the piece of Chouzhugou land into our family's private land!"

The old man is really capable, and he retired after getting the smelly bamboo ditch.

Luo's noble anger was also mad, the old man retired and he could only serve as the village chief. When he became the village chief, Chouzhugou was already the Luo family's private land.

What does the Luo family do for such a stinky place?

Other people’s private land can grow vegetables, and Luo’s private land is used for garbage!

Before the establishment of a special zone in Pengcheng, there were few people and more land, and land was the least valuable.

Every family gets a lot of land.

The Luo family has a very large population. There is only Luo Yaozong for males, but there are many females.

Therefore, a long and narrow area as large as Souzhugou, covering more than 20 acres, belong to the Luo family.

Luo Yaozong squatted, "So the smelly bamboo ditch is our home?"

It turned out not only from their village, but from the Luo family at all. Luo's family is naturally his Luo Yaozong's. Luo Yaozong's thoughts are natural. He is a three-generation single passer in the family, and everything is left to him. The sisters in the family have received this kind of education since they were young and will not compete with him.

Luo Yaozong's forehead rushed into blood:

"It's all my land? Why not sell it?!"

This time, the village wanted to sell homesteads and private plots, more than 20 acres of private plots, how much compensation would it have to pay?

Luo Luogui took a look at the room: "Your father said he wouldn't sell it. You know how many hands and feet I have done for this land! Your father said I want to keep it for you!"

Luo Luogui is also very depressed.

He spent a lot of effort to exclude the smelly bamboo ditch from more than 2,000 acres of land in the foreign business district.

Luo Luogui didn't know how much the government sold one mu per mu to foreign businessmen.

However, the villagers’ private plots and homesteads were occupied. One mu of private plot was given a compensation fee of 10,000 yuan. Seeing more than 200,000 yuan slip away from him, Luo Luogui was heartbroken.

More than 200,000!

Even if there are tall buildings everywhere in Pengcheng, the wages of foreign-funded factories are five or six times that of inland cities, and more than 200,000 is a very scary amount.

Luo Yaozong panted heavily.

His mind is full of his land, his money, his stinky bamboo ditch, and his land is full of golden sand!

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