Seeing Zhou Lanping like this, Liu Liang sat on top of the wooden bed again, and began to practice breathing exercises again, striving to practice it as soon as possible. People die of ease and hard work.

No matter how hard she is, she is not as hard as the woman outside.

She can only suffer a little bit more, and the woman outside may not be too hard.

The Restorative Exercise runs in the meridians of the body, like tearing her flesh and blood. It is good to go step by step, but she can't wait. At least ten years.

Thirty years later, when she was in her forties, the day lilies were all cold.

So, she can't wait.

The kind of pain that came from her body, like tearing flesh, became more and more severe, but for Liu Liang, she could definitely endure this pain, and she could still endure it if it hurt a little more.

It's not that she hasn't experienced pain, and even experienced more pain, so, for her, what can't she bear, what can't she bear?

A little bit of fine sweat oozes out from the top of her forehead, and the blood fades from her face little by little. When she opened her eyes again, the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water, but this Once she felt the surging vitality coming from all over her body.

She wiped the sweat from the top of her forehead with her sleeve, and then grinned. It turns out that you can only achieve the greatest progress by bearing the limits of your body. She is not afraid of limited qualifications. As long as she is not afraid of suffering, she believes that she will succeed again.

At this time, the alarm clock on the table has reached about one o'clock in the morning.

Liu Liang still hadn't slept. She took the clothes that she had put aside and started to sew and mend them back. She had been an ancient person, so let's not mention it. The needlework in this hand is quite good, but she didn't If you have studied embroidery carefully, otherwise, you may be able to become a king bomber with this shot.

However, even the fur she has learned is enough to deal with these clothes, and she has to organize these clothes before Monday. These clothes should be sold out after one or two sales. At that time, she could have a sum of money in her hand to buy what she wanted.

On the two days of the weekend, they were relatively peaceful. Zhou Lanping drove Liu Liang into the room and asked her to study and read. She provided three meals a day. She is such an adult, how can there be a day? Ask a twelve-year-old child to cook for her, and she just watches and waits to eat. Isn't she a waste?

And this is exactly what Liu Liang wants. There are many places to modify the clothes in that pile. She is worried that she has no time, and now she also spends all this time on the clothes. After all, the number of clothes is limited, so she can only Let these limited clothes turn into money for her.

Early in the morning on Monday, Zhou Lanping carried her cloth bag and went out refreshed. She greeted others from time to time, and she also touched the lunch box in her bag, and it was her daughter. The lunch box prepared for her is like a work of art. Whose child can cook such a beautiful meal with a child as small as her family's Liangliang, even if she doesn't study very well, it doesn't matter. Is everything occupied?

Her daughter doesn't need to be a talent, as long as she has a good life and a long life.

After she went out, all the people in the tube were almost gone. Liu Liang was carrying a sack and walked out the door. She walked very fast, almost like a gust of wind. is downstairs.

She carried the sack and walked to the station. When she got up, there were a few people in the car. She found a seat for herself in the back and sat down. It didn't take long before there were more people, and then I heard a slightly surprised voice.

"Little girl, it's you."

Liu Liang raised her face and looked forward.

Her pupils shrank slightly. It was the woman who was holding the child last time. Why, is the child still alive? But she didn't give the child a breath of nourishing breath. Although not much, it was enough to make the child's body slowly and strong. As the child grows, this breath will be more useful, although it cannot make him live longer. One hundred years old, but the body is bound to be much healthier than the average person.

Is it possible, it doesn't work?

Or is it that her breathing energy is useless and invalid here?

Before she could think about it, the woman holding the child kept talking, as if no one had spoken, and was eager to find someone to share with her.

"Little girl, do you know, I took my child to the hospital, the doctor said that my child is in good health, but he just has a cold, and he didn't even prescribe the medicine, so he asked him to go back and drink hot water for a few days, and then come over. Just recheck."

'He's in good spirits these past few days, he's very active in breastfeeding, and he's even called his mother. Everyone says he's a strong boy. He couldn't lift his head up before, but now he can crawl. Well, I took it to the health center and checked it first. They said it was all right, and the boy was in good health. "

"But I'm still worried. I'm going to take him to a big hospital to check again, so that I can really feel relieved."

The car was driving forward from time to time while the woman was talking, and the bumps on the road didn't affect her speaking speed at all. Liu Liang felt a lot of peace of mind when she heard that, as long as her breath of nourishment was effective, Then she will not have nothing in her life, and she will have the ability to support herself and her mother.

And the child in the woman's arms doesn't know whether it's in good health, can sleep, or really fell asleep, and has never woken up all the way. Zhang Xiao blushed, it's only been a few days, it seems that he has grown some flesh, and he is also more and more cute.

The car stopped, and when all the people in front got out of the car, Liu Liangcai came out carrying her snakeskin bag. She easily carried the bag and walked to the place where she set up the stall last time. , Because it was in a small corner, there was no one there. Originally, Liu Liang was worried, what should she do if her feng shui treasure land was taken up by someone?

But now it seems that she thinks more.

To her, this place may be a feng shui treasure, but to others, it is a corner that no one wants.

The snakeskin bag was placed on the ground, and there was a lot of dust splashing on the ground, so the bag was not as light as others had seen.

They all thought they could be carried by a little girl on their shoulders, and it shouldn't be too heavy. How strong can such a big little girl have? But in fact, this bag is very heavy, and the inside is also very pressed. After all, it should be about 100 pounds.

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