"It's 100,000 yuan. I heard that they got it together after they sold the house."

That Ji Xiaomei is just like a rich princess on weekdays. She looks down on this and that. The whole thing is, how many companies, how many houses, how much money does her family have?

The result is a fake.

Taking the hard-earned money of parents and pretending to be a princess in the school is simply a change.

Liu Lele was angry when she thought about it. The middle-aged couple looked much older than her parents. They knelt down and begged her for mercy, and she couldn't help crying.

"So you took their money?"

Liu Lele didn't even look at the hundred thousand on the table.

"Well, take it."

Liu Lele actually didn't want to take it yet. She was soft-hearted and couldn't stand the crying of others, but she remembered that the Jade Buddha was given by Liu Liang, so she took it with a ruthless heart.

Even if you kill them, they can't take it out.

Liu Lele pursed his mouth.

You can sell a house for 100,000 yuan, but you can't even get 1 million. Where can there be tens of millions?

Obviously the husband and wife are so honest, how did they give birth to such a capable daughter?

"You go back first and wait for me to check."

Liu Liang propped her chin up, but still felt that Liu Lele was too young and too naive. She could trust others so easily just by taking a slap in the face of others.

Among the thirty-six strategies, one is called the bitter meat strategy.

I don't know if Liu Lele was deceived by this bitter trick.

Liu Liang didn't really want to speculate on other people's intentions.

She asked Zeng Xubai to help her investigate the affairs of Ji Xiaomei's house. Since Zeng Xubai knew the principal, it would not be difficult to call up a student's file if he wanted to come, not to mention that the student still owes them so much money.

Sure enough, it was most suitable for Zeng Xubai to do this. After two days, Zeng Xubai found out what Liu Liang wanted to know.

"It really is."

Liu Liang heard what Zeng Xubai said, but she couldn't think of it. She still had a day when she was wrong. Could it be that her heart was too dark, so when she looked at things and people, she didn't realize it was adding a bit of complexity to it. .

I always feel that other people have ulterior motives and have ulterior motives.

I just forgot, in fact, there are many simple and honest people in this world.

As Liu Lele said, this Ji Xiaomei was a fake princess, but she was a student who knew how to study since she was a child, and was also a student who made her family proud.

In order to raise tuition fees and living expenses, the elderly in the family even sold the coffin board, which was enough for her tuition fees.

Ji Xiaomei is a person with extremely strong self-esteem. She may be used to the appearance of rich people in school. She doesn't want others to know that her family is poor and she has not paid the tuition. Instead, she applied for a student loan and gave her family to her. All her tuition fees are kept.

Using these for her own flowers, the cosmetics she uses are fakes, otherwise, how could it be useless to wipe them off? She pretends to be generous, but also pretends to be rich.

She also handed over a rich boyfriend, and asked that boy to pay her money and buy her things, no, she didn't just hand in one, she handed in several, stepped on several boats, and still all Not flipped.

Of course, she chooses all those who are easy to talk, honest, and have a good mirror. In this way, she will have endless money, delicious food, and good clothes to wear.

I have to say that in a certain way, this Ji Xiaomei is really a talent, and the boys who can coax him willingly spend money for her.

This is a good idea, and of course it is also a good calculation, but it is not used on the right path. If it is used on the right path, it can be said that people have a promising future.

Liu Liang sighed involuntarily.

"That's it?"

Zeng Xubai, who heard Liu Liang's sigh, seemed to understand what Liu Liang meant.

This is let go.

"How about otherwise?"

Liu Liang spread her hands, "Should her parents sell their blood and sell the house, or let her boyfriends pay them back?"

No matter how wrong the child is, in the eyes of the parents, they are all children and treasures. In the end, the one who sacrificed the daughter's life is not a faultless parent, just like Zhou Lanping in his previous life.

She's the kind of child who doesn't live up to her expectations.

But because no one taught her.

In fact, she's never been bad.

It's just that no one told her what was right or wrong. She stumbled over and listened the most. Later, Zeng Xubai said it. He didn't know if she could hear it, but she listened to everything. In the ear, from life to hear death.

So, what can she do?

Just like someone else forced her mother to death, could she really want to kill someone else's parents again?

Moreover, she gave the Jade Buddha to Liu Lele, and it belongs to Liu Lele. How to deal with it is also Liu Lele's business.

"Let her go and say they lost money."

Liu Liang pointed at the table with her finger. As for what the school said, let's go according to the normal procedures, but she thought that even if Ji Xiaomei was released, she would never come back.

It's hard for her to go back.

The princess who was stripped of her clothes was full of filth and ugliness in her heart. She was afraid that she would have no face to continue seeing people, not to mention that there were so many boyfriends who owed her feelings for her feelings, and she owed her money.

Whether it's love or money, nothing can be repaid.

As for the money, Liu Liang took out the 100,000 yuan from Liu Lele from the drawer. Since the money was here, she didn't want it, and kept it in the drawer of the table.

She counted it, and it was exactly one hundred thousand.

Well, give Liu Lele 60,000 yuan, which is her tuition and living expenses in the past few years.

In addition, Liu Liang thought about it again, giving her classmates 2,000 yuan per person, it would not be a loss for them to accompany Liu Lele to love.

As for the remaining 30,000 yuan.

"Brother Zeng, why don't we go buy some stones during the winter vacation? I'll get her another piece of imperial green and come back."

Among the stones in Liu Liangtun, there is everything, but there is no imperial green, so she still went to the next place, and then she tried to find a way to bet a piece back, and then carved a Buddha statue for Liu Lele.

"That's not something you can get back if you want to gamble."

Zeng Xubai patted Liu Liang's forehead, "Imperial green sometimes doesn't appear for a few years."

"How about cutting some out of my piece?"

Zeng Xubai still felt that it would be simpler to cut a little from the piece in his hand. Although some perfections were destroyed, the flaws did not hide the flaws.

"not good."

Liu Liang didn't want to cut a knife in the past. For those who love jade, jade is life and heart, and a cut is a knife on Zeng Xubai's heart.

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