As for when she will be able to forgive, she can't tell. If it is fast, it may take a few months, but if it is slow, it will take several years. Anyway, she feels that a few months are impossible, and a few years are almost the same.

"You can think of a way."

Cheng Bin twitched the corners of his mouth, my son's EQ is a bit low.

Liu Liang pointed to herself, why did she want her to think, she was just a cheap younger sister, and she was still kissing my father and my grandparents.

"You can't look at your own brother as a bachelor. If he can't marry a wife in the future, you will give birth to your brother in the future."

Cheng Bin folded his legs, the ball was really far away, as if Fang Yuan was not his cub.

Liu Liang didn't even want to roll her eyes, this is a bit far.

Why are they all looking for her, she is not a matchmaker.

"Who told you to be a brother."

Cheng Bin sighed, his brother didn't help, what kind of sister are you?

"You're still his own father!" Liu Liang stood up and left, afraid that she couldn't help smashing the table as soon as she sat down. Although Cheng Bin was a bit of a slapper, she still dared to make trouble in front of Cheng Bin.

This is her mother's man. No matter what she does, she still wants to give her mother some face, so no one can beat her, scold her, and of course she can't pinch her. When Mom came back, she knew that her man was beaten, but she didn't hate her to death.

This unfilial girl, she is not right.

Okay, dear brother, dear brother, she will find a way, no matter how low her EQ is, she is not stupid, she can finally marry a wife and have a child.

When Liu Liang returned to her yard, Fang Yuan was still fiddling with those machines, and his hair was sticking to his scalp one by one. Although it was not very good, it was a bit ridiculous, but it was No more scouring the hair on my head.

The ginger water pipe doesn't work, I don't know now, but the love of some people works, at least it can keep the hair left on his head.

When Zeng Xubai came back, he saw that there were things in the yard, but it was still covered with tarpaulins. As for who it was, he didn't open it to see, and the weather at this time was overcast, even in the wind. Is with some significant moisture.

The weather forecast said that there will be heavy rain today, and it should be about to fall.

And at night, it really rained heavily. When the rain hit the glass, you could clearly hear the sound of the rain dripping down. Although they didn't go out to see it, they knew that the rain might Much bigger than they imagined.

And the rain continued like this, and it stopped until it was almost dawn.

When Liu Liang woke up early in the morning, it was sunny outside.

It is bright.

Liu Liang sat up and hurriedly slumped over to the window. Sure enough, the sky was clear, the sun was rising, and the weather was warm. It was also because of the rain, so the air was very fresh, although It is said that there is still that kind of water vapor floating in the air, but it does not seem to have a bit of dampness.

The weather in the north, even if it rains, will not be much wet.

"woke up?"

Zeng Xubai came in from outside, just to know if Liu Liang was awake?

She didn't know what happened last night. She had been tossing and turning uneasy all the time, and she slept well in the second half of the night.

"What's wrong, is this something you're thinking about, or is your body uncomfortable?"

"Hey, didn't you go out?"

Liu Liang jumped directly into Zeng Xubai's arms, and gave him a loving hug. She didn't go out every morning and only came back in the evening. What happened today? She didn't go out, and she even hugged him and kissed him. .

"You are not resting, I will accompany you for a day."

Zeng Xubai smiled and touched Liu Liang's short hair. After taking care of it like this, it still looks pretty good. Of course, Liu Liang likes it the most.

After Liu Liang came back, she has been busy all the time. She finally got a vacation, but she couldn't waste it. As for his affairs, no matter how he thought about it, he still had a way to think about it.

"very nice."

Liu Liang felt more and more that she had picked a good husband for herself. She even remembered her holidays clearly, not to mention her birthday.

It can only be said that a man does not take you to heart, and it can be seen from these details.

"Where are you going today?"

Zeng Xubai was left by Liu Liang today. They drove. She could go anywhere she wanted, but she was a little tight, otherwise she could go further afield. Liu Liang's work is actually quite boring, so she also needs to go out properly. Relax, otherwise it may really affect her future work status. This is also called the combination of work and rest.

Of course, this is not what Zeng Xubai thought, but what Liu Liang said.

"We're not going anywhere."

Liu Liang was thinking about what she was going to do today, and she had already made arrangements.


Zeng Xubai didn't understand and didn't go anywhere, did that mean?

Just staying at home, eating and sleeping, this is not Liu Liang's style, Liu Liang still likes to wave outside.

"You'll know in a while."

Rong Liuliang first sold out. We went to eat first, and then we were ready to start work.

Liu Liang stretched her waist and had to eat the food first, because for a while, they all had to do physical work.

Although Zeng Xubai still didn't understand, he agreed with what Liu Liang said.

"Eat first."

After several people had finished eating, Zeng Xubai and Fang Yuan did not go out.

Fang Yuan was asked by Liu Liang to stay at home, and he was not going anywhere today, so he got up early in the morning and stayed at home the whole time. Of course, he didn't go to scratch his hair anymore. He smelled a strong ginger smell from him.

You don't have to think about it, you know that the only thing that can make him hold back from scratching his hair is the ginger water of Baixiangru brand.

After the meal was over, several people were eagerly waiting for Liu Liang, and they didn't know what Liu Liang was going to do. What was she doing so mysteriously?

"Change clothes and start work."

Liu Liang dragged Zeng Xubai into the room, and let Fang Yuan sit there with his head tilted for a long time, thinking about it, but she didn't know what the hell Liu Liang was going to do?

And change clothes, what clothes to change, and start work, what kind of work do you start?

When Liu Liang and Zeng Xubai came out, they didn't know where they found a set of old clothes and put them on. They were still made of coarse cloth. They were very durable and strong, even waterproof. The apron was also worn.

"Aren't you going to change?"

Liu Liang asked Fang Yuan, just wearing this suit, how will he move bricks for a while?

"No change."

Fang Yuan hurriedly shook his head, he didn't change it anyway, even if he was killed, no one would want him to look so ugly.

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