Liu Liang was in a really bad mood in the morning. Everyone knows it. Women are in a very bad mood for a few days a month. Of course, don't mess with them.

I can't be bothered, I have to hide

But by noon, she was a little happy, no, she couldn't say she was happy, she could only say that she was relaxed, so her face was a little better.

Because the dean just arranged an operation for her today, if there is no emergency patient to join in, it can be said that she should be relaxed today.

"Doctor Liu," Xiao Wu knocked on the door, and people followed him in. "That Ni Pingyuan has just been transferred to the general ward."

"How are people?"

Liu Liang sat up straight, but she was still lazy, and now she has nothing to do, so she should be able to rest today.

Of course, the gloomy face in the morning was starting to clear up little by little now.

"It's not bad," Xiao Wu took out the case records, "the body temperature and blood pressure are normal. I woke up last night and my consciousness was relatively clear. Although I was only awake for less than five minutes, I could still express my feelings clearly. mean."

So it should be better than they thought.

And there are very few patients with craniotomy who can wake up so early and have a clear mind. This is a good start.

"I'll go take a look later," Liu Liang stood up, but her stomach was still a little uncomfortable.

She patted her belly.

is really uncomfortable.

She picked up the water from the table, originally wanting to drink it, but when she touched the water glass, it was a little cold. If it had been placed before, she would have drank all the water, but this time, she put down the glass, too. Went to the water dispenser on the side and picked up some hot water.

After drinking it one by one, I felt that my stomach felt a lot more comfortable, and then I went over to see Ni Pingyuan.

In one of the wards, the hospital is still taking good care of Ni Pingyuan. There is only Ni Pingyuan here, but there are two wards. The child sleeps on the other bed, and the woman is finally free. hand.

And when she saw Liu Liang, she quickly stood up. Yesterday, her face was as pale as earth. Today, she finally has some more color, and of course she has some spirit.

Dr. Liu.

Liu Liang gave her a slight nod, and her voice became warmer.

"Is there enough milk powder for the child, and if it is not enough, she will ask people to buy it later."


The woman bowed her head embarrassedly, so she could only look at her toes. She only ate two meals. This packet is enough for the child to eat for half a month, so it is really enough.

That's good. Liu Liang walked to the patient. She raised her hand and carefully placed it on the man's wrapped head. Naturally, her head was still a little swollen, but it was much better than yesterday, and the swelling was gone. This is a good thing, which means that Ni Pingyuan is recovering a little bit now. Although the recovery is not fast, it is already a good start.

Liu Liang moved this operation. She naturally knew what went wrong with Ni Pingyuan. As long as it was confirmed that there was no major intracranial hemorrhage, and the follow-up medicines kept up, then the recovery was only a matter of time.

She didn't use the instrument to check, just rely on her own hands to know how much Ni Pingyuan has recovered now?

When she removed her hand, her expression became lighter than before.

He has been recovering, and his condition has eased.

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