"Don't eat?"

Zeng Xubai said that he was about to take back the skewer he was holding.

"Eat, of course."

Liu Liang grabbed the skewer of barbecued meat from his hand. It was too slow to eat, and she didn't turn her into a squirrel or a goldfish.

"You said, where did Xu Jiajia get the confidence to think that a single Wu Sijing can kill me?"

Liu Liang found a comfortable position for herself, hugged a pillow, put it on Zeng Xubai, and continued to eat barbecue.

"I'm not even afraid of her grandfather, how can I be afraid of a granddaughter?"

"Didn't you get knocked down last time?"

Zeng Xubai unceremoniously exposed Liu Liang's bottom.

Liu Liang "..."

Can you forget about the last time, she was embarrassed.

Well, she narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and it seemed that she still had to get up from where she was about to fall, otherwise, she would not continue to eat this loss.

Even if she came, she would have to find someone else to save her.

"I want it," Liu Liang stretched out her hand again and asked for barbecue. Zeng Xubai had her bad barbecue in there. She remembered that there were more than a dozen skewers.

"Eat later."

Zeng Xubai flicked her forehead.

"This is meat, be careful to eat too much, it will not digest."

Liu Liang touched her chubby belly, which seemed to be the same. She didn't pay attention just now, as if she ate a little too much all of a sudden.

When she looked at her hand again, she felt a little disgusted all of a sudden.

"Why so much oil?"

And when she saw Zeng Xubai's clothes again, she was also covered in oil. The two of them were like they were scooped up from an oil barrel. Not only was there oil all over her body, but even her body was covered in oil. The smell of grilled meat.

When I ate it by myself just now, it felt very fragrant, but now it is extremely sour.

Her image of Dr. Liu was completely lost because of a few skewers of barbecue, and she collapsed her head weakly.

The image is gone forever, what to do?

Zeng Xubai hugged her, and then kissed her greasy face.

"It's okay, I don't dislike you, no matter what you become, I won't dislike you."

"I don't dislike you either."

Liu Liang grabbed Zeng Xubai's clothes and face from time to time with her hands. She also rubbed the barbecue smell from her body and rubbed it on him. Look, they all smell like barbecue now, so no one will dislike it. Who.

It was just that suddenly, her heart was a little sad.

She knew that he would not despise her, and would never despise her for the rest of her life.

In her last life, she was so ill, she was skinny, and she couldn't get out of bed. People who were sick for a long time had a strange smell on their bodies. Everyone hated her, even the nurses were the same. The kind of disgust that could be read in his eyes, even with pity and sympathy, he still disliked her filth, her stinky smell.

He who shampooed her hair, wiped her body, picked up feces and urinated was not a relative, more than a relative, not a lover, just like a lover.

She looks like a man who never abandons her. She is so healthy, so beautiful, and has a good temperament. Well, only for Zeng Xubai, he will naturally not dislike her.

And in her life, Liu Liang will never let herself become like in her previous life. She will take good care of her body and will no longer implicate her relatives and lovers. She will live a good, healthy life. .

"All right."

Zeng Xubai patted her shoulder soothingly, "You can eat it if you want."

"Don't eat it," Liu Liang bit Zeng Xubai's face, "You're better."

If you have something to do, just lift it up, who asked this to be your own kissing husband.

Of course, if anyone hits her husband's mind, let's see if she doesn't kill him.

Meimei slept well. The next day, the two of them went to Ming Street again. After they had eaten their stomachs, they went to a farther place. After shopping for a day, they would not come back at night.

They were very happy to go shopping here. The scenery here is special. In addition, the scenery is in the heart, and the people are also in the heart, so every day is very good, very happy, and very sufficient.

But the two who had been trying to find trouble were not so happy.

I don't know if it's their good luck or bad luck. Every time they come, it happens that Liu Liang and Zeng Xubai are going out. After Liu Liang and Zeng Xubai come back, they stay in the hotel all the time.

Let's not talk about people talking in the hotel, because their performance in the hotel a few days ago, the staff in the hotel are still fresh in the memory, although they really didn't destroy anything, but their fighting power is there. So as long as the two of them come over, someone will definitely follow, even if they really want to do something, it is impossible to have a chance.

Even if Wu Sijing is a member of the Xuanmen, it is impossible for him to attack people in full view.

No matter how she is a member of the Xuanmen, she still has to teach the law. If she kills in secret, it will be fine if no one else can find out. If she dares to kill directly, even Wu Xing will not be able to save her.

So the two of them are looking for opportunities now, but this opportunity is too hard to find. After a few days, the tempers of the two of them have become more and more irritable, especially these few days, nothing has been accomplished.

Not to mention wasted time, even temper is wasted.

It was not until the day before Fengchuan Dark Street that they finally found an opportunity. Of course, this was also an opportunity given to them by God, but they didn't know that this was the only chance.

But such an opportunity, when Wu Sijing remembered it later, was filled with endless regrets. Of course, these regrets were brought by Wu Sijing himself and had nothing to do with people.

"Are you full?"

Zeng Xubai took a tissue and wiped Liu Liang's face. In the past few days, Liu Liang is obviously much more cheerful than before, and she also looks like such an old girl. Maybe some colleges haven't graduated yet.

However, she is already a serious chief surgeon. With the addition of awesome titles and abilities, she lacks the vigor that she should be able to at this age, all of which make others think that her temperament is born like this.

In fact, it is impossible to be born like this, but it is forced.

Fortunately, now hers has finally regained some lightness and brightness, so that's good.

Liu Liang touched her belly.

"Well, I'm full."

Not only is he full, but he also eats very little. "Tomorrow is the day when Fengchuan Dark Street will open. The weather forecast says that there will be no rain tomorrow, so we can see the whole picture of Fengchuan Dark Street again. I will take you to eat inside. Good things can't be bought outside."

"Well," she thought for a while, "you buy me more, and I want to eat more in the future."

The food there is delicious, but unfortunately it is only for one day, and there is almost nothing that can be stored for a long time. Even some snacks and pastries cannot be stored for a long time, so the most is to eat more on that day, but it is impossible to bring. Come out, but this time is different, Zeng Xubai has a ring space that can be kept fresh for a period of time.

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